Author: Erin Weitzman

This is a very common question that many Christians have. The short answer is yes, Christians do have the authority to rebuke the devil and evil spirits because of the authority we have in Jesus Christ. To understand this issue more fully, we need to first understand what the Bible teaches about spiritual warfare and the authority Christians have. The Bible is clear that there is a spiritual battle going on between God’s kingdom and the kingdom of darkness ruled by Satan (Ephesians 6:12). Satan and his demonic forces are active in the world seeking to deceive, accuse, and destroy…

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The division of the earth mentioned in Genesis 10:25 in relation to Peleg has been interpreted in different ways by Bible scholars over the years. Some see it as referring to a physical splitting of continents, while others view it in terms of a linguistic or ethnic division of humanity. Looking closely at the context and original language provides insight into this cryptic passage. The Passage in Genesis About Peleg Genesis 10 gives the table of nations – describing how Noah’s descendants spread out after the Flood. Verse 25 states: To Eber were born two sons: the name of the…

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The Great Tribulation is a period of great suffering and turmoil that is prophesied to occur prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. It is mentioned specifically in Matthew 24:21, where Jesus says, “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be.” This time of tribulation will be initiated by the Antichrist and will impact believers and nonbelievers alike across the world. The book of Revelation provides many details about the Great Tribulation, including its length and the different series of judgments that…

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Physical attraction can play a significant role when looking for a spouse, but it should not be the sole or primary factor according to the Bible. The Bible encourages believers to look beyond outward appearance and focus more on the heart and character of a potential spouse. Proverbs 31:30 says “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” This verse reminds us that physical attributes are fleeting, but godly character is of utmost importance. 1 Samuel 16:7 also says “For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on…

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Levi is one of the most interesting biblical characters, though he is not always immediately recognizable by name alone. Levi was one of the twelve sons of Jacob, who was also known as Israel (Genesis 29:34). Levi’s mother was Leah, Jacob’s first wife. Levi had three full brothers: Reuben, Simeon, and Judah. He also had several half brothers, including Joseph, Benjamin, Issachar, and Zebulun. Levi is an important biblical character for several reasons. First, it was through Levi’s lineage that the priesthood descended. God chose men from the tribe of Levi to stand before Him and offer sacrifices on behalf…

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Asher was one of the twelve sons of Jacob in the Old Testament. His mother was Zilpah, Leah’s handmaid. Asher’s name means “happy” or “blessed.” He was born in Paddan Aram when Jacob was serving Laban (Genesis 30:12-13). Not much is said about Asher in the Bible. He went down to Egypt with Jacob during the famine (Genesis 46:17). When Jacob blessed his sons, he predicted that Asher’s food would be rich and he would provide delicacies fit for a king (Genesis 49:20). The tribe of Asher was allotted land west of the Sea of Galilee when the Israelites entered…

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Prayer is one of the most important ways that believers communicate with God. Through prayer, we can praise God, thank Him for His blessings, ask for forgiveness, intercede for others, and make our requests known. The Bible has a great deal to say about how prayer enables us to connect with our heavenly Father. At its most basic level, prayer is simply talking to God. He invites us to come boldly before His throne of grace to “obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16). Praying allows us to develop a close, intimate relationship with…

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The “virtuous woman” described in Proverbs 31 has been a source of inspiration and guidance for many Christian women over the centuries. While the immediate context was advice from a mother to her son about the kind of wife he should seek, the principles embodied by this woman have broader applications as well. As we examine her character and behavior, there are numerous lessons that all believers, both women and men, can learn about living a life that honors God. Her character The very first description of the virtuous woman is that she is of strong moral character (Proverbs 31:10).…

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The verse “love does not boast” comes from 1 Corinthians 13:4, which is part of the famous “love chapter” where the apostle Paul describes what true, godly love looks like. This verse tells us that one characteristic of real love is that it “does not boast.” To understand what this means, we first need to define what boasting is. To boast is to speak with excessive pride about one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities in order to impress others. Boasting often involves exaggerating or stretching the truth about oneself. It’s focused on self-promotion and calling attention to oneself. The motivation behind…

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What is True Worship? True worship is the reverent honor and homage paid to God. It is the act of honoring and praising God by acknowledging His supreme worthiness, greatness, and glory. The Bible has much to say about what constitutes true worship and provides principles and examples to help us understand how to properly worship God. At its core, worship is about orienting our hearts, minds, and lives completely towards God. It flows from a heart that is in love with God, astounded by His greatness, and grateful for His grace. True worship engages our entire being in expressing…

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