Author: Emma Price

The prosperity gospel, also known as the health and wealth gospel or the gospel of success, is a controversial theological belief among some Protestant Christians. It claims that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for Christians, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one’s material wealth and health. Prosperity theology views the Bible as a contract between God and humans, in which God is required to bless followers financially and physically in return for their faith and commitment to God. The prosperity gospel movement originated in the United States in…

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Jesus often used parables, which are short stories that convey spiritual truths through metaphor and analogy, to teach his followers important lessons. Three such parables that deal with related topics are the parable of fasting at the wedding feast, the parable of the old cloth, and the parable of the wineskins. The Parable of Fasting at the Wedding Feast This parable is found in Matthew 9:14-15. Here, Jesus compares himself to a bridegroom and his disciples to wedding guests. The Pharisees question why Jesus’ disciples do not fast, but Jesus replies that wedding guests do not mourn and fast while…

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The Parable of the Persistent Neighbor is found in Luke 11:5-10. In this parable, Jesus tells a story about a man who goes to his neighbor at midnight asking for three loaves of bread. The neighbor is already in bed and does not want to get up to help him. However, because of the man’s persistence in continuing to knock on his door and ask for bread, the neighbor finally relents and gives him what he needs. This parable teaches an important spiritual lesson about the importance of being persistent in prayer. Just as the man in the story continued…

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Who was Martin Luther? Martin Luther was a German friar, Catholic priest, professor of theology, and seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation. Luther was born in 1483 in Eisleben, Saxony. His father worked in the copper mines and intended for his son to study law. However, at age 22, Luther had a profoundly frightening experience that led him to devote his life to the church. As Luther studied and lectured on the Bible at the University of Wittenberg, he developed new understandings that contradicted church practices – especially the selling of indulgences. On October 31, 1517, he published his famous…

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The phrase “be ready in season and out of season” comes from 2 Timothy 4:2, which says “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.” This verse is instructing Timothy, as a minister of the gospel, to be ready and willing to preach God’s word at all times, whether it seems convenient or not. The Context of 2 Timothy 4:2 Paul’s second letter to Timothy contains instructions and encouragement to the young minister as he faced various challenges in ministry. In chapter 4, Paul urges Timothy to “preach…

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The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great Price are two of Jesus’ well-known parables that emphasize the value of the kingdom of heaven. These parables teach that the kingdom of heaven is so precious that it is worth sacrificing everything to obtain it. Parable of the Hidden Treasure (Matthew 13:44) Jesus told the Parable of the Hidden Treasure in Matthew 13:44: “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” In…

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The apostle Paul’s time in Arabia represents an important period in his life and ministry, though the Bible gives limited details about it. Based on the biblical evidence, it seems Paul went to Arabia shortly after his conversion and before beginning his missionary work. He likely spent 1-3 years there, using the time to reflect, learn, and prepare for his future ministry. Examining when and why Paul went to Arabia provides insight into his character and the development of the early church. Paul’s Conversion and Early Ministry To understand Paul’s time in Arabia, it is helpful to first review the…

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The problem of evil is one of the most enduring philosophical and theological questions. If God is perfectly good and all-powerful, why does evil exist? The Bible does not give a single, definitive answer to this question, but offers many insights that Christians have reflected on to help make sense of evil and suffering. God gave humans free will, and humans chose to sin The Bible teaches that God created humans with free will – the ability to make meaningful choices (Genesis 1-2). With this free will came the possibility of sin and evil. Adam and Eve were given a…

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Adultery is a grievous sin that goes against God’s design for marriage. The Bible has strong words against adultery and clearly prohibits it (Exodus 20:14, Proverbs 6:32, Hebrews 13:4). However, even in situations of adultery, God’s grace, forgiveness and restoration are available to those who repent. So what should you do if you have committed adultery? Here are some biblical principles to consider: Confession and repentance before God is essential If you have committed adultery, the first step is to confess your sin before God and ask for His forgiveness (1 John 1:9). This requires fully acknowledging the wrongness of…

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The phrase “give no place to the devil” comes from Ephesians 4:27, which reads “and give no opportunity to the devil.” This verse falls within a larger passage where Paul is giving practical instruction to Christians on how to live righteously and resist sin. In the surrounding context, Paul urges believers to “put off” the old self of sin and “put on” the new self of righteousness (Ephesians 4:22-24). He then provides some specifics on what this looks like in practice – don’t let falsehood, sinful anger, stealing, unwholesome talk, bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and slander be part of your…

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