Author: Erin Weitzman

The concept of a reprobate mind is found in the Bible, particularly in Romans 1:28-32 and other passages. Generally speaking, a reprobate or depraved mind refers to a state of moral corruption and wickedness. The apostle Paul wrote about those who have rejected God and exchanged the truth for a lie. As a result, God gave them over to a “debased mind” (ESV) or a “reprobate mind” (KJV translation). The Greek word is adokimos which means unapproved, unfit, or rejected. When someone continually rejects God and biblical truth, their thinking becomes futile, their understanding darkened. They give approval to things…

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Finding a godly Christian boyfriend is an important decision. The Bible offers much wisdom on the qualities to look for in a potential spouse. Here are some key biblical principles to keep in mind when evaluating a potential Christian boyfriend: He is a sincere follower of Jesus A Christian boyfriend should have a real, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Look at the fruit in his life as evidence that he truly knows and follows the Lord (Matthew 7:16-20). Does he show a desire to read the Bible, pray, worship, serve others, and grow in his faith? Or does he just…

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Reformed theology is a system of Christian theology that emphasizes the sovereignty of God and the authority of the Bible. It emerged during the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century and was systematized by Reformed thinkers such as John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, and others. Here is an overview of Reformed theology in approximately 9,000 words: The Sovereignty of God A key tenet of Reformed theology is that God is absolutely sovereign over all of creation. This means that God foreordains and controls everything that happens, from the greatest events of history to the smallest details of everyday life (Ephesians 1:11).…

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The Anabaptists were a radical reform movement that emerged in the early 16th century during the Protestant Reformation. The term “Anabaptist” comes from the Greek word for “rebaptize”, referring to their practice of baptizing adults who had already been baptized as infants. While they shared some beliefs with mainstream Protestants, the Anabaptists took their reforms much further and were seen as fanatics or heretics by both Catholics and Protestants at the time. The key beliefs and practices of Anabaptists included: Adult baptism – They rejected infant baptism and believed that only adults who had confessed their faith should be baptized.…

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Beatification and canonization are the processes by which the Catholic Church declares a deceased person to be a saint. While these formal processes are not directly mentioned in the Bible, the concepts of honoring holy people and miracles associated with them have scriptural roots. This approximately 9000 word article will examine what the Bible says and does not say about beatification, canonization, veneration of saints, and related topics. Beatification Beatification is a formal process by which the Catholic Church declares that a deceased person is blessed and entitled to limited or local veneration. Beatification allows the person to be referred…

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Agabus was a prophet mentioned in the New Testament who predicted future events. He is mentioned twice in the Book of Acts: Agabus’ First Prophecy The first time Agabus is mentioned is in Acts 11:27-28. These verses tell us: And in these days prophets came from Jerusalem to Antioch. Then one of them, named Agabus, stood up and showed by the Spirit that there was going to be a great famine throughout all the world, which also happened in the days of Claudius Caesar. So the first time we meet Agabus, he predicts a severe famine that would impact the…

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The World English Bible (WEB) is a modern English translation of the Bible that is based on the 1901 American Standard Version (ASV). The WEB was created in the late 1990s and early 2000s by Rainbow Missions, Inc. with the goal of producing an updated and accessible English translation that is faithful to the original biblical texts. Some key features of the World English Bible include: It is a public domain translation, meaning it can be freely copied and distributed without copyright restrictions. It uses simpler, more modern English while remaining faithful to the meaning of the original texts. It…

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The Revised English Bible (REB) is an English translation of the Bible published by Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press in 1989. It is a revision of the New English Bible (NEB), which was published in 1970. The goal of the REB translation was to produce an updated English translation based on the latest biblical scholarship and advances in the study of Koine Greek, the original language of the New Testament. Some key features of the Revised English Bible: It is a formal equivalence translation that aims for word-for-word accuracy rather than a paraphrase. The translators strived to be…

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An invocation prayer is a type of prayer that invokes or calls upon God’s presence, blessing, guidance, and help. The word “invoke” means to appeal to or call upon for aid. Therefore, an invocation prayer is one that asks for God’s direct intervention and help. Invocation prayers have been a part of Christian tradition since biblical times. Many examples can be found throughout the Bible of invocation prayers, where prophets, kings, disciples, and others call upon the name of the Lord for help and deliverance. Here are some key things the Bible teaches about invocation prayers: 1. God invites us…

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Jesus Christ is the central figure of the New Testament and is revered by Christians as the Son of God and savior of humanity. Here are some key Bible verses that reveal truths about Jesus: Old Testament prophecies about Jesus Several Old Testament verses predicted the coming of a Messiah. These verses point to Jesus as the fulfillment of those ancient prophecies. Isaiah 7:14 – “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” This verse predicts Jesus’ virgin birth. Isaiah 9:6-7 – “For to…

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