Author: Emma Price

Psalm 85:10 says, “Steadfast love and faithfulness meet; righteousness and peace kiss each other.” This verse comes in the context of a prayer for God’s restoration and salvation for His people Israel. The psalmist is reflecting on God’s past faithfulness and deliverance, and asking God to show mercy and restore Israel again. In the midst of this prayer, the psalmist describes a beautiful scene of reconciliation and restoration. He personifies some key virtues and says that they “meet” and “kiss each other.” This poetic image suggests harmony, intimacy, and affection between the qualities of steadfast love, faithfulness, righteousness and peace.…

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Dancing is mentioned many times in the Bible, both positively and negatively. Here is an overview of the major Biblical passages that reference dancing and what they teach us: Dancing for Joy and Celebration Dancing is often portrayed in the Bible as a way to celebrate, give thanks, and express joy in the Lord. For example: In Exodus 15, Moses and the Israelites dance and sing out of joy and gratitude after God delivers them from the Egyptians and parts the Red Sea. In 2 Samuel 6, David dances “with all his might” in front of the Ark of the…

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2 Corinthians 5:21 is a profound verse that succinctly captures a vital truth of the Christian faith: “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” This verse teaches that Jesus, who was without sin, took on our sin in order to make us righteous before God. But what exactly does it mean that Jesus “became sin” for us? Let’s explore this important doctrine in more detail. Jesus Took Our Sin Upon Himself The first key truth we must understand is that Jesus, who was…

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The book of Tobit is part of the Catholic and Orthodox biblical canon, but it is considered apocryphal by Protestants. It tells the story of Tobit, a devout Jew living in exile in Nineveh, and his son Tobias. Here is an overview of the key events and themes of this ancient religious text: Setting and Characters The book is set during the Assyrian exile of the northern tribes of Israel in the 8th-7th centuries BC. The two main characters are: Tobit – A faithful Jew living in Nineveh, who suffers many misfortunes. Tobias – Tobit’s son, who embarks on a…

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Depression is a complex mental health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It can manifest in feelings of intense sadness, loss of interest in normal activities, significant changes in appetite and sleep habits, reduced energy, difficulty concentrating, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and suicidal thoughts. For those struggling with depression, including Christians, finding solutions and coping strategies is critical. The Bible does not directly address clinical depression, which is a medical condition, but it does speak to human suffering and pain, including times of despair. By looking at relevant passages, Christians can find comfort, wisdom, and encouragement from Biblical…

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Aristotelianism is the philosophy of Aristotle and of those later philosophical movements based on his thought. The extent to which Aristotelian thought has become a component of civilization can hardly be overestimated. Readers of Aristotle often view him as the founder of the Western intellectual tradition. His works contain the first formal study of logic, which was incorporated in the late 19th century into modern formal logic. Aristotle’s approach to metaphysics—as a study of being qua being—defined much of Western philosophy’s outlook and method in this area from late antiquity through the Renaissance. His ethics continue to influence moral philosophy…

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The Christian Identity movement is a loose network of individuals and churches that promote a radical form of racial supremacy and anti-Semitism based on a distinctive interpretation of the Bible. The movement emerged in the United States in the mid-20th century and remains active today. Here is an overview of the key beliefs, history, and influence of the Christian Identity movement. Key Beliefs Christian Identity adherents believe that white people of European descent are the lost tribes of Israel described in the Bible, making them God’s chosen people. Based on their reading of certain Biblical passages, they argue that Jews…

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The formation of the New Testament canon was a gradual process that took place over several centuries. While the 27 books that now comprise the New Testament were likely written between AD 50-100, there was no definitive list of accepted books until the fourth century. Several factors contributed to the development of the New Testament canon: The books were gradually used and cited by early Christian writers and church leaders. Writings that were widely used and accepted by the church were more likely to be recognized as scripture. The content of the books needed to be consistent with the core…

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Jesus being referred to as the “King of the Jews” has significant meaning and implications. Here is an in-depth look at what the Bible teaches about this title for Jesus: Old Testament Prophecies The idea of a coming king or messiah started early in the Old Testament. God promised Abraham that kings would come from his line (Genesis 17:6). Later, Jacob prophesied that the messianic king would come through the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10). As Israel’s history progressed, the prophets began to paint a clearer picture of this coming king: – Isaiah 9:6-7 calls him “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,…

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What Does the Bible Mean When It Refers to the Knowledge of God? The Bible has a lot to say about the knowledge of God. At its core, the knowledge of God refers to an intimate, personal, and growing relationship with God. It involves knowing God’s character, His ways, His truths, and His heart. Gaining this knowledge of God starts with knowing Jesus Christ, God’s Son, as Lord and Savior (John 17:3). As we spend time in God’s Word, in prayer, worship, and fellowship with other believers, the Holy Spirit deepens our understanding of who God is and how He…

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