Author: Aaron Chin

The issue of homosexuality is a complex and sensitive one that the Christian church has wrestled with for centuries. On one side of the debate are those who believe that the Bible condemns all homosexual behavior as sinful. On the other side are those who argue that the Bible does not prohibit loving, committed same-sex relationships. What does the Bible really say about homosexuality? And is it possible to be both gay and Christian? The Bible’s teachings on homosexuality There are a handful of passages in the Bible that directly mention homosexuality. The most well-known are found in the Old…

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The rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar, composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber with lyrics by Tim Rice, debuted on Broadway in 1971. It tells the story of the last week of Jesus’ life, focusing on his relationships with Judas Iscariot, Mary Magdalene, and the apostles. The rock opera takes some artistic license in imagining inner thoughts and motivations of the biblical characters. As such, some elements align closely with the biblical accounts in the Gospels, while other parts diverge or expand upon the biblical narrative. Examining how the rock opera handles major themes, characters, and events can shed light on where…

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Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth” has gained widespread popularity in recent years. In it, Tolle outlines his beliefs about finding inner peace and living in the present moment. However, some of his teachings contradict or do not align with core tenets of the Christian faith as described in the Bible. This article will analyze several key areas where Tolle’s views differ from biblical Christianity. Views on God In “A New Earth,” Tolle equates God with “Being” or “Presence” and describes God as an impersonal force that exists within each human. He states that humans can realize their oneness with…

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The word of wisdom and word of knowledge are mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12 as two of the gifts of the Holy Spirit given to believers in Christ. Let’s take a closer look at what the Bible teaches about these spiritual gifts. The Gift of the Word of Wisdom The word of wisdom is listed as one of the gifts of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12:8 – “For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom.” The word translated as “wisdom” refers to insight into the divine will and purpose, as well as understanding of spiritual…

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Dispensational theology is a system of biblical interpretation that sees a distinction between God’s plans for national Israel and the New Testament Church. This viewrose to prominence in the 19th and 20th centuries through the writings of John Nelson Darby and the Scofield Reference Bible. Some critics of dispensationalism argue that since it emerged relatively recently in church history, it represents an innovative and therefore suspect doctrine. If dispensationalism were truly biblical, the objection goes, wouldn’t it have been taught throughout all church history? Doesn’t the newness of dispensational theology call its scriptural basis into question? There are several responses…

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Marriage is an important milestone in many people’s lives. As Christians, we want to make sure we are entering into marriage at the right time and for the right reasons. The Bible does not give an exact formula for when the “right” time is for marriage, but it does provide wisdom and principles that can guide us. Seeking God’s Will First and foremost, Christians should seek God’s will when considering marriage (Proverbs 3:5-6). We need to spend time in prayer, asking God to clearly show us if this potential spouse is the one He has for us. God promises that…

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The rod and staff mentioned in Psalm 23 have been the subject of much discussion and interpretation over the years. At just 6 verses long, Psalm 23 manages to convey a deep sense of the Lord’s faithfulness, protection, and provision for His people. In the midst of this poetic psalm, verse 4 references God’s “rod” and “staff” specifically: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4) What exactly are the rod and staff mentioned here, and…

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Mimetic theory, developed by French philosopher and literary critic René Girard, proposes that human desire is mimetic, meaning it imitates and mimics the desires of others. At the heart of mimetic theory is the concept of mimetic rivalry, which posits that when two or more people desire the same object, they become rivals and enter into conflict. Girard argued that this tendency towards mimetic rivalry is the root cause of many social ills, from petty rivalries to war and genocide. So what does the Bible have to say about mimetic theory and mimetic desire? There are several aspects of Girard’s…

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The Bible does not explicitly state how long Joseph was imprisoned in Egypt before he was released and rose to power as second-in-command to Pharaoh. However, based on the chronology and timeline of events described in Genesis, scholars have estimated that Joseph was likely in prison for around 2-3 years, though some suggest it may have been as long as 10-13 years. Here is an examination of what the Bible tells us about the timeline of Joseph’s imprisonment: Joseph was sold into slavery at age 17 Genesis 37:2 states that Joseph was 17 years old when his brothers sold him…

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The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is one of the most significant events in human history. Jesus, who Christians believe to be the Son of God and the Messiah, was condemned to death by crucifixion by the Roman authorities in Jerusalem around 30 AD. According to the Gospels, Jesus’ crucifixion was the culmination of religious and political tensions that had been building throughout his ministry. The reasons behind Jesus’ crucifixion can be broadly divided into political and religious motivations. On the political side, the Roman governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate, likely saw Jesus’ growing popularity as a potential threat to Roman…

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