Author: Aaron Chin

The statement that Jesus had “nowhere to lay his head” comes from Matthew 8:20 and Luke 9:58. In both passages, Jesus responds this way when someone approaches him about becoming his disciple. By saying he has nowhere to lay his head, Jesus is emphasizing that he lives a simple, even difficult life, without a permanent home. As the Son of God, Jesus willingly embraced poverty and homelessness as part of his mission on earth. There are several important implications of the fact that Jesus had nowhere to lay his head: 1. It shows Jesus’ commitment to his mission Jesus left…

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A godly mother is one who seeks to follow God’s design and principles for motherhood as outlined in the Bible. She aims to reflect God’s love, wisdom, grace, and righteousness in how she raises her children. While no mother is perfect, a godly mother continually looks to Christ as her example and strives to become more like Him. Here are some key aspects of what it means to be a godly mother according to biblical teaching: Nurturing Faith One of the primary callings of a godly mother is to nurture faith in her children. She recognizes that children are a…

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Theistic agnosticism (or agnostic theism) refers to the view that one cannot know for certain whether God exists or not, but nevertheless believes in a personal God. This position essentially combines agnosticism (the view that the existence of God is unknown or unknowable) with theism (the belief in a personal, involved God). Some key aspects of theistic agnosticism include: Acknowledging the limits of human knowledge Theistic agnostics admit that there are limits to what we can know through reason, science, or other means about God’s existence. They recognize that neither the arguments for God’s existence nor the arguments against are…

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There are many different Christian denominations in the world today. Some estimates put the number of distinct denominations at over 45,000 globally. With so many variations in doctrine and practice, it’s understandable that people might wonder why Christianity isn’t more unified. Here’s a look at some of the key factors that have contributed to the proliferation of denominations over the centuries. Differing Interpretations of Scripture A major source of denominational division is disagreement over biblical interpretation. The Bible is a complex book written by over 40 authors in different contexts over 1500+ years. There are many passages that are difficult…

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The land and people of Moab play an important role in the biblical narrative, especially in relation to Israel. Here is a 9000 word overview of the significance of Moab in the Bible: The Origin of Moab The nation of Moab descended from Lot’s incestuous union with his eldest daughter after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:30-38). The daughter who conceived Moab was concerned that their family line would die out after the judgment on the cities of the plain, so she made her father drunk and lay with him. The son born from this encounter was named…

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Sibling rivalry is a common issue that many families face. Children naturally compete with each other for their parents’ attention and approval. While a certain amount of competition can be healthy, ongoing conflict between siblings can be very destructive. As Christians, we want to handle sibling rivalry in a way that honors God and promotes peace within our families. The Bible offers much wisdom on this topic that can help guide us. The root issue behind most sibling rivalries is selfishness and sin on the part of the siblings involved (James 4:1-2). Each child seeks their own interests first, rather…

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EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy is a form of psychotherapy that has become popular in recent decades as a treatment for trauma and PTSD. It utilizes bilateral stimulation like eye movements or taps to help process traumatic memories. As Christians, we want to make sure any therapy or treatment we pursue aligns with biblical principles. What does the Bible have to say about EMDR? Let’s explore this topic in more detail. What is EMDR Therapy? First, we need to understand what exactly EMDR therapy entails. EMDR was developed in the late 1980s by psychologist Francine Shapiro. She noticed…

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The phrase “Thy kingdom come” is part of the Lord’s Prayer, which Jesus taught his disciples in Matthew 6:9-13. In the prayer, Jesus instructs his followers to pray for God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. But what exactly does it mean to pray for God’s kingdom to come? At its most basic level, praying “Thy kingdom come” is praying for the full establishment of God’s reign here on earth. As Christians, we know that God’s kingdom has already been inaugurated through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.…

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Should Christian Women Wear Head Coverings? The practice of Christian women wearing head coverings or veils during worship services is a topic that has been debated throughout church history. There are differing viewpoints on whether or not it is biblical for women to have their heads covered while praying or prophesying in church gatherings. Examining relevant New Testament passages can help provide clarity on what Scripture teaches regarding this tradition. 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 The most direct passage addressing this topic is found in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. The apostle Paul writes to the church in Corinth and discusses appropriate practices for…

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Attending church regularly is vital for the spiritual health and growth of believers. Here are 9 key reasons why going to church is important: 1. Corporate Worship God calls us to worship Him together with other believers (Hebrews 10:25). While personal worship is crucial, corporate worship provides unique encouragement, accountability and unity that cannot be replicated alone. Gathering with the church to lift our voices in praise is a special way to glorify God. 2. Hearing God’s Word Faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17). Churches preach and teach Scripture to equip believers with knowledge, wisdom and…

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