Author: Emma Price

Having positive role models to look up to is an important part of spiritual and personal development. The Bible has a lot to say about choosing role models wisely and learning from those who set a godly example. Here is an overview of the biblical perspective on finding good role models and why it matters. Seek Out Faith-Filled Examples to Follow The Bible encourages us to look to others of strong faith as examples to follow. Hebrews 13:7 says, “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and…

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The idea of gold dust manifesting during church services is a controversial topic among Christians. Some claim to have witnessed this supernatural phenomenon, while others are skeptical. What does the Bible say about gold dust and similar miraculous signs appearing in places of worship? There are a few key biblical principles to consider when evaluating reports of gold dust or other mystical occurrences in churches: 1. Miraculous signs can happen, but are not the norm The Bible contains many examples of miraculous signs and wonders being performed through faithful believers. In the Old Testament, God did extraordinary things like parting…

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Is the Bible relevant for today? The Bible is absolutely still relevant for people living in the modern world. Despite being an ancient collection of texts written thousands of years ago, the Bible contains timeless truths and principles that can help guide anyone trying to live a meaningful, purposeful and moral life even now in the 21st century. At its core, the Bible aims to reveal who God is and how humans can have a right relationship with Him. This involves understanding that all people fall short of God’s perfect standard because of sin but that forgiveness and redemption are…

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The account of Paul and Barnabas in the book of Acts provides valuable lessons for Christians today. Though the events took place almost 2,000 years ago, God’s Word contains timeless principles that remain applicable in every age. By studying their lives, ministry, and interactions, we can gain insight into spreading the gospel, relying on God’s provision and power, persisting through opposition, and modeling Christlike character. Their Backgrounds and Callings Paul and Barnabas came from very different backgrounds. Paul (then Saul) had been a devout Pharisee, intensely trained in the Mosaic law and zealous to persecute the early church (Philippians 3:4-6).…

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The tribe of Manasseh has much to teach us even today. As one of the twelve tribes of Israel, the life and history of the tribe of Manasseh illustrates key themes that run throughout Scripture and remain relevant for modern readers. Manasseh was the firstborn son of Joseph (Genesis 41:50-51). Joseph himself was one of the twelve sons of Jacob, who was renamed Israel by God (Genesis 32:28). After Joseph brought his family to live in Egypt during a severe famine, the descendants of the twelve sons grew into the twelve tribes of Israel. A few key lessons emerge from…

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The concept of seven heavens has fascinated people for centuries. References to the seven heavens appear in various religions and mythologies, but is this idea actually found in the Bible? Let’s explore what the Bible does and does not say about the possibility of seven heavens, particularly focusing on the seventh heaven. Old Testament Hints The Old Testament provides a few clues that suggest the ancient Israelites may have conceptualized a multi-layered cosmos. For example, Genesis 1 describes God separating the waters under the expanse from the waters above the expanse. Some interpreters see this as a reference to multiple…

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The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible was translated between 1604-1611. Since then, the meanings of many English words have changed or shifted over time. Examining words that have changed meanings can help modern readers better understand the intended meaning of various biblical passages. Here are some examples of English words that have changed in meaning since the translation of the KJV: 1. Let In today’s English, the word “let” means “to allow.” For example, “Let me help you with that.” In the KJV, however, “let” often meant the opposite – “to prevent or hinder.” An example is Mark…

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Studying the Bible is an important part of the Christian faith. It helps us grow closer to God, understand His will, and apply His teachings to our lives. Here are some key principles for studying the Bible properly: Read the Bible Regularly Set aside consistent time each day to read and study God’s Word. Developing a habit of daily Bible reading is crucial for spiritual growth (Psalm 1:2, Joshua 1:8). Try to read through the entire Bible over a period of time to get the full context and overarching narrative. Study with Prayer Pray before you study, asking God to…

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Whether or not a Christian should enter a sweepstakes is a complex issue with arguments on both sides. Here is a thorough 9000-word examination of what the Bible says about the topic: Those who argue that Christians should not enter sweepstakes point to verses warning against loving money and pursuing worldly gain. 1 Timothy 6:9-10 says, “But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.” Getting rich quick through a…

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The Pax Romana, meaning “Roman Peace” in Latin, was a period of relative peace and stability across the Roman Empire starting with Caesar Augustus in 27 BC and lasting for over 200 years until the death of Marcus Aurelius in 180 AD. This era allowed for increased ease of travel and trade, common rule of law, and reducing the threat of invasion throughout the Empire. As a result, the Pax Romana had a significant impact on facilitating the spread of early Christianity in several key ways. Improved Infrastructure One major way the Pax Romana impacted early Christianity was through the…

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