Author: Aaron Chin

The concept of self-love is not directly addressed in the Bible. However, there are principles and verses that relate to valuing oneself and caring for oneself in a balanced way. Here is an overview of what the Bible teaches about self-love and loving oneself: We are created in God’s image The Bible teaches that human beings, both men and women, are created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27). This gives human life sacred value and worth. Knowing that we reflect God’s image provides a foundation for proper self-love and self-care. We are fearfully and wonderfully made The…

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The concept of the transmigration of souls, also known as reincarnation or metempsychosis, has been debated throughout history. While some belief systems like Hinduism and Buddhism embrace reincarnation, the Bible does not support the idea that souls transmigrate from one body to another after death. Instead, the Bible teaches that each person lives one life, dies once, and then faces judgment (Hebrews 9:27). The word “transmigration” means “to pass from one body or place to another.” The doctrine of transmigration of souls claims that the soul or consciousness passes from one body to another, either human or animal, through rebirth.…

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The Bible has a lot to say about the concept of enmity. At its core, enmity refers to hostility, hatred, or ill-will between people or groups. It is the opposite of friendship and unity. Enmity can manifest in various forms, from personal conflicts to outright warfare. As the Bible depicts humanity’s relationship with God, it becomes clear that enmity stems from sin and rebellion against Him. The Origin of Enmity According to the Bible, enmity first entered creation when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-7). Prior to this, they lived in perfect harmony…

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Apocalypticism is a belief that the end of the world is imminent and that a major cosmic battle between good and evil will take place before the end. The word “apocalypse” comes from the Greek word apokalypsis which means “unveiling” or “revelation.” Apocalypticism has its roots in ancient Jewish and Christian writings, particularly the Old Testament book of Daniel and the New Testament book of Revelation. In the Bible, apocalyptic writings often contain vivid symbolic visions of the end times. These writings tend to view earthly existence as fundamentally flawed and beyond hope of reform. Only God can rectify the…

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The common advice to “follow your heart” has permeated our culture and become something of a mantra for living life on your own terms. But what does the Bible have to say about following your heart? While the Bible doesn’t explicitly tell us not to follow our hearts, it does provide ample warnings about the deceitfulness of our hearts and the importance of grounding our lives in God’s truth. The Heart’s Deceitfulness The Bible clearly teaches that the human heart is prone to deceitfulness and should not be fully trusted. Jeremiah 17:9 warns that “The heart is deceitful above all…

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This statement by Jesus is found in John 14:15 which says, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” To understand what Jesus meant, we need to examine the context and take a deeper look at what He was saying. The Context of John 14 John 14 is part of Jesus’ farewell discourse to His disciples on the night before His crucifixion. He had just predicted His betrayal by Judas and Peter’s denial of Him. Jesus knew His time on earth was short, so He wanted to prepare and reassure His disciples before His death and resurrection. In John…

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The Prayer of Manasseh is a prayer attributed to Manasseh, the king of Judah mentioned in 2 Chronicles 33. Manasseh is known as one of the most wicked kings of Judah who did evil in the eyes of the Lord by rebuilding pagan altars, worshiping idols, practicing sorcery and witchcraft, shedding innocent blood, and leading the people astray (2 Chronicles 33:1-9). However, after being captured by the Assyrians and taken to Babylon, Manasseh repented and humbled himself before God (2 Chronicles 33:10-13). The Prayer of Manasseh records Manasseh’s plea for forgiveness and restoration before God. Although the Prayer of Manasseh…

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The Bible tells us that when Moses and Aaron first went before Pharaoh to demand that he let the Israelites go, Pharaoh summoned his court magicians and sorcerers to match some of the miracles performed by God through Moses and Aaron (Exodus 7:11). How were Pharaoh’s magicians able to turn staffs into snakes, turn water into blood, and bring up frogs from the rivers just as Moses and Aaron did? There are a few possible explanations: 1. Sleight of hand and illusion It’s possible that what Pharaoh’s magicians did was merely skilled illusions and tricks to mimic some of the…

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The existence of Jesus Christ is one of the most hotly debated topics in history. While most scholars agree that Jesus did exist as a historical figure, some claim that he was merely a mythical creation. So what does the Bible have to say about whether Jesus truly walked the earth 2,000 years ago? The New Testament contains four gospels that provide detailed biographical accounts of Jesus’s life, ministry, death, and resurrection. These were written within a few decades of Jesus’s death by people who knew him or spoke with eyewitnesses of his life. The Gospel of Mark is believed…

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Prayer is a vital part of the Christian life. Through prayer, we communicate with God, bringing our praise, thanks, petitions and intercessions before Him. The Bible encourages believers to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and to bring all our requests and concerns to God through prayer (Philippians 4:6-7). One form of prayer that Christians practice is silent or contemplative prayer. This involves sitting quietly before God, not saying anything out loud but communing with Him in silence. Some key questions arise about this practice of silent prayer: Is it biblical? What does the Bible say about it? Should Christians…

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