Author: Aaron Chin

Throughout the gospels, there are numerous instances where Jesus heals people and tells them “Your faith has made you well” or some variation of that statement (Matthew 9:22, Mark 5:34, Luke 8:48, Luke 17:19, Luke 18:42). But what exactly did Jesus mean by this? Let’s explore the meaning behind these words. Faith in Jesus’ Power to Heal First and foremost, when Jesus told someone “Your faith has made you well,” He was referring to the person’s faith and trust in Jesus’ power to heal them. For example, in Mark 5 when Jesus heals the woman who had been bleeding for…

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The Bible teaches that God gave humans the ability to communicate through spoken and written language at creation. After the Tower of Babel, God supernaturally divided people by giving them different languages (Genesis 11:1-9). Since then, humanity has developed thousands of diverse languages and means of communication. While the Bible was originally written predominantly in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, it has now been translated into over 2,000 different languages. This allows people from all nations, tribes, and tongues to read God’s Word in their heart language (Acts 2:1-12; Revelation 5:9). Some of the major languages into which all or part…

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A blood covenant was an ancient ritual practiced in Biblical times to seal a solemn agreement or pact between two parties. The most well-known blood covenant in the Bible is found in Genesis 15, where God makes a covenant with Abram. The Significance of Blood Covenants In the ancient world, blood covenants were considered sacred and binding agreements, usually made between friends or allies. The shedding of blood and exchange of blood represented the commitment to lay down one’s life for the other if necessary. Blood covenants provided a means to formalize relationships and were sometimes used to inaugurate treaties…

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The question of whether God has a soul is an intriguing one that many people have pondered. As we explore what the Bible says about the nature of God, we can gain some insight into this mysterious question. First, it’s important to understand what is meant by the term “soul.” In the Bible, the word translated as soul often refers to the non-physical part of a human being. It is the essence of a person’s self-identity, thoughts, emotions, and will. The soul is distinguishable from the physical body and is eternal, living on after the body dies (Genesis 35:18, Matthew…

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Christians are often accused of being judgmental. This perception comes from several factors. First, the Bible does call followers of Jesus to discern between right and wrong and to point out sinful behaviors. However, the intent is not to condemn but to bring people to repentance and restoration through Christ’s love and forgiveness. Secondly, some Christians can come across as self-righteous when confronting sin issues, especially those of a sensitive nature, like sexual immorality. A haughty attitude goes against Jesus’ teachings on humility and grace. Lastly, hypocrisy among Christians fuels perceptions of judgmentalism. When believers rightly identify sin but don’t…

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Perseveration is the tendency to repeat thoughts, words, or actions. The Bible has much to say about perseverance and perseverating on godly things rather than ungodly ones. Though the word “perseverate” itself is not found in Scripture, the concepts certainly are. Persevering in Faith The Bible encourages believers to persevere and continue steadfastly in the faith. Hebrews 10:23 says, “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.” And James 1:2-4 states, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of…

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The Bible provides much insight into the meaning and nature of miracles. At its core, a miracle is an event that defies natural law and can only be explained as an act of God. Theologians typically define a miracle as a supernatural occurrence brought about by the power of God that marvels those who witness it. Miracles serve to demonstrate God’s authority over creation and reveal His glory and majesty. Throughout Scripture, we see miracles used for various divine purposes. God may use a miracle to authenticate a messenger or message, provide deliverance, enact judgment, display love and mercy, or…

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The bottomless pit is mentioned several times in the book of Revelation in the Bible. One key passage that describes this pit is Revelation 9:1-12. In these verses, the bottomless pit is presented as a place of confinement for evil spirits and beings that will be released during the end times. The passage begins with a star falling from heaven to earth (likely representing a fallen angelic being) who is given the key to the bottomless pit (Revelation 9:1). When opened, smoke arises out of the pit and darkens the sun and air (Revelation 9:2). Then locust-like creatures emerge, with…

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Sacerdotalism refers to a system of religious belief and practice that emphasizes the mediatory role of priests. The term comes from the Latin “sacerdos” meaning “priest.” In sacerdotalism, priests are seen as having a unique status as intermediaries between God and the laity. Some key aspects of sacerdotalism include: Emphasis on Priestly Status In sacerdotal systems, priests are set apart from the general population and accorded special respect and authority. Their office is believed to confer a sacred, semi-divine status on them. Priests undergo ordination rituals to mark their entry into the priesthood and they must adhere to certain purity…

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Psalm 23 is one of the most well-known and beloved psalms in the Bible. In verse 5, David writes, “You anoint my head with oil.” This verse comes after David has described God as his shepherd who provides for him, guides him, and protects him. So what is the significance of this statement about anointing his head with oil? There are a few important things to understand about anointing oil in the ancient Israelite context. First, olive oil was used to anoint kings, priests, and prophets to set them apart for service to God. The anointing ceremony represented God’s blessing…

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