Author: Emma Price

Quarreling with others is unfortunately a common issue that many Christians face. However, the Bible provides wisdom and instructions on how to deal with conflicts and disagreements. Here are some key Bible verses about quarreling: Proverbs 17:14 “The beginning of strife is like letting out water, so quit before the quarrel breaks out.” This verse teaches that we should seek to resolve conflicts before they escalate into full-blown quarrels. Small disagreements can quickly grow out of control if left unchecked. It is wise to discuss issues calmly and settle disputes before they get heated. Proverbs 20:3 “It is an honor…

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The Bible does not explicitly mention the existence of extraterrestrial life or UFOs. However, there are some biblical principles that can guide our thinking on this topic. God is the Creator of all life The Bible teaches that God created the heavens and the earth, and everything in them (Genesis 1:1). He created the sun, moon and stars (Genesis 1:16). He created the birds of the air, the fish in the sea, and every living creature on earth (Genesis 1:20-25). As the sovereign Creator, God has authority over all He has made. For by him all things were created, in…

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The question of whether Christians should try to force the kingdom of God on others is an important one that deserves careful consideration from a biblical perspective. At the heart of this issue are questions about the nature of God’s kingdom, the mission of the church, and how we are called to relate to those who do not yet know Christ. When examining Scripture, there are several key principles that can help provide clarity on this topic: 1. The kingdom of God advances through humble service, not coercion Jesus made it clear that His kingdom operates differently than the kingdoms…

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Pain is an inevitable part of the human experience. For those who put their faith in God, the Bible offers comfort, perspective and hope when dealing with suffering. Here is an overview of some key Bible verses that speak to the issue of pain and suffering: Old Testament Verses The Old Testament features many verses that validate the reality of human pain and affirm God’s presence in the midst of it: Psalm 22:1-2 – “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning? O my God,…

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The argument from reason is an argument for the existence of God based on the nature of reason and rationality. It claims that theism, specifically Christian theism, best accounts for the existence and nature of reason, while atheistic worldviews cannot adequately account for reason and rational thought. The argument was formulated and popularized by Christian philosopher and apologist C.S. Lewis. At its core, the argument from reason states that rational thought itself presupposes the existence of God. If God does not exist, then there is no basis for rational thought, since atheistic materialism reduces thoughts to merely neurochemical reactions in…

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The concept of Christian liberty is found throughout the Bible. It refers to the freedom that believers in Christ have through faith in Him. Here is an overview of what the Bible teaches about Christian liberty: We Are Freed from the Law and Sin In the Old Testament, God’s people were required to follow the Mosaic Law in order to maintain a right relationship with God. However, the New Testament teaches that believers are no longer under the law, but under grace (Romans 6:14-15). Through faith in Christ, we have died to the law and been released from its demands…

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The Nunc Dimittis, also known as the Song of Simeon, is a canticle taken from the Gospel of Luke in the New Testament of the Bible. It is a hymn of praise spoken by Simeon upon seeing the infant Jesus Christ at the Temple in Jerusalem. The name comes from the Latin translation of the opening words “Now you dismiss” (Luke 2:29). The passage is found in Luke 2:25-32: 25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon…

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Antinomianism is the belief that Christians are freed from the moral law by virtue of grace as set forth in the gospel. The word “antinomianism” comes from two Greek words, anti, meaning “against,” and nomos, meaning “law.” So antinomianism means “against the law.” This view teaches that because faith alone is necessary for salvation, the Old Testament law is no longer binding upon Christians. It argues that keeping the moral law is not in any way part of the justification of the sinner. This means that for the antinomian, sanctification is in no way connected to justification. An antinomian believes…

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The Bible does not explicitly mention Baphomet by name. Baphomet is a pagan idol associated with Satanism and the occult that has gained notoriety in recent centuries, but its origins and meaning are shrouded in mystery. Here is an overview of what the Bible teaches related to idols, false gods, and occult practices that may shed light on the figure of Baphomet. The Bible condemns idolatry and false gods The first of the Ten Commandments states, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). This commandment prohibits worshiping any god other than the one true God revealed in…

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Double predestination is a theological concept that builds upon the doctrine of predestination. Predestination is the belief that God, in His sovereignty, determined before the foundation of the world who would be saved and who would be condemned. Double predestination takes this a step further and asserts that God not only predestines some to salvation but actively predestines others to condemnation. The doctrine of double predestination has been a point of controversy and debate within Christian theology for centuries. Those who hold to double predestination believe it most accurately represents the teachings of Scripture on God’s sovereignty and election. Critics…

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