Author: Emma Price

The Bible has quite a bit to say about the issue of paying taxes. As citizens living under governing authorities, Christians have a responsibility to pay taxes and support their government. The Bible speaks about this issue directly through teachings and stories, providing wisdom and insight for believers trying to navigate this aspect of life. Romans 13:1-7 – Submitting to Governing Authorities One of the clearest passages related to paying taxes is Romans 13:1-7. In this passage, Paul urges believers to submit themselves to the governing authorities because they have been established by God. We are called to obedience in…

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Ignosticism is the theological position that argues that the question of the existence of God is meaningless because the term “God” has no coherent and unambiguous definition. Ignosticism proposes that in order for the question “Does God exist?” to be meaningful, the term “God” must be coherently defined. Without a clear definition, ignosticism claims, the question is meaningless. Ignosticism is sometimes seen as an argument against theism and related beliefs, although some ignostics are theists themselves. The core of the ignostic position is that the word “God” must be defined before there can be any rational discussion about God’s existence.…

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A coma is a profound state of unconsciousness where a person cannot be awakened. It can be caused by injury, illness, or drugs. While in a coma, a person is completely unresponsive and unaware of their surroundings. Their eyes are closed and they do not make any purposeful movements. A coma can last from several days to several weeks. Some people recover from comas, while others remain in a vegetative state or die. The Bible does not directly address the medical condition of a coma. However, there are some biblical principles that can provide guidance and comfort regarding those who…

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The Bible does not directly address the modern concept of “animal rights,” as this is a relatively recent idea developed in Western thought. However, the Bible does provide principles regarding the value of animals and how humans should treat them. Animals Have Value to God The Bible affirms that animals, as part of God’s good creation, have value in themselves. God created the animals and said they were “good” (Genesis 1:25). Jesus said that God cares even for the sparrows, and that “not one of them is forgotten before God” (Luke 12:6). This suggests that animals have intrinsic value to…

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The Bible does not explicitly mention the Holy Grail or Sangreal. However, some theories have emerged over the centuries linking the Holy Grail to biblical events and objects. Here is an overview of what the Bible could potentially offer about the topic: The Holy Grail and the Last Supper Some traditions identify the Holy Grail as the cup Jesus used at the Last Supper when he instituted the Eucharist. The accounts of the Last Supper can be found in Matthew 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-25, Luke 22:14-23. These passages describe Jesus sharing bread and wine with his disciples but do not provide…

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The apostolic age refers to the period of time in the early church after Jesus’ ascension into heaven, when the apostles were leading the church. It is typically considered to be the first 100 years of church history, from around 30-130 AD. During this time, the apostles spread the gospel and established churches throughout the Roman Empire and beyond. Some key aspects of the apostolic age include: The ministry of the apostles – The 12 disciples that Jesus appointed as apostles (plus Matthias who replaced Judas, and Paul who was specially commissioned by Jesus) were the leaders of the early…

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Cancer is a devastating disease that impacts millions of people worldwide. As Christians face cancer, whether personally or in someone they love, they naturally turn to the Bible for comfort, hope and direction. Here is an overview of some key biblical themes related to cancer. God’s Sovereignty Over Suffering The Bible affirms that God is sovereign, meaning He is in complete control over all things (Psalm 115:3). This includes human suffering like cancer. Though we may not understand why God allows cancer in some cases, we can trust His wisdom and sovereignty. Romans 8:28 assures believers that “for those who…

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The Christian view of retirement is based on biblical principles of work, rest, stewardship, and trusting in God’s provision. Here is an overview of key aspects of the Christian perspective on retirement: 1. Work is good and created by God Genesis 1-2 shows that God created humanity for meaningful work. Work itself is not a result of sin or the Fall, but part of God’s original design for human flourishing. Even in a perfect world, Adam and Eve were called to steward and cultivate the garden of Eden. Therefore, Christians view work as inherently good and not just a necessary…

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Philemon was a wealthy Christian living in Colossae during the first century AD. He is known primarily through the New Testament book of Philemon, one of the shortest books in the Bible. This brief but powerful book gives us a glimpse into Philemon’s life and relationships within the early church. The book of Philemon does not provide many biographical details about its title character. However, through careful study we can piece together a basic portrait of this influential early Christian. Here is what we know about Philemon from the Bible: He was a resident of Colossae (Philemon 1:2). Colossae was…

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The book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible offers profound wisdom about the cyclical and changing nature of life. In Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, the author reflects on the different seasons and purposes under heaven, concluding that there is a time for every activity or human experience under the sun. Specifically, verse 8 states “a time for war, and a time for peace.” This pairs war and peace together as opposites, implying there are appointed times ordained by God for both armed conflict and harmonious relations. Just as there are periods of planting and harvesting, weeping and laughing, keeping and throwing away, so…

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