Author: Aaron Chin

The equality of men and women in God’s eyes is a complex theological topic with different perspectives throughout Christian history. Here is a 9000 word examination of relevant biblical passages, themes, and scholarly viewpoints to help shed light on this important issue. Old Testament Perspectives In the Old Testament, there are examples that could be interpreted as supporting gender equality, while other passages seem to promote male leadership or headship. Here is an overview of some key texts and themes: Genesis 1-2 emphasizes that God created both man and woman in His image and gives them joint authority over creation.…

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Wicca is a modern pagan religion that draws upon a diverse set of ancient pagan beliefs and practices. The term “Wicca” was first publicly used in the 1950s by Gerald Gardner, a retired British civil servant who claimed to have learned the practices of Wicca from a secret coven of witches in southern England in the 1930s. Since then, Wicca has grown into an international movement with followers across the world. At its core, Wicca is a nature-based religion that revolves around honoring the divine masculine and feminine energies of the universe, personified as the Horned God and the Triple…

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Who is the False Prophet of the End Times? The Bible warns about a coming false prophet who will play a key role during the end times. This false prophet is described in the books of Revelation and Daniel. Based on Scripture, we can glean important details about the identity and activities of this false prophet. The book of Revelation describes the false prophet as the spiritual counterpart to the Antichrist. While the Antichrist wields political power, the false prophet promotes his agenda through religious deception. Revelation 13:11 states, “Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It…

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Joy is a central theme in the Bible that brings hope and comfort to Christians. Here is an overview of some of the key Bible verses about joy: Old Testament Verses on Joy The Old Testament often connects joy with praise and thanksgiving to God. Some examples include: 1 Chronicles 16:27 – Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy are in his dwelling place. This verse describes the joy found in God’s presence. As the psalmist worships God, he is filled with awe and joy. Nehemiah 8:10 – Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is…

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The topic of whether a wife should change her last name after marriage is one that has been debated for many years. Those in favor argue it is traditional and symbolic of the new union. Those opposed cite personal identity and equality as reasons to buck the practice. But what guidance does the Bible provide on the matter? While Scripture does not explicitly address the modern tradition of women adopting their husband’s surnames, there are some principles that can inform our understanding of the biblical position. 1. Marriage creates a new family unit Genesis 2:24 states that when a man…

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Idol worship has been a powerful temptation for humanity throughout history. Even in Biblical times, the people of Israel struggled with turning away from the one true God to worship idols made of wood, stone, and precious metals. Why does idol worship have such a strong allure? A close look at what the Bible says provides some answers. At its core, idol worship stems from a desire to be in control. When worshipping an invisible God who seems distant or silent, it can be tempting to create a “god” you can see, touch, and manipulate. Idols are predictable; they stay…

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The verse Romans 8:35 says “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?” This verse comes in the context of Paul’s letter to the Romans where he is reassuring believers that nothing can separate those who have faith in Christ from God’s love. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind this verse and what it tells us about God’s steadfast love and protection for His people. The Context of Romans 8 Romans chapter 8 comes after Paul has thoroughly laid out the doctrine…

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Living a victorious Christian life is the goal of every believer, but it can often seem out of reach amidst the struggles and trials of life. At its core, living victoriously means experiencing the abundant life that Jesus promised (John 10:10) – a life of joy, peace, purpose, and freedom, even in the midst of hardship. While there is no single formula or guaranteed path to live this way, Scripture points to several key components that enable believers to walk in victory. Developing an intimate relationship with God The foundational key to victorious Christian living is cultivating a deep, intimate…

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The term “Abraham’s bosom” is found only once in the Bible, in the story of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16:19-31. It refers to the place of comfort and blessing in the afterlife where Lazarus was after he died. In the parable, Lazarus was a poor beggar who suffered greatly during his life. When he died, he was carried by angels to Abraham’s side or bosom. The rich man also died and went to Hades, a place of torment. From Hades, the rich man could see Lazarus far away with Abraham. This illustrates that after death, there is…

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The word “Amen” is one of the most familiar and common words in the English language. It is used to conclude prayers, hymns, creeds, and other religious utterances. But do we really understand its meaning and significance? Let’s explore what the Bible teaches about this ubiquitous word. The Meaning and Origin of “Amen” The word “Amen” is derived from the Hebrew word “aman” which means “to confirm, support, or uphold.” It comes from the root word “emunah” meaning “faithfulness, trustworthiness.” When used at the end of a prayer, “amen” expresses affirmation and agreement with the words and sentiments uttered. By…

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