Author: Erin Weitzman

Onesimus was a slave who ran away from his master Philemon and met the apostle Paul in prison. Paul led Onesimus to faith in Christ while in prison. Paul sent Onesimus back to Philemon with a letter pleading for grace and forgiveness. The story of Onesimus is recorded in Paul’s letter to Philemon in the New Testament. Onesimus’s Background The name Onesimus means “useful” or “profitable” in Greek. He was a slave owned by a Christian man named Philemon who lived in Colossae (Philemon 1:10). Slavery was common in the Roman empire at this time. Onesimus may have been born…

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Satan, also known as the devil, is referred to by many names and titles throughout the Bible. Here is an overview of the various names and descriptions that reference Satan in Scripture: The Serpent Satan first appears in the Garden of Eden as the serpent who tempts Eve to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:1-5). The serpent is described as the most cunning animal, and some scholars believe this is why Satan chose to appear in the form of a serpent. The Dragon The book of Revelation uses the name “dragon”…

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The question of whether the Old Testament predicts a second coming of the Messiah is an important one for Christians seeking to understand biblical prophecy. There are several key Old Testament passages that are often interpreted as pointing to a second advent of the Messiah. The Prophecies of Isaiah The book of Isaiah contains some of the most extensive messianic prophecies in the Old Testament. Several passages in Isaiah hint at the idea of two comings of the Messiah. For example, Isaiah 9:6-7 predicts the coming of a royal Messiah who will reign on David’s throne forever. Yet other passages…

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The cause of Christ refers to the life, ministry, and mission of Jesus Christ as described in the Bible. Christ came to earth to fulfill God’s redemptive plan for humanity by dying on the cross for the forgiveness of sins and rising again to conquer death. Through faith in Christ, believers are reconciled to God and receive eternal life. The Bible shows that Christ’s cause involved proclaiming the kingdom of God, calling people to repentance and faith, demonstrating compassion, and ultimately giving his life as a sacrifice for sin. Jesus said that he came “to seek and to save the…

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The book of Ecclesiastes contains some profound yet often confusing teachings about life, death, and the meaning of it all. One passage in particular, Ecclesiastes 9:5, makes a stark claim about the state of the dead: For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten. This verse seems to suggest that once someone dies, they cease to exist in any conscious state. Their thoughts perish, they are unaware of anything happening, and they no longer take part in any reward or afterlife. For…

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Pilates is a form of exercise that focuses on core strength, flexibility, and controlled movement. It was developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates and has become a popular workout method. As with any exercise program or activity, Christians may have different perspectives on practicing Pilates. Here are a few key considerations from a biblical Christian viewpoint: The Body as a Temple of the Holy Spirit The Bible teaches that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). As such, we have a responsibility to take care of our bodies and use them for God’s…

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Post-theism refers to moving beyond the idea of God as a supernatural being who intervenes in the world. It is a theological perspective that seeks to re-interpret and re-imagine traditional concepts of God in light of modern knowledge and sensitivities. Here is an overview of some of the key aspects of post-theism: Questioning Supernatural Theism Post-theism begins by questioning traditional supernatural concepts of God. It points out that much of our traditional God-talk is rooted in an ancient pre-scientific worldview that perceived supernatural forces behind natural phenomena. With advances in science and technology, such supernatural explanations seem less plausible. Post-theism…

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The Book of 1 Chronicles provides a historical record of the Israelite people from Adam to the end of King David’s reign. It was likely written after the Babylonian exile to remind the people of God’s promises and encourage them as they resettled the Promised Land. The contents can be outlined as follows: Genealogies from Adam to Saul (Chapters 1-9) The first 9 chapters trace Israel’s family lines from Adam through Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and the 12 tribes. It starts with Adam and follows the lineage through Seth, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and his 12 sons who became the…

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What does it mean that there will be scoffers in the last days? The Bible warns that in the last days, there will be those who scoff at the truth and mock the promise of Christ’s return. This article will examine what the Bible says about scoffers in the end times and why their presence is a sign of the coming day of the Lord. Definition of Scoffers The word “scoffer” in 2 Peter 3:3 is translated from the Greek word “empaiktes” which means “a derider, i.e. (by implication) a false teacher.” A scoffer is someone who treats something with…

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The Bible is the sacred text of Christianity, comprised of the Old and New Testaments. While all Christian denominations revere the Bible, there are some differences in the Bibles used by various groups. This has led to disagreements over which Bible version is the true or best representation of God’s word. There are several factors that contribute to this lack of Biblical unity among Christians. Different manuscripts and source texts The original documents of the Bible no longer exist. What we have today are copies of copies that have been transmitted over thousands of years. There are slight variations in…

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