Author: Erin Weitzman

The word “shibboleth” appears several times in the Bible, most prominently in Judges 12. In this chapter, the Gileadites use the word “shibboleth” as a test to identify fleeing Ephraimites who try to cross the Jordan River. The Ephraimites could not pronounce the “sh” sound correctly and would say “sibboleth” instead. Those who failed the test were killed by the Gileadites. The word “shibboleth” literally means “stream” or “flood” in Hebrew, but it took on a broader meaning as a test word to identify outsiders. The conflict between the Gileadites and Ephraimites shows the distrust and division between the Israelite…

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What does it mean to be God-centered? Being God-centered means making God the central focus of one’s life. It means orienting one’s thoughts, desires, actions, relationships, work, time, resources, goals, and identity around God. The opposite would be being self-centered or world-centered, where oneself or the things of this world become the overriding concern. At its core, being God-centered flows out of loving God with all of one’s heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30). This type of all-consuming love and passion for God leads to a life that revolves around knowing, worshipping, obeying and glorifying Him. The Bible describes…

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Should we as Christians watch television (TV)? Television has become a ubiquitous part of modern life. For Christians, deciding whether or not to watch TV can be a complex issue. On one hand, television offers entertainment, information, education, and connection. However, much TV content contains violence, sexuality, coarse language, and unbiblical worldviews that contradict Christian values. How should Christians approach this popular medium? The Bible does not explicitly mention television, as the technology did not exist at the time. However, there are some biblical principles that can guide believers in evaluating TV viewership. Ultimately, mature Christians can prayerfully make their…

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The topic of wearing religious jewelry, such as crosses, crucifixes, or other Christian-themed accessories, is one that many believers wonder about. On one hand, these items can be meaningful symbols of faith. On the other, some argue that the Bible prohibits wearing showy jewelry or adornments. So what guidance does Scripture offer on this issue? Looking deeper at relevant passages helps provide clarity. The Significance of Religious Symbols For many Christians, wearing a cross necklace, crucifix earrings, or other religious jewelry can be a tangible reminder of their spiritual beliefs. These symbols often represent Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross,…

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The Bible teaches that when a person dies, their soul separates from their body and goes to one of two places: heaven or hell. The soul’s eternal destination depends on the person’s relationship with God during their earthly life. For believers in Jesus Christ, death means their soul goes to be with God in heaven. For those who reject Christ, death means their soul goes to hell, eternally separated from God. The Bible says that for believers, “to be absent from the body” is to be “present with the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:8). When a Christian dies, their soul immediately…

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The Bible has a lot to say about holiness, as it is a key theme throughout Scripture. At its essence, biblical holiness refers to being set apart and consecrated for God’s purposes. Holiness is primarily rooted in who God is, as He is perfectly holy and calls His people to reflect His holy character. Some key things the Bible teaches about holiness include: God Is Holy God’s holiness is emphasized frequently throughout Scripture. Passages like Isaiah 6:3 and Revelation 4:8 describe the angels surrounding God’s throne and crying out “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.” God’s holiness speaks…

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Spiritual direction is the practice of being accompanied on one’s spiritual journey by a wise and experienced guide. It has a long history in the Christian tradition going back to the Desert Fathers and Mothers of the early church. At its core, spiritual direction recognizes that all Christians need help and guidance on their walk with God. It provides a space for people to reflect deeply on their relationship with God, their spiritual struggles and growth areas, and discernment of God’s presence and call in their lives. The focus in spiritual direction is on experience, rather than knowledge. A spiritual…

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The statement that there is “no other name under heaven by which we must be saved” comes from Acts 4:12, which says “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” This verse has sparked much discussion about the exclusivity of salvation through Jesus Christ. In this 9000 word article, we will explore the meaning and implications of this significant verse. To start, we must understand the context in which this statement appears. Acts 4 records how Peter and John had healed a lame…

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Antithetical parallelism is a common literary device used in ancient Hebrew poetry, especially in the books of Psalms and Proverbs. It involves positioning two phrases or clauses against each other to express contrasting, opposite meanings using parallel structure. This form of parallelism consists of two parts: the first part makes an assertion, and the second part offers a contrasting thought using similar grammatical structure. The effect is to emphasize the difference between the two ideas. Some key features of antithetical parallelism include: Repetition of Grammatical Structure The two halves of the parallelism have the same or similar grammatical structure. This…

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Being a godly husband begins with understanding what God says about the role and responsibilities of a husband in the Bible. At the most fundamental level, a godly husband is one who follows and obeys God’s design for marriage by loving his wife sacrificially and leading his family spiritually. Here is a more in-depth look at what the Bible teaches about being a godly husband: Love Your Wife Sacrificially A godly husband is called to love his wife in the same selfless, sacrificial way that Christ loved the church. Marriage is meant to mirror the relationship between Christ and the…

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