Author: Aaron Chin

The entertainment industry, including acting, is a challenging field for Christians to navigate. On one hand, acting and entertainment can be used for good purposes to bring joy, meaning, and thought-provoking stories to audiences. God gifted us with creativity and the ability to perform. However, the lure of fame, wealth, questionable content, and ungodly influences can also make this industry fraught with spiritual danger. What does the Bible say about acting and entertainment? Unfortunately, Scripture does not directly address careers in the arts and performance. However, there are some biblical principles we can apply when considering this field: 1. Be…

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Reaching someone who is caught up in a cult or false religion can seem like an impossible task. However, with prayer, wisdom, and gentleness, it is possible to share the true Gospel with them. Here are some tips for evangelizing to those in cults or false religions: Pray Continually First and foremost, we must bathe the whole process in prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Only God can open blinded eyes and free someone from spiritual bondage (2 Corinthians 4:4). Pray for opportunities to share, for the right words to say, for the cult member’s heart to be open and receptive, and…

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The Lutheran Church is a Protestant Christian denomination that traces its origins back to the 16th-century Reformation led by Martin Luther. Lutherans believe that the Bible is the sole source of divinely revealed knowledge and the only norm for Christian teachings. Some of the key beliefs of Lutherans include: Salvation by Grace Through Faith Lutherans believe that humanity is justified and saved from sin only by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and not by good works. Salvation comes through faith alone, without any human effort or merit (Ephesians 2:8-9). Good works are understood as the result and evidence…

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The Bible references many prophets throughout its pages, both major and minor. Determining the exact number depends on how one defines a “prophet” and which books are included in the biblical canon. Here is an overview of the major prophets and estimates for the total number of prophets in the Bible. The Major Prophets There are five books of the Bible traditionally categorized as “Major Prophets”: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. These books are grouped together because of their greater length and scope compared to the other prophetic books. Isaiah – The book bearing Isaiah’s name contains prophecies and…

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The Serenity Prayer is a popular prayer that focuses on seeking serenity, courage, and wisdom from God. Though commonly associated with Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs, it was originally written by the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr around 1932. The most well-known form of the prayer goes: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. This prayer eloquently captures how we can surrender outcomes to God’s will, while still having the courage to work towards positive change. It’s a prayer for balance -…

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The Nazirite vow was a special vow taken by certain people in the Bible to consecrate themselves to God for a period of time. The word “Nazirite” comes from the Hebrew word “nazir” meaning “consecrated” or “separated.” The Nazirite vow involved abstaining from wine and fermented drink, refraining from cutting one’s hair, and avoiding corpse contamination. The purpose was to devote oneself fully to the Lord during the duration of the vow. The Nazirite vow is first mentioned in the Old Testament book of Numbers chapter 6. The LORD told Moses, “Speak to the people of Israel and say to…

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Christian Science is a religious movement founded in the late 19th century by Mary Baker Eddy. It is based on Eddy’s interpretation of the Bible and her book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Some key beliefs and practices of Christian Science include: God Christian Science teaches that God is infinite Mind, universal Principle, the only reality. God is entirely good and spiritual, never material. Christian Science rejects the traditional Christian view of a personal, anthropomorphic God. Jesus Christ Jesus is seen as the Son of God and the Way-shower who demonstrated the Christ, or divine nature within…

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The phrase “write mercy and truth on the tablet of your heart” comes from Proverbs 3:3, which says “Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.” This verse is part of a larger passage in Proverbs 3 focused on wisdom, understanding, and following God’s commands. So what does it mean to “write mercy and truth” on our hearts? First, we should understand what “mercy and truth” refer to in the Bible. Mercy is compassion, forgiveness, and care for others. It is one of God’s key attributes, embodied perfectly…

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The Shriners, also known as Shriners International or Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, is a Masonic society that was established in 1870. Here is a 9000 word overview of what the Bible teaches about the Shriners organization: The Shriners organization has its roots in Freemasonry, which is an esoteric fraternal organization that arose during the Enlightenment era in Europe. There are elements of Freemasonry and its rituals/symbolism that some Christians view as being incompatible with Biblical teaching. For example, Masonic rituals involve swearing secret oaths and undergoing initiation rites, which some see as conflicting with…

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The question of whether Catholicism is a false religion is a complex one that cannot be easily answered in a single article. Here is a 9000 word examination of some of the key biblical issues that are often raised in relation to Catholic doctrine and practice: One major area of contention relates to the Catholic veneration of Mary and the saints. Critics argue that this amounts to idolatry, which is strictly forbidden in the Bible (Exodus 20:4-5). However, Catholics contend that they are not worshipping Mary or the saints, but merely asking for their intercession. They point to verses like…

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