Author: Emma Price

The New International Reader’s Version (NIrV) is a simplified English translation of the Bible published by Biblica. The NIrV was created specifically to make the Bible more accessible and understandable for children, new readers, and those learning English. Here is an overview of the history, purpose, translation philosophy, reading level, features, reception, and use of the NIrV translation. History The NIrV was first published in 1996 by Biblica, previously known as the International Bible Society. It was created to fill a need for a Bible translation written at a third grade reading level that children could more easily comprehend. The…

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Confidence is an important trait for Christians to have. When we have confidence in God and His promises, it helps us to live courageously and boldly for Christ. Here are some key Bible verses about confidence: Proverbs 3:26 For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught. This verse reminds us that when we put our confidence in the Lord, He will give us stability and protect us. We can be confident that God will guide our steps when we trust in Him. Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with…

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Concupiscence is a theological term that refers to innate human desire or inclination, especially toward things considered morally or spiritually impure. In the Bible, concupiscence is often associated with sinful lust and covetousness. Here is an overview of the meaning and usage of “concupiscence” in the Bible: Concupiscence in the Old Testament The Hebrew Bible does not directly use the word “concupiscence,” but it discusses related concepts like covetousness, lust, and desire. For example: – Exodus 20:17 warns against coveting a neighbor’s possessions. This addresses the type of wrongful desire that concupiscence encompasses. – Proverbs 21:26 speaks of the covetous…

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Habakkuk was a prophet in the Bible who lived around 600 BC, likely during the reign of King Jehoiakim of Judah. Not much is known about Habakkuk personally, but the book that bears his name gives us insight into his ministry and message. Here is an overview of who Habakkuk was and what we can learn from the book of Habakkuk: Habakkuk’s Name and Location The name “Habakkuk” means “one who embraces” or “one who clings.” This may refer to Habakkuk clinging to God or to the truth. Habakkuk is called a prophet (Habakkuk 1:1), which means he spoke God’s…

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The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is one of the oldest Christian churches in the world. It traces its origins to the 4th century AD, when two Syrian monks brought Christianity to the Kingdom of Aksum, located in what is now northern Ethiopia and Eritrea. Today, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church has around 45 million followers, mainly in Ethiopia and Eritrea, making it one of the largest Oriental Orthodox churches. Here are some key facts about the Ethiopian Orthodox Church from a biblical perspective: Origins and History As mentioned, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church was founded in the 4th century AD by Syrian monks…

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The numbers 1111 have become associated with making a wish or seeing it as a sign from the universe. However, the significance of 11:11 according to the Bible has a different meaning. Here is an overview of the biblical meaning and significance of 11:11: 1. The Number 11 in the Bible The number 11 in the Bible represents disorder, imperfection, and incompletion. This comes from the fact that 11 falls short of the number 12, which represents completeness in the Bible (e.g. 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles of Jesus). A few examples: – When the people built the Tower…

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Cancel culture refers to the popular practice of withdrawing support for public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive. Social media amplifies cancel culture by enabling the rapid spread of outrage and calls to boycott or shun the offender. For Christians, cancel culture raises important biblical considerations about justice, forgiveness, and how to respond to wrongdoing in a Christ-like manner. Here are several principles for Christians to keep in mind when faced with the latest cancel campaign: 1. Consider motives carefully Jesus warned against judgmentalism when he said “Why do you see the…

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Potter’s House Christian Fellowship is a non-denominational evangelical Christian church founded in Prescott, Arizona in 1970 by Wayman Mitchell and Fred Price. It is overseen by an eldership based in Phoenix, Arizona and has grown into a worldwide fellowship of over 275 churches. The Potter’s House emphasizes the preaching of the gospel, Bible-based teaching, discipleship, and the centrality of the local church. Some of their key doctrines and practices include: Statement of Faith The Potter’s House has a statement of faith that outlines their core beliefs. This includes affirming the Bible as the inspired, infallible Word of God, belief in…

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Bilhah was a servant girl who became one of the wives of the patriarch Jacob in the Old Testament. Though not mentioned often, Bilhah played an important role in the establishment of the nation of Israel through her sons with Jacob. Here is an overview of Bilhah’s story and significance in the Bible. Bilhah’s background The Bible first introduces Bilhah in Genesis 29, where she is described as Rachel’s maidservant. Rachel was one of the daughters of Laban and became one of Jacob’s wives (Genesis 29:16-30). As Rachel’s servant, Bilhah likely helped her with daily household tasks and labor. In…

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The Bible contains many verses that provide wisdom, encouragement, and instruction about how to live a meaningful life. Here is an overview of some of the key Bible passages on life: Genesis 1:27 – Humanity made in God’s image “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” This foundational verse establishes that human beings are made in the image and likeness of God, giving all human life sacred worth and value. Psalms 139:13-16 – Formed by God “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me…

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