Author: Aaron Chin

Even after we become Christians and receive salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, we still struggle with sin in our lives. Why is this? There are several reasons why believers continue to sin after being saved: We Still Have a Sin Nature When we place our faith in Christ, we are declared righteous before God and our sins are forgiven. However, we do not become instantly perfect. Though our spirit is made new in Christ, we still possess a sinful nature in our flesh that leads us into sin (Romans 7:14-25). Becoming a Christian does not eradicate our sinful tendencies…

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The city of Corinth in Greece played an important role in early Christianity. The Apostle Paul established a Christian community in Corinth around 50-51 AD during his second missionary journey. He stayed in Corinth for 18 months, preaching the gospel and establishing the church there (Acts 18:1-18). Paul later wrote two letters to the Corinthians that are included in the New Testament. These letters provide insight into the issues and challenges facing the early Corinthian church. History of the Church in Corinth Corinth was a major urban center in ancient Greece, located on the isthmus connecting mainland Greece with the…

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Being an effective witness for Christ in a world that does not know Him requires dedication, courage, and wisdom from above. As Christians, we are called to share the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ with those who do not yet believe (Matthew 28:19-20). Here are some biblically-based tips for reaching the lost with the gospel message: Pray Continually We cannot be effective witnesses without the empowerment and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel, for the words to speak, for receptive hearts in those who will hear the message, and for boldness to…

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What is the Lexham English Bible (LEB)? The Lexham English Bible (LEB) is a relatively new English translation of the Bible, first published in 2012 by Logos Bible Software. The LEB was created using the latest advances in biblical language tools and scholarship to produce a highly accurate and literal translation. Here are some key things to know about the Lexham English Bible: Origins and Translation Philosophy The LEB was conceived and initiated by Logos Bible Software. A team of leading biblical scholars was assembled to work on the translation, including editors and translators with expertise in the biblical languages.…

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Faith working through love is central to the Christian life. The verse in Galatians 5:6 states, “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.” This verse teaches an important truth – that it is ultimately faith expressing itself through love that matters most. But why is this kind of faith so significant and powerful? Let’s explore several key reasons. 1. It reflects the character and nature of God The God of the Bible is often described as loving (1 John 4:8), merciful (Ephesians 2:4), and full of grace (John 1:14). His…

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The story of the woman at the well, recorded in John 4:1-42, is rich with lessons we can apply to our own lives today. Though the woman came from a very different cultural context than our own, her encounter with Jesus speaks to the universal human needs for love, acceptance, meaning, and redemption. Here are some key lessons we can take away from this passage: 1. Jesus offers living water that truly satisfies When Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well, He offered her “living water” that would forever quench her spiritual thirst (John 4:10, 13-14). Though the woman…

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The story of Queen Vashti’s refusal to appear before King Xerxes is found in the first chapter of the book of Esther. Here is a summary of the key details: – King Xerxes was ruling over the Persian Empire and held a lavish banquet in his third year as king. This banquet lasted 180 days and was meant to showcase the glory and wealth of Xerxes’ kingdom. – On the seventh day of the banquet, when King Xerxes was “merry with wine,” he commanded his seven eunuchs to bring Queen Vashti before him, wearing her royal crown, in order to…

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The Bible does not explicitly state whether Esther had sexual relations with King Xerxes before they were married. However, there are some clues that point to the possibility that their relationship was not completely chaste prior to marriage. Esther was one of many young women taken into King Xerxes’ harem as potential queen candidates after he deposed Queen Vashti (Esther 2:1-4). As part of the king’s harem, it is likely that Esther was expected to make herself sexually available to the king, as this was a common practice in ancient royal harems. However, the Bible does not provide any clear…

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The question of whether God’s love is reckless is an important one for Christians to consider. At first glance, the idea of a reckless love from God may seem counterintuitive. After all, God is perfectly holy, righteous, and just. However, a deeper examination of Scripture reveals that there is indeed a radical, extravagant, and even reckless dimension to God’s love for humanity. In the Bible, the central demonstration of God’s love is seen in the giving of His Son Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of the world (John 3:16). This seems foolish and reckless to the…

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Law enforcement and the police play an important role in society. As Christians, it is important to understand what the Bible teaches about submitting to governing authorities, including the police. Here is an overview of some key biblical principles regarding law enforcement and police: 1. Governing authorities are established by God The Bible makes it clear that all governing authorities are instituted by God. Romans 13:1 states, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” This means that even if we disagree…

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