Author: Aaron Chin

Judaism has evolved into several distinct branches over the centuries. Here is an overview of the major Jewish sects that exist today: Orthodox Judaism Orthodox Judaism is the most traditional branch of Judaism, adhering closely to the interpretations and applications of Jewish law found in sacred texts like the Torah and Talmud. Orthodox Jews believe that the Torah, including the Written Law and Oral Law, was given directly from God to Moses on Mount Sinai and remains authoritative and immutable. Key beliefs include: Strict adherence to Jewish law and tradition, including keeping kosher, observing Shabbat, and following rituals. Men and…

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The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible contains several references to a creature called the “unicorn.” This has caused confusion for some readers, who wonder how a mythical creature could be mentioned in the Scriptures. However, the solution to this puzzle lies in understanding some key facts about the KJV translation and the original words behind these unicorn references. The Word “Unicorn” in the KJV The word “unicorn” appears in the KJV a total of 9 times, in the following verses: Numbers 23:22, Numbers 24:8, Deuteronomy 33:17, Job 39:9, Job 39:10, Psalms 22:21, Psalms 29:6, Psalms 92:10, Isaiah 34:7.…

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The Holy Spirit is mentioned frequently throughout the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments. Here is an overview of some key Bible passages that reveal the identity and work of the Holy Spirit: The Spirit of God in Creation The Holy Spirit was active at creation. Genesis 1:2 says “The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” This shows that the Spirit of God was present at the dawn of time. The Spirit Comes Upon God’s Servants…

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Thomas Aquinas was a Medieval Catholic philosopher and theologian who lived in the 13th century. He is considered one of the most influential Catholic thinkers and set the foundation for modern Catholic theology. Aquinas sought to use reason and logic to defend Christian theology and proposed five main arguments for the existence of God, known as the “Five Ways” or “Quinque Viae”. The Five Ways are philosophical arguments based on Aquinas’ interpretation of Aristotle’s metaphysics and natural theology. Each of the ways takes a feature of the natural world that Aquinas believed could not be explained except by the existence…

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Gratitude is a central theme in the Bible. God calls us to live with grateful and thankful hearts, recognizing all the good gifts He has given us. Here are some key Bible verses about gratitude and giving thanks: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 – Give thanks in all circumstances “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” This verse reminds us to be thankful not just when life is good but at all times, since God is with us in every situation. Even in the midst of suffering and trials, we can find…

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Who was Thomas in the Bible? Thomas was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. He is mentioned by name on several occasions in the Gospel of John in the New Testament. Here is a summary of the biblical account of Thomas’s life and ministry: Called to Follow Jesus The first mention of Thomas is in John 11:16, when Jesus decides to go to Judea to raise Lazarus from the dead, even though the Jews had recently tried to stone Him there. Thomas says to the other disciples, “Let us also go, that we may die with him.” This…

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The Bible has a fair amount to say about spying and eavesdropping. At the core, the act of spying on or eavesdropping on others is portrayed as a violation of privacy and something that erodes trust between people. However, there are some instances in the Bible where spying or covert information gathering is seen as justified for a greater purpose. Overall, the Bible promotes honesty, integrity and respect for others as guiding principles that should make spying unnecessary in most normal human relationships. Old Testament Examples and Teachings The Old Testament contains several examples of spying and covert information gathering.…

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The GOD’S WORD Translation (GW) is a modern English translation of the Bible produced by God’s Word to the Nations Bible Society. It was published in 1995 and aims to translate the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts into clear and natural English for the average reader. Some key features of the GW translation include: It uses a meaning-for-meaning (dynamic equivalence) translation philosophy rather than a word-for-word approach. The goal is to capture the original meaning of the text in natural, idiomatic English. It uses simpler vocabulary and sentence structure compared to other translations like the NASB or ESV. The…

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When was Noah’s Flood? The story of Noah’s flood is one of the most well-known biblical narratives. According to the book of Genesis, God was grieved by the wickedness of mankind and decided to send a great flood to wipe out all life on earth, except for Noah and his family and the animals he took with him on the ark. Understanding when this flood occurred helps us place it in historical context. Dating the Flood Using Biblical Genealogies The Bible provides detailed genealogical records that allow us to date events back to the creation of Adam. Using the ages…

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The Bible has a lot to say about respect and how we should treat others. Showing respect for God, for ourselves, and for our fellow human beings is a core teaching throughout Scripture. Here is an overview of some of the key Bible verses and passages about respect: Respect for God The Bible is clear that we are to have utmost respect for God. He is our Creator, Savior, and Lord. We owe our very existence to Him. “You shall have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3 ESV) “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel…

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