Author: Erin Weitzman

The question “Why am I here?” is one that most people ask themselves at some point in their lives. As human beings, we have an innate desire to understand our purpose and reason for existence. The Bible provides many insights into this profound question that have guided and comforted Christians for centuries. First and foremost, the Bible teaches that we are here because God created us. Genesis 1:27 states “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Our very existence stems from an intentional act of…

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The Augsburg Confession is a foundational document of Lutheranism and one of the most important confessions of faith of the Protestant Reformation. It was written in 1530 by Philipp Melanchthon and endorsed by Martin Luther and other leading Lutheran reformers. The Augsburg Confession contains a summary of essential Lutheran doctrine and served to present a united Lutheran front against Roman Catholic teachings. It consists of 28 articles that cover topics like the nature of God, original sin, justification by faith, the church, and other theological issues. Here is a brief overview of the key points in the Augsburg Confession: Article…

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The canopy theory is an attempt by some Christians to explain certain scientific observations and biblical accounts by proposing the existence of a water vapor canopy surrounding the earth in pre-flood times. The theory suggests that before the global flood described in Genesis, the earth was covered by a canopy of water vapor or ice that created a greenhouse effect, resulting in a more uniform global climate and greater atmospheric pressure. Proponents claim this helps explain things like the long lifespans described in Genesis, the presence of abundant plant and animal life, and the source of the flood waters. History…

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Baptism for the dead is a practice that has biblical origins but varying interpretations. At its core, it involves living people being baptized on behalf of those who have died without the opportunity to be baptized themselves. This is done with the belief that the dead person can then accept or reject the baptism in the afterlife. The main biblical basis comes from 1 Corinthians 15:29 (ESV), which says “Otherwise, what do people mean by being baptized on behalf of the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, why are people baptized on their behalf?” There are a…

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The verse in Isaiah 55:9 reads, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” This verse gives us insight into the vast difference between God’s perspective and human perspective. God’s thoughts and ways are on a much higher plane than ours. Here are a few key things to understand about what God means in Isaiah 55:9: 1. God has infinite wisdom and understanding As the Creator of the universe, God’s knowledge and wisdom are unlimited. He sees and understands all things perfectly, including the past,…

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The practice of praying to saints and Mary remains a point of difference between Protestants and Catholics. The Catholic tradition encourages asking deceased saints and Mary to intercede on our behalf before God. However, Protestants believe prayer should be directed to God alone. What guidance does the Bible provide on this issue? Prayers are directed to God alone in Scripture The Bible contains many examples of prayer, and in every case prayer is directed to God alone. There are no examples of believers praying to anyone other than God – not to angels, Mary, or deceased saints. For instance, when…

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Benaiah was an important military leader under King David and King Solomon in the Old Testament. Here is an overview of what the Bible tells us about Benaiah: Benaiah’s Family Background Benaiah was the son of Jehoiada, who was a brave warrior from Kabzeel (2 Samuel 23:20). Kabzeel was a town in the territory of Judah, south of Jerusalem. Benaiah followed in his father’s footsteps and became a mighty man of valor himself. One of David’s Mighty Men During the reign of King David, Benaiah served as one of David’s “mighty men” – his most elite soldiers. He was the…

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What does “maranatha” mean? The word “maranatha” appears only once in the Bible, in 1 Corinthians 16:22, where Paul states, “If anyone has no love for the Lord, let him be accursed. Our Lord, come!” The phrase “Our Lord, come!” is the translation of the Aramaic word “maranatha.” The word maranatha is made up of three Aramaic words: mar, which means “Lord”, ana, which means “our”, and tha, which means “come.” So maranatha literally means “Our Lord, come!” It’s an expression of eager anticipation, as Christians eagerly await the return of Jesus Christ. There are a few key things to…

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Dogma refers to the established beliefs, doctrines, and principles of a religion or ideology that are not to be disputed or doubted. In Christianity, dogma represents the essential theological truths that define and regulate the faith. While the specifics and interpretations may evolve over time, the core dogmas are considered unchangeable and infallible. Here is an overview of what constitutes dogma in Christianity and its role in the faith. Origins and Definitions The word “dogma” comes from the Greek word “dogma” meaning “opinion” or “doctrine.” In the Christian faith, dogmas are the revealed, unambiguous truths about God and his relationship…

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The Bible does not explicitly state whether God has a wife or not. However, there are some clues in Scripture that provide insight into this question. God is described in masculine terms Throughout the Bible, God is overwhelmingly described using masculine pronouns and imagery. He is referred to as Father (Matthew 6:9), King (Psalm 47:2), Husband (Isaiah 54:5), Master (Luke 2:29), and other male titles. Jesus refers to God as his Father (John 5:17). These types of descriptions seem to imply that God relates to creation as a masculine entity. No reference to a “wife” or consort of God There…

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