Author: Erin Weitzman

The story of Saul consulting the witch of Endor in 1 Samuel 28:7-20 has puzzled Bible readers for centuries. Did the witch really summon the spirit of the dead prophet Samuel? Or was this an illusion or demonic deception instead? Let’s take a closer look at the passage to understand what’s going on. The Context of 1 Samuel 28 First, it’s important to understand the larger context leading up to this unusual event. Saul was the first king of Israel, but he had disobeyed God’s commands and was rejected from being king (1 Samuel 15). Now the Philistines were gathering…

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The Bible does not specifically mention being late or lateness. However, there are some principles and verses that can provide wisdom and insight into how we should view and respond to lateness. Being on time shows respect for others Showing up late for an appointment or event demonstrates a lack of respect for other people’s time. When we are late, we are essentially saying that our time is more valuable than the time of those who are waiting for us. Proverbs 14:23 warns against meaningless talk and emphasizes the value of hard work: “In all toil there is profit, but…

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Jaffa, also known as Joppa or Japho, was an ancient port city located on the Mediterranean coast in what is now Tel Aviv, Israel. It is mentioned several times in the Bible as an important maritime and commercial hub connecting Israel with other nations. Here are some of the key ways Jaffa is significant in the Bible: A boundary marker for the territory of Israel In the division of the Promised Land among the twelve tribes of Israel after the Exodus, Jaffa marked the boundary between the territories of Dan and Ephraim (Joshua 19:46). Its status as a boundary city…

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The Arameans were a Semitic people group who emerged in the region of Aram (modern-day Syria) in the Late Bronze Age. They spoke Aramaic, which became the lingua franca of the Near East during the Neo-Assyrian Empire. The Bible contains many references to the Arameans, though they are not always distinguished from other related groups like the Syrians. Key facts about the Arameans in the Bible include: 1. They originated from Aram, the region encompassing much of modern-day Syria. The precise location of their homeland is uncertain, though some scholars suggest it was centered around Damascus (2 Samuel 8:5-6). Other…

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The issue of wanting to die is a complex one that many people struggle with. According to the Bible, life is a gift from God and we are called to value and protect it. However, there are times when people experience deep anguish and despair that leads them to contemplate ending their life. What does the Bible say about these difficult situations? First, it is important to recognize that the desire to die often comes from extreme emotional pain. When people are hurting deeply, they may see death as the only way to end their suffering. The Bible acknowledges that…

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How should Christians react to persecution against the LGBTQ community? Christians are called to show love, compassion, and understanding to all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. However, this does not mean approving of all behaviors or lifestyles. The Bible is clear that homosexual acts are sinful (Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10). But the Bible is equally clear that we are all sinners in need of God’s grace and mercy (Romans 3:23). As followers of Jesus, Christians must balance biblical truth with Christlike love. Here are some principles for Christians to consider: 1. Remember that all people are…

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The story of Solomon and the two prostitutes is found in 1 Kings 3:16-28. Here is a detailed retelling of the story in over 9,000 words: One day, two prostitutes came to King Solomon and stood before him. One of the women said, “Please, my lord, this woman and I live in the same house, and I gave birth to a child while she was there with me. The third day after I gave birth, this woman also gave birth. We were alone; there was no one else with us in the house; only the two of us were in…

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The Bible teaches that God is truth. This is a profound and meaningful statement about the nature and character of God. Here is an overview of what it means that God is truth: God is the Source of Truth Truth originates from God. He is the ultimate standard and foundation for what is true. In John 14:6, Jesus declared “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” All truth flows from the person of Christ. As the embodiment of truth, Jesus reveals what is true about God, humanity, salvation, and every area of life. God’s Word, the Bible,…

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What does the Bible say about doubt? Doubt is a common human experience, even for Christians. We all have moments where we struggle to fully trust God or believe His promises. Though doubt can shake our faith, the Bible offers wisdom, encouragement and examples of how to respond. What Causes Doubt? There are many potential reasons we might doubt: – Difficult circumstances – When we face trials, unanswered prayer, suffering or tragedy, it’s easy to question God’s goodness. – Uncertainty about the future – Not knowing what’s ahead can breed anxiety and doubt. – Weak faith – If our spiritual…

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The term “woke” has become increasingly popular in recent years. Broadly speaking, being “woke” refers to being aware of and actively attentive to issues of racial and social justice. However, like many cultural buzzwords, the meaning and implications of “wokeness” are complex and sometimes controversial among Christians. On one hand, caring about justice aligns with Biblical values. God calls His people to “act justly and to love mercy” (Micah 6:8) and to “learn to do good; seek justice” (Isaiah 1:17). Jesus modeled concern for the marginalized and oppressed. So being awake to injustice and advocating for the vulnerable reflects God’s…

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