Author: Emma Price

Throughout history, many people have claimed to see apparitions and visions of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Reports of Marian apparitions have occurred across the world, from major apparition sites like Lourdes, France to small villages and individual experiences. But what does the Bible say about such supernatural occurrences? Here is an in-depth look at Marian apparitions and God’s Word on the matter. Understanding Visions and Apparitions First, it is important to understand what is meant by visions and apparitions. A vision is a supernatural appearance that conveys a revelation or divine message. It may be seen while awake or…

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Solipsism is the philosophical idea that only one’s own mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one’s own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist. The Bible does not explicitly mention solipsism by name, since the concept originated with modern philosophers like René Descartes. However, the Bible provides perspective on key issues related to solipsism, including the existence of other…

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Work is a fundamental part of the human experience. From the very beginning, God designed mankind to work and be productive (Genesis 1:28). The Bible has a lot to say about the theology of work – what it is, why we do it, and how we should approach it. Here is an overview of the key biblical principles regarding work: Work is Part of God’s Original Design Work was part of God’s original creation design and mandate for humanity. Before the fall into sin, God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden “to work it and keep it” (Genesis 2:15).…

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The verse 2 Corinthians 4:8 says, “We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair.” This verse comes in the context of Paul describing the hardships he and other believers face in ministry. Even though they face troubles and difficulties, they are not defeated or in despair. To be “perplexed” means to be confused, puzzled, or unsure about what to do next. It conveys the idea of being at a loss mentally and emotionally. Life often presents us with circumstances that we do not understand or know how to handle. We feel perplexed when…

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Believing in God is foundational to the Christian faith. At its core, it means trusting in the existence, power, and promises of God as revealed in the Bible. Here is a 9,000 word exploration of what the Bible teaches about believing in God: The Existence of God The Bible assumes God’s existence as self-evident truth that requires no proof. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Scripture declares God as the eternal, self-existing Creator who was before all things and will remain after all things pass away (Psalm 90:2). Belief in God begins with accepting…

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How can I please God? God wants us to have faith in Him and follow His commandments. The Bible makes it clear that the two greatest commandments are to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30) and to love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31). Here are some key ways the Bible says we can please God: Live in Obedience to God’s Word One of the primary ways we can please God is by living in obedience to His Word. God has given us His commandments and principles in the Bible to guide us into…

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The question of whether Jesus was created or not is an important theological issue that has been debated for centuries. The Bible contains ample evidence that Jesus, the Son of God, is eternal and uncreated. He has always existed with the Father and the Holy Spirit as part of the triune Godhead. However, some groups throughout history, such as Arius in the early church period, have argued that Jesus was the first creation of God the Father. What does the Bible really teach about this significant issue? Jesus is Fully God First, it is clear in Scripture that Jesus is…

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The question of whether Joseph from the Bible was the same person as Imhotep from Egyptian history is an interesting one that many scholars have explored. While there are some intriguing connections between the two, the Bible does not definitively state that they were the same person. Let’s take a deeper look at what the Bible has to say about Joseph and examine the evidence for and against him being equated with Imhotep. Who Was Joseph in the Bible? Joseph was one of the twelve sons of Jacob (later called Israel) who became the ancestors of the twelve tribes of…

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The Bible teaches that God desires to be with humanity in a deep, personal and intimate way. The theme of God’s presence with His people runs throughout Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. Here are some key things the Bible reveals about what it means that God is with us: God is always present through His Spirit After Jesus ascended to heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to be present with and in believers forever (John 14:16-17). God’s Spirit lives in every Christian, guiding, convicting, empowering, and producing His fruit in them (Romans 8:9, Galatians 5:22-23). This means God is always…

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The spirit of the antichrist refers to the attitudes, mindsets, and actions that are opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Though the Bible does not use the term “antichrist” specifically, it contains principles that describe the nature and work of the antichrist spirit. Here is an overview of what the Bible says about the spirit of the antichrist: It Denies that Jesus is the Christ The clearest characteristic of the antichrist spirit is that it denies that Jesus is the Christ or the Messiah. 1 John 2:22 states, “Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is…

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