Author: Aaron Chin

The Tangible Kingdom Movement is a Christian movement that emphasizes living out the principles of God’s kingdom in practical, tangible ways in the here and now. The movement has its roots in the teachings of Dallas Willard, NT Wright, and other theologians who have advocated for a more embodied faith that transforms individuals and culture. At the heart of the Tangible Kingdom Movement is the belief that God’s kingdom is not just a future hope, but a present reality that followers of Jesus are called to make concrete in the world. This stands in contrast to versions of Christianity that…

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Love is a central theme in the Bible. 1 Corinthians 13 in particular provides an extended description of what true, godly love looks like. Verse 5 states that love “does not seek its own” (ESV). But what exactly does it mean for love to “not seek its own”? At its core, this phrase conveys that true love is not selfish or self-centered. The Greek word translated as “seek its own” literally means “to seek one’s own interests or advantage.” So a loving person does not arrogantly demand that their own desires, wants, or preferences be catered to. They are not…

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The full armor of God is a set of spiritual tools described by the apostle Paul in Ephesians 6:10-18 that helps protect believers against the schemes and attacks of the devil. Each piece represents an important aspect of our faith that provides protection and empowerment as we fight spiritual battles. Let’s take a closer look at each part of the armor and how we can utilize it effectively. The Belt of Truth The belt of truth refers to living and walking in truth, integrity and moral uprightness (Ephesians 6:14). Just as a Roman soldier’s belt or girdle held his armor…

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The phrase “come as you are” has become popular in Christian circles and worship songs in recent years. But does the Bible actually contain this exact phrase or communicate this sentiment? A simple word search reveals that the exact phrase “come as you are” does not appear anywhere in the Bible. However, there are several key passages that convey a similar message of God’s grace and acceptance of people just as they are. The Woman at the Well (John 4:1-42) One of the clearest examples is Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4. The Samaritan…

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The title “Prince of Peace” is one of the names given to the Messiah in Isaiah’s prophecy in Isaiah 9:6 which says, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” This verse tells us key things about who Jesus is and what He came to do. Let’s explore the meaning behind the title “Prince of Peace” and why it’s significant that Jesus is given this name. 1. Jesus came to bring peace…

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Billy Graham was one of the most influential evangelists of the 20th century. Born on November 7, 1918 in Charlotte, North Carolina, Graham committed his life to Christ at age 16 and was ordained a Southern Baptist minister in 1939. He rose to prominence in the late 1940s when he began hosting “crusades” – mass evangelistic rallies held in stadiums and arenas around the world. Over his decades-long ministry, Graham preached the Gospel message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ to over 215 million people in live audiences in 185 countries. Through the use of radio, television, films, books,…

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Prayer is a vital part of the Christian life. Through prayer, we communicate with God, bring our requests before Him, align our will with His, find strength and peace, and much more. However, many believers struggle to have a consistent, fruitful prayer life. What are some things that can hinder our prayers? Not praying according to God’s will One major hindrance to potent prayer is praying for things that are not God’s will. 1 John 5:14 says, “And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.” God…

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The Zeitgeist movie, released in 2007, makes some controversial claims about Christianity and the Bible. It asserts that many aspects of the Jesus story are borrowed from earlier pagan myths and that Christianity is essentially a rehash of these older religions. The movie also strongly criticizes the historical reliability of the Bible. But is there any truth to these claims? From a biblical perspective, the Zeitgeist movie is flawed in many ways. Claims about Pagan Influences on Christianity One major claim made in the Zeitgeist movie is that the story of Jesus is pieced together from myths about pagan gods…

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The popularity of books claiming to detail experiences of heaven and hell has skyrocketed in recent years. Three of the most well-known are 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper, Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo, and 23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese. But are the claims made in these books consistent with what the Bible teaches about the afterlife? To evaluate the biblical accuracy of these books, we must first establish what the Bible says about heaven, hell, and near-death experiences. The Bible affirms the existence of both heaven and hell as literal places (John 14:2-3, Matthew…

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Turning our worries and problems over to God is a concept that is emphasized throughout the Bible. As Christians, we are called to trust God fully and rely on Him to handle the issues we face, rather than trying to control everything ourselves. Here are some key principles from Scripture about how we can release our anxieties to the Lord: Acknowledge our dependence on God The first step is recognizing that on our own, we are inadequate to face the challenges of life. We need to rely on God’s strength, wisdom and resources. As it says in John 15:5, “Apart…

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