Author: Erin Weitzman

Mermaids, the mythical half-human, half-fish creatures, are not directly mentioned in the Bible. However, there are some passages in the Bible that may relate to mermaid legends and beliefs. Leviathan In the Old Testament, the Leviathan is described as a powerful sea creature or sea monster. The most detailed description is found in Job 41: Can you pull in Leviathan with a fishhook or tie down its tongue with a rope? Can you put a cord through its nose or pierce its jaw with a hook? Will it keep begging you for mercy? Will it speak to you with gentle…

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The Bible does not directly address the topic of pets, since pet keeping was not a common practice in ancient Israelite culture. However, there are some principles and passages in Scripture that can give us insight into how God views animals and how we should treat them. God cares about the well-being of animals The Bible makes it clear that animals matter to God. He created them and said his creation was “very good” (Genesis 1:25). God cares for the birds of the air and the beasts of the field (Matthew 6:26, Psalm 104:14-18). Several verses forbid cruelty to animals…

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Romans 12:9 says, “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.” This verse comes in the midst of Paul’s discussion of how Christians should live in light of God’s mercy. After laying out the foundations of the gospel in chapters 1-11, Paul turns to the practical implications of the gospel for Christian living. In chapter 12, Paul urges Christians to live sacrificially, using their gifts to serve one another and living as “living sacrifices” to God. It is in this context that Paul instructs believers to “hold fast” or “cling to” what is good.…

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The Keswick movement refers to a distinctive approach to Christian spirituality that emerged in the late 19th century among evangelical Protestants. The name comes from the town of Keswick in England’s Lake District, where annual conferences were held starting in 1875. These “Keswick conventions” promoted teachings about the Christian life that emphasized the experience of “victory over sin” through faith and surrender. While the conventions continue today, the Keswick movement had its greatest influence from around 1875 to 1920. The Keswick teachings were a reaction against both dead orthodoxy and liberal theology in the late Victorian church. Leaders like Hannah…

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How should Christians react to “The Golden Compass” movie? The Golden Compass is a 2007 fantasy film based on the novel of the same name by Philip Pullman. It follows a young girl named Lyra who embarks on a journey to rescue children who have been kidnapped by a mysterious organization. Along the way, she uncovers a sinister plot that involves “Dust”, a mysterious particle that the film’s villains believe will upend religious authority. The film and book series have drawn controversy for their critical portrayal of religion, in particular Christianity and the Catholic Church. As Christians, how should we…

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Religion can be defined as belief in and worship of a supernatural controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. It involves faith, sacred rituals and practices, moral conduct, spiritual aspirations, and often a formal organization. The Bible provides insight into the true meaning and purpose of religion. The Bible teaches that religion should be about having a personal relationship with God. It should flow from an inner conviction and desire to know God, not just conforming to outward rules or rituals. True religion involves loving God and loving others (Matthew 22:37-39). It is expressed through righteous living, compassion, and…

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The number 40 shows up often in the Bible. It is used symbolically to represent a time of testing, trial, probation, or chastisement before deliverance. Here is a look at some of the significant 40 day periods in Scripture: Noah’s Flood Genesis 7 tells us that the rain lasted for 40 days and 40 nights when God sent the flood to destroy the wickedness that had spread throughout the earth (Genesis 7:12). This judged the sin of the world, but also saved Noah and his family as they were protected by the ark. Moses on Mount Sinai After the Israelites…

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What is the Masoretic Text? The Masoretic Text refers to the authoritative Hebrew and Aramaic text of the Old Testament. The Masoretes were a group of Jewish scribes and scholars who worked between the 7th and 11th centuries CE to preserve the traditional Hebrew text of the Bible by standardizing spelling, vowel points, and cantillation marks (the musical notation used when chanting scripture in synagogues). The Masoretes devised a elaborate system of annotations for the Hebrew Bible called the Masorah. This included marginal notes about unusual spellings and scribal errors, as well as more extensive lists of variant readings from…

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The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM) is an evangelical Christian ministry dedicated to equipping believers with knowledge and resources to defend and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. CARM was founded in 1995 by Matt Slick and provides extensive online resources in Christian apologetics, theology, Bible study, and evangelism. Overview of CARM CARM stands for Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry and is located at It was founded by Matt Slick, a former atheist who converted to Christianity. Slick felt called to start CARM as a way to defend Christianity and provide well-researched answers to common objections and questions…

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Doubting Thomas has become a common phrase to describe someone who refuses to believe without direct personal experience. The term comes from one of Jesus’ twelve disciples named Thomas who doubted the resurrection of Jesus unless he could see and feel Jesus’ wounds himself. While healthy skepticism can be good, being quick to disbelieve can limit our growth in faith. So how can we avoid falling into the trap of doubting Thomas? Understand the Cause of Doubt Faith and doubt exist on a spectrum. Some factors that can lead us towards doubt include: Negative experiences that make us question God’s…

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