Author: Erin Weitzman

The Council of Carthage was an important church council that took place in the year 419 AD in the city of Carthage, located in modern-day Tunisia. This council addressed several theological issues that were controversial at the time and helped shape the doctrine and practice of Christianity, particularly in the Western Roman Empire. Some key things to know about the Council of Carthage: When and Why It Was Called The Council was called by Aurelius, the bishop of Carthage, with the approval of Pope Zosimus. There were two main reasons it was called: 1. To address the teachings of Pelagius,…

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The Bible does not explicitly prohibit women from working outside the home. However, it does outline some principles regarding gender roles within marriage and the family unit. A balanced view takes into account both cultural considerations and timeless biblical values. The Creation Order and Submission Genesis 1-3 establishes that God created men and women as equal before Him, both made in His image (Genesis 1:27). However, it also teaches gender-based roles rooted in the creation order. God created Adam first and gave him work to do in the Garden (Genesis 2:15). Eve was created as a “helper fit for him”…

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Getting to heaven is the ultimate goal for many religious people. Most major religions have ideas and beliefs about what is required to enter heaven. While there are some similarities across religions, there are also significant differences. This article will focus on what the Bible says about getting to heaven, since the goal is to explain the Christian perspective. The Biblical Path to Heaven According to the Bible, the one and only way to get to heaven is through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The Bible clearly states that Jesus is the only way to the Father…

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1 Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” This verse refers to believers as “God’s special possession”. The word translated as “special” in some Bible versions is the Greek word “periousios”, which means “peculiar, set apart, treasured”. So what does it mean for believers to be called “peculiar people”? First, believers are “peculiar” in the sense that they have been specially chosen and set apart by God. Out of all the…

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The question of whether the writers of the New Testament regarded their writings as Scripture is an important one. Scripture refers to the inspired and authoritative Word of God. If the New Testament writings are viewed as Scripture by their authors, it gives them greater weight and authority. Examining New Testament passages can provide insight into how the writers viewed their own writings. Evidence That the Writers Viewed Their Writings as Scripture There are several pieces of evidence that indicate the New Testament authors viewed their writings as Scripture: Peter refers to Paul’s writings as Scripture: “There are some things…

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Patience is a virtue that is emphasized throughout the Bible. God calls His people to wait patiently for His promises, to endure suffering and persecution patiently, and to deal patiently with one another. Here are some key Bible verses about the importance of patience: Waiting Patiently for God One of the most common contexts in which the Bible discusses patience is in waiting for God to fulfill His promises and purposes. We want to see God’s will accomplished quickly, but God often works on His own perfect timeline. Psalm 27:14 – Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your…

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The Bible has a lot to say about God’s grace and how it changes our lives. Here is an overview of some key Bible passages that reveal the nature of grace: Ephesians 2:8-9 – Salvation by grace “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) This verse explains that our salvation is not earned by anything we do, but is a free gift of God’s grace. We can’t take credit for our own…

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This is an important question that many people have wondered about. Jesus’ statement in Mark 10:18 (“No one is good but God alone”) seems to conflict with the Christian belief that Jesus is God. Let’s take a deep dive into what the Bible says about this topic. The deity of Jesus affirmed throughout Scripture First, it’s important to establish what the rest of the Bible says about Jesus being God. There are many verses that affirm the deity of Christ. For example: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John…

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Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religious tradition that was formed in 1961 through the consolidation of two separate religious groups: the American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Church of America. Unitarian Universalism is not rooted in any one theology or creed, rather it draws from various religious and philosophical sources and promotes individual freedom of belief and an open search for truth and meaning. Some of the principles and sources that inform Unitarian Universalism include: Basic Principles – The inherent worth and dignity of every person. Unitarian Universalists believe that all human beings have value and should be treated with…

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The Bible has quite a bit to say about disobedient children. As the ultimate authority for Christian belief and practice, the Bible provides timeless principles and guidance for raising children in a godly manner. Though cultural norms around parenting have changed over time, the biblical wisdom on training children and responding to disobedience remains highly relevant. A key theme throughout Scripture is the importance of children honoring, respecting, and obeying their parents. The fifth of the Ten Commandments given to Moses was to “honor your father and your mother” (Exodus 20:12). Obedience to parents is likewise commanded in Ephesians 6:1:…

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