Author: Erin Weitzman

King Hoshea was the last king of the northern kingdom of Israel before it was conquered by the Assyrians in 722 BC. He reigned from around 732-722 BC. Here is an overview of what the Bible tells us about King Hoshea: Hoshea Becomes King Hoshea came to the throne of Israel after he conspired against and assassinated the previous king, Pekah. This is recorded in 2 Kings 15:30 (ESV): “Then Hoshea the son of Elah made a conspiracy against Pekah the son of Remaliah and struck him down and put him to death and reigned in his place, in the…

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The book of Revelation contains seven letters to seven churches in Asia Minor. At the end of each letter, Jesus makes a promise “to him who overcomes.” These promises are intended to encourage believers to remain faithful even in the midst of persecution and hardship. Here is an overview of the promises made to overcomers in Revelation: To the Church in Ephesus “To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God” (Revelation 2:7). This promise echoes back to the garden of Eden where Adam and…

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The Bible contains 1,189 chapters across its 66 books. While most chapters contain dozens or hundreds of verses, the shortest chapter in the Bible has just one verse. This shortest chapter is Psalm 117. Psalm 117 reads in its entirety: “Praise the Lord, all nations! Extol him, all peoples!” (Psalm 117:1 ESV) At just one verse and 25 words long in English, Psalm 117 is the shortest of the Bible’s 1,189 chapters. Some key details on Psalm 117: – It is the 595th chapter when the Bible is ordered canonically, coming near the end of the book of Psalms. -…

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How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and active force of God in the world. As Christians, we want to be filled with the Holy Spirit in order to live God-honoring lives and carry out His work. Here are several key things the Bible teaches about being filled with the Holy Spirit: We Receive the Holy Spirit at Salvation When we put our faith in Christ for salvation, we receive the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. “In him you also, when you heard the word of truth,…

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The Bible has a lot to say about the issue of favoritism. Showing partiality or favoritism to certain people over others is something that God frowns upon. Throughout Scripture, God makes it clear that He does not show favoritism among people, and neither should we. Here is an overview of some of the key Biblical passages that deal with the topic of favoritism: Old Testament Teachings on Favoritism The Old Testament contains several verses that instruct against showing favoritism: Leviticus 19:15 “Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your…

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Sexual harassment is an unfortunate reality that many people face in their daily lives. It can occur in various settings like the workplace, school, or in public places. As Christians, what guidance does the Bible provide when dealing with issues of sexual harassment? The Bible does not directly address the concept of sexual harassment as we understand it today. However, it does speak extensively about sexual morality and how men and women should treat one another with respect. There are several relevant principles we can draw from Scripture. 1. Everyone is created in God’s image The Bible teaches that all…

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The phrase “set my feet upon a rock” comes from Psalm 40:2, which says “He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.” This powerful verse speaks to the Lord’s deliverance and stabilization of those who trust in Him. To fully understand the meaning of this verse, it’s important to look at the context. Psalm 40 begins with David praising God for lifting him out of a pit and setting his feet securely on a rock. He had been waiting patiently for the Lord…

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The question of who exactly has ascended into heaven is an interesting one that many Christians ponder. John 3:13 states: “No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.” At first glance, this verse seems to suggest that no human entered heaven until after Jesus’s death and resurrection. However, a closer examination of the full biblical canon reveals that the issue is more complex. First, it is important to note the context of John 3:13. Jesus is speaking to Nicodemus and explaining spiritual realities and the necessity of being “born again.” He is…

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Pneumatology is the study of the Holy Spirit and His work. The word comes from the Greek pneuma meaning “wind,” “breath,” or “spirit.” In Christian theology, pneumatology refers to the study of the Holy Spirit. The Personhood of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity. Though the word “trinity” is not found in Scripture, it is implied in several places that the Holy Spirit is God, co-equal and co-eternal with God the Father and God the Son (Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14). The Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force or power, but a…

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The sovereignty of God is a foundational doctrine in the Christian faith that has profound implications for how we live our daily lives. At its core, God’s sovereignty means that He has supreme authority and control over everything that happens in the universe. Nothing happens without God either directly causing it or allowing it to happen. This can be a difficult concept to fully grasp, but embracing it is crucial to living a life of faith and trust in God. So what does God’s sovereignty really mean for your everyday life as a believer? Here are some key ways it…

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