Author: Emma Price

Joel’s Army is a term used by some Christians to refer to a large “end-time army” that will be raised up by God to advance His kingdom before the return of Jesus Christ. The concept comes primarily from Joel 2 in the Old Testament, where the prophet Joel prophesies about an army that God will bring against Israel as judgment, but also says that afterward God will pour out His Spirit on all people and those who call upon His name will be saved. Some interpret this passage as referring not just to the locust plague described earlier in Joel,…

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The story of Jacob using striped branches to influence the coloring of Laban’s flock is found in Genesis 30:37-43. Here is a summary of the key points: – Jacob had previously made an agreement with his uncle and father-in-law Laban to work for him tending his flocks. As payment, Jacob was to receive any speckled or spotted animals that were born. – Over time, Jacob’s herd grew as more spotted and speckled animals were born. But Laban removed the male goats that were streaked or spotted, giving them to his own sons and increasing the number of solid-colored animals that…

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The death of an evil person can bring up a mix of emotions for Christians. On one hand, we may feel a sense of relief or justice. But on the other, we are called to have compassion and forgive others. The Bible offers guidance on how believers should respond in these situations. 1. Do not rejoice over their death Proverbs 24:17 warns us not to gloat when our enemies fall: “Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles.” While an evil person’s death may seem justified, we should not celebrate it.…

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Prochorus is a biblical figure who is mentioned by name only twice in the New Testament. He was one of the seven men appointed by the apostles to oversee the distribution of food in the early church in Jerusalem (Acts 6:5). He later became a companion of the Apostle Paul on some of his missionary journeys. Here is what we know about Prochorus from the Bible: He was one of the Seven Deacons appointed in Acts 6 In Acts 6, we read about how the early Christian community in Jerusalem grew rapidly after Pentecost. As more and more people became…

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The topic of whether Christians should get insurance is one that does not have a definitive yes or no answer according to the Bible. There are various perspectives on this issue that Christians have derived from biblical principles and teachings. This article will explore the key considerations around insurance for Christians seeking to honor God with their finances. The Purpose and Function of Insurance First, it is important to understand what insurance is and what purpose it serves. Insurance is a risk management tool that provides financial protection against potential losses or damage. Common types of insurance include health, life,…

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The Anglican Church, also known as the Church of England or the Episcopal Church, traces its roots back to the 16th century Protestant Reformation in England. Here is an overview of what Anglicans believe: Origins and History The Church of England broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in the 1500s during the reign of King Henry VIII. Henry wanted to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon, but the Pope refused. So Henry established the Church of England separate from Rome and made himself the Supreme Head. The new church retained much of the doctrine and liturgy of Catholicism…

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The Bible contains many examples of Jesus being worshiped during his earthly ministry. This worship serves as evidence of Jesus’ divinity and his equality with God the Father. Let’s examine some of the key passages that describe Jesus receiving worship. Wise Men Worship Jesus After Jesus was born, wise men from the east came to worship him in Bethlehem. Matthew 2:11 says “And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.” This shows that soon after…

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Faithism is a religious movement centered around the Oahspe Bible, a book published in 1882 by an American dentist named John Ballou Newbrough. The Oahspe Bible claims to contain new revelations from angelic beings about humanity’s spiritual history and destiny. The central tenet of Faithism is belief in an all-powerful creator deity called Ormazd or Jehovih. According to the Oahspe Bible, Ormazd periodically sends angelic emissaries called Gods and Lords to establish new world religions and guide humanity’s spiritual evolution. Faithists believe that Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad and other religious founders derived their authority and teachings from the same God.…

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The Bible has a lot to say about finding strength and persevering through difficult times. Here is an overview of some key Bible verses about strength: Isaiah 40:29-31 – God gives strength to the weary This famous passage describes how God renews and strengthens those who wait on Him. Even youth can grow weary, but God’s power and strength know no limits. Relying on God can help us soar like eagles when we feel we cannot go on. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men…

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The Holiness movement refers to a set of beliefs and practices within Christianity that emerged in the 19th century. The movement emphasizes the need for believers to pursue personal holiness and sanctification after conversion. Some key aspects of the Holiness movement include: A focus on the doctrine of sanctification – the process of being made holy after salvation. There is a belief that we should strive for perfection and freedom from voluntary sin. An emphasis on the work of the Holy Spirit in empowering believers to live holy lives. Practices such as abstaining from worldly amusements, following a modest dress…

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