Author: Erin Weitzman

The Gathering of Christ Church is a small, independent Christian church located primarily in the southern United States. It was founded in the late 1970s by a charismatic preacher named John Smith (not his real name). The church’s beliefs and practices fall outside of mainstream Christianity and have been met with criticism and controversy over the years. The Gathering of Christ Church considers itself non-denominational, although its theology aligns most closely with Pentecostal and charismatic movements. At its peak in the 1990s, the church claimed around 5,000 members, but membership has declined to an estimated 1,500 today. The church does…

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The book of Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament, consisting of only 21 verses. Yet in this brief prophetic book, we find critical details about an ancient nation called Edom and its relationship to God’s chosen people, Israel. Obadiah 1:1 introduces the prophecy as concerning “Edom.” Verse 8 gives us a bit more information, indicating that this message is for “Esau,” who is specifically called “the land of Edom.” So Edom is a land, but it’s clearly connected to a person – Esau. To understand the identity of Edom, we have to go back to the Old…

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The Jesus Prayer, also known as the Prayer of the Heart, is a short, simple prayer that invites Jesus Christ into our hearts. It goes: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” This prayer has been practiced for centuries among Eastern Orthodox Christians and others as a way to draw nearer to God and invite His presence into one’s life. Though simple, it is profound in meaning. Let’s explore the history, meaning, and purpose behind this powerful, contemplative prayer. History of the Jesus Prayer The exact origins of the Jesus Prayer are unknown, but it…

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The verse 1 John 4:19 states “We love because he first loved us.” This profound yet simple verse contains a powerful truth about God’s love for us and how we can love Him in return. Let’s explore the meaning behind this verse in more detail: God’s Love Comes First The key insight from 1 John 4:19 is that God’s love comes before our love for Him. God initiated love towards us first, even while we were still sinners: “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). God’s love…

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John Calvin was a prominent 16th century Protestant Reformer and founder of the theological system known as Calvinism. In 1553, he oversaw the trial and execution by burning of Michael Servetus, a Spanish theologian deemed a heretic by both Catholics and Protestants of the time. To understand why Calvin had Servetus executed, we must look at the historical context. In 16th century Europe, church and state were closely intertwined. Heresy was considered both a religious offense and a crime against the state. The punishment for obstinate heretics was often execution. This was a widely accepted practice endorsed by both Catholic…

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Philippians 2:5 says, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” This verse encourages believers to have the same attitude, perspective, and way of thinking that Jesus had during His time on earth. In order to fully understand what it means to have the mind of Christ, we must first examine the context surrounding this verse. Context of Philippians 2:5 Philippians 2:5 falls within a larger passage of Philippians 2:1-11 where Paul is exhorting the Philippian church to unity and humility. He urges them in verse 2 to be “of the same mind, having the same…

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The verse Hebrews 4:16 says “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” This verse encourages believers to come boldly and confidently before God’s throne to receive grace and mercy from Him. But what exactly does it mean to “come boldly to the throne of grace”? Let’s explore this phrase in more detail. 1. The throne of grace represents God’s presence and authority In the Bible, a throne often represents the seat of authority of a ruler or king. God’s throne…

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The phrase “God will be all in all” comes from 1 Corinthians 15:28 which says, “When all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to him who put all things in subjection under him, that God may be all in all.” This verse points to a future time when God’s sovereignty over all of creation will be fully realized. There are a few key things to understand about what this verse is teaching: 1. This refers to a future event Paul is speaking of a future time when something will happen – “when all…

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In John 10:11, Jesus declares “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” This powerful statement provides deep insight into Jesus’s role and purpose. As the good shepherd, Jesus cares deeply for His people, guiding, protecting, and even sacrificing Himself for their wellbeing. To comprehend the full meaning of Jesus as the good shepherd, it is helpful to examine the cultural context, Old Testament foundations, and Jesus’s own explanation of His shepherding work. Cultural Context of Shepherds In first century Palestine, shepherds held an important position in society. Sheep were valuable sources of…

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Controlling sinful impulses is a struggle many Christians face. Though we may desire to live righteously, our fleshly desires often war against our spirit (Galatians 5:17). Thankfully, God’s word offers much wisdom on how to wage war against the flesh and resist temptation. Here are some key principles from Scripture on overcoming sinful impulses: 1. Submit to God and resist the devil (James 4:7). The first step is surrendering our will to Christ and actively resisting the schemes of the enemy. Satan seeks to tempt us and fan the flames of sinful desires. But we can stand firm by submitting…

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