Author: Emma Price

Becoming a Christian means committing to following Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. It involves recognizing your need for salvation, placing your faith in Christ, repenting of sin, and being baptized. Here is a more in-depth look at what the Bible says about becoming a Christian: Recognize Your Need for Salvation The first step is to acknowledge that you are a sinner in need of salvation. The Bible teaches that all people have sinned and fall short of God’s perfect standard (Romans 3:23). Our sin separates us from God and leads to spiritual death (Romans 6:23). No matter how…

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The question of whether it was God’s desire for Israel to worship Him in a temple in Jerusalem is an important one for understanding God’s purposes and plans as revealed in Scripture. While the Bible does not provide a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, a careful examination of key biblical passages provides insight into this issue. First, it is clear that Jerusalem and the temple played a central role in God’s plans for Israel. Jerusalem is described as the city God chose for His name to dwell (1 Kings 11:36). The temple was to be a house of prayer for…

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The book of Ezra describes the return of the Jewish exiles to Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity. In Ezra 1:5-6, we read that God stirred the hearts of some of the Jewish exiles to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple, but not all of them chose to do so. There are a few potential reasons why some Jews did not want to return: 1. They were settled and prosperous in Babylon Many of the Jews had been living in Babylon for two generations by the time the opportunity to return arose. Though originally taken there as captives, they had…

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The doctrine of preterition refers to the belief that God passes over some people when choosing individuals for salvation. This doctrine is closely associated with Calvinism and the concept of unconditional election. Here is an overview of what the doctrine of preterition teaches: 1. Preterition Means God Passes Over the Non-Elect for Salvation Preterition comes from the Latin word “praeterire” which means to pass over or pass by. When it comes to salvation, preterition is the belief that God actively passes over or passes by certain people, not selecting them for salvation. These passed over individuals are known as the…

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An interdenominational church or organization is one that welcomes and includes people from different Christian denominations. The key aspects of an interdenominational church or ministry include: Open Membership An interdenominational church does not require members to ascribe to a particular denominational doctrine or tradition. People from various denominational backgrounds, such as Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, etc., can freely join and participate in the church. The focus is on Christian unity beyond denominational divides. “There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one…

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Christians are called to show love, respect, and sensitivity towards people of all faiths and cultures. When interacting with Muslims, there are several ways Christians can demonstrate biblical principles of love and grace. Learn About Islam Seeking to understand another person’s beliefs and background is a starting point for healthy relationships. Christians should take time to learn the basics about Islamic beliefs and practices. Understanding Islamic views on God, prophecy, Jesus, salvation, and more can help Christians discuss differences in a thoughtful way. Resources like books, classes, or relationships with Muslims can expand perspective. “Do nothing from selfish ambition or…

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This is a difficult question that many believers wrestle with at some point in their walk with God. On one hand, we know that sickness and suffering entered the world through the Fall in Genesis 3. Disease and illness are not part of God’s original perfect creation. The Bible tells us that Satan inflicts affliction, not God (Luke 13:16). So it seems clear that it is not God’s desire for people to be sick. On the other hand, there are examples in the Bible where God either causes or allows illness and disability for His divine purposes. In John 9,…

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In Revelation chapter 2, Jesus addresses seven churches in Asia Minor through the apostle John’s vision. The first church Jesus speaks to is the church in Ephesus. Jesus’ message to the Ephesian church contains commendation, criticism, a warning, and a call to repentance. Commendation for the Ephesian Church Jesus begins his message to Ephesus by commending them for their perseverance, endurance of hardships, and refusal to tolerate wicked people (Revelation 2:2-3). He praises them for examining the claims of false apostles and finding them to be false (Revelation 2:2). The Ephesian Christians are commended for their discernment, endurance, and perseverance…

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Amminadab was a significant figure in the Old Testament of the Bible, though not many details are given about his life and background. Here is an overview of what we do know about Amminadab from Scripture: Amminadab Was a Descendant of Judah Amminadab was part of the tribe of Judah, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Specifically, he was a descendant of Judah’s son Perez (Genesis 46:12). This means he was part of the messianic lineage, as the genealogies in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke trace Jesus’ ancestry back to Judah and Perez (Matthew 1:3-6; Luke 3:33). Amminadab…

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Tithing – the practice of giving 10% of one’s income to the church – can be a source of disagreement within marriages. When a husband and wife don’t see eye to eye on how much money to give to their local church or other Christian ministries, it can lead to tension and conflict. The Bible has much to say about money and possessions, but does not provide exact instructions on how much a married couple should give. There are principles and guidelines that can help inform decisions about tithing and giving when spouses disagree. Biblical Principles on Giving Here are…

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