Author: Aaron Chin

The Bible does not take one single view on tradition, but rather presents a nuanced perspective. On one hand, traditions can be beneficial for passing on truth and wisdom. On the other, traditions can also lead people astray from God’s commands. As Christians, we are called to exercise discernment in holding fast to that which is good while rejecting what is not in line with Scripture. First, the Bible affirms that many traditions are good and useful. The words “tradition” or “traditions” are used in a positive sense in several passages: – In 2 Thessalonians 2:15, Paul encourages the church…

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The year AD 70 was a pivotal year in biblical history. It marked the fulfillment of several major prophecies about the destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple. Here are some of the key prophecies that came to pass in AD 70: The Destruction of the Temple One of the most significant events of AD 70 was the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Jesus had prophesied this destruction decades earlier: “Jesus left the temple and was going away, when his disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the temple. But he answered them, “You see…

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A reviler in the Bible refers to someone who uses abusive, contemptuous, or insulting language toward others. The act of reviling involves speaking in a reproachful, scornful, or contemptuous manner that intentionally causes emotional harm or offense. Several verses in Scripture address reviling and condemn it as sinful behavior that is displeasing to God. Definitions of Reviling The Hebrew word translated as “revile” or “reviling” in the Old Testament is חָרַף (charaph). It means to taunt, defy, or dishonor through reproachful or insulting speech. The Greek word translated as “reviler” in the New Testament is λοίδορος (loidoros), which refers to…

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The Moravian Church, also known as the Unitas Fratrum or Unity of the Brethren, is a Protestant Christian denomination with roots in the Czech Reformation. The church’s heritage began in 1457 in Bohemia, which is the modern-day Czech Republic. The Moravian Church places emphasis on Christian living, liturgy, missions, music, religious education, spiritual formation and ecumenism. The Moravian Church emerged out of the teachings and reforms led by Jan Hus in Bohemia in the early 15th century. Hus, a Catholic priest and scholar, called for reform in the Catholic Church and questioned some of its doctrines and practices. He was…

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Chabad Lubavitch is an Orthodox Hasidic Jewish movement that originated in Russia in the 18th century. The name “Chabad” comes from the Hebrew initials of three core mystical attributes in Kabbalah: Chochmah (Wisdom), Bina (Understanding) and Da’at (Knowledge). “Lubavitch” refers to the Russian town where the movement was based for over a century. Some of the key beliefs and practices of Chabad Lubavitch include: Hasidic Movement Chabad Lubavitch is a sect within Hasidic Judaism, a mystical Jewish movement that arose in the 18th century emphasizing joy, prayer, mysticism and devotion to God. The founder of Hasidism was Rabbi Israel Baal…

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Gilgal is an important place in the Bible, especially in relation to the Israelites entering and conquering the Promised Land after their exodus from Egypt. The name Gilgal means “circle of stones” and it was located just east of Jericho. Here are some key events and themes related to Gilgal in the Bible: Circumcision at Gilgal After crossing the Jordan River into the Promised Land, Joshua commanded that all the Israelite males who had been born in the wilderness needed to be circumcised. This was because circumcision had been neglected during the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. Gilgal…

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The concept of the “Great Architect of the Universe” (GAOTU) is central to Freemasonry, but its relationship to the God of the Bible is complex and debated. On the surface, the GAOTU seems similar to the Judeo-Christian God, but there are key differences that must be examined. This approximately 9000 word article will analyze what the Bible teaches about God and compare it to the GAOTU to determine if they refer to the same divine being. The Nature of God in the Bible The Bible contains extensive revelation about the nature and character of God. According to Scripture, there is…

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Envy and jealousy are two words that are often used interchangeably in everyday language. However, the Bible makes some distinctions between these two attitudes of the heart. Understanding the differences can give us insight into how to avoid falling into these sinful traps. Definitions Let’s start with some basic definitions from a biblical perspective: Envy – Wanting something that someone else has. Being discontented with your current situation because someone else has what you desire. Jealousy – The fear that something or someone you possess will be taken away by another person. It is a form of covetousness. Essentially, envy…

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The question of whether the biblical condemnations of homosexuality are actually referring to pedophilia is a complex one that requires looking carefully at the cultural context and original language used in key biblical passages. There are a variety of perspectives among Christians on this issue. Here is an overview of the key considerations: The story of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19) The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19 is often cited as an example of God’s condemnation of homosexuality. However, some argue the real sin being condemned was the attempted gang rape and violence toward the angelic visitors,…

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When a pastor leaves a church, it can be a challenging and uncertain time for the congregation. The departure may be due to retirement, illness, conflict, a new call from God, or any number of other reasons. Whatever the cause, the loss of a pastor inevitably leaves a gaping hole in the church body. Fear, anxiety and sadness often sweep in along with questions about the church’s future. Will the church survive? How will the congregation manage during the transition? How will we find the right new pastor? Yet while these reactions are normal, Scripture offers hope, wisdom and guidance…

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