Author: Erin Weitzman

The book of Proverbs has a lot to say about the power of our words and how we use our tongues. In Proverbs 6:12 we read “A worthless person, a wicked man, goes about with crooked speech.” This verse warns against the dangers of having a “perverse mouth” that speaks in a twisted, deceitful manner. Let’s break this down and see what we can learn about having a “perverse mouth” from a biblical perspective: 1. A perverse mouth speaks deceitfully and distorts the truth The Hebrew word translated as “crooked” here literally means “twisted” or “distorted.” A perverse mouth is…

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Giving your life to God is the most important decision you can make. It begins with understanding who God is, acknowledging your need for Him, and placing your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Here is a 9,000 word guide to help explain what the Bible says about giving your life to God. Understanding Who God Is The first step in giving your life to God is gaining a proper understanding of who He is. God reveals Himself in the Bible as the eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing Creator of the universe. He is holy, righteous, and just. God…

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Hyssop is a plant that is mentioned several times in the Bible, both in the Old Testament and New Testament. Here is an overview of the biblical references to hyssop and what they can teach us: Hyssop in the Old Testament Hyssop is first mentioned in Exodus 12:22, where Moses instructs the Israelites to use a bunch of hyssop to apply the blood of the Passover lamb to the lintels and doorposts of their homes before the final plague on Egypt: “Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it into the blood in the basin and put some of the blood…

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The story of Jesus being led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted is found in Matthew 4:1-11. This event occurred right after Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist. Let’s examine why this was a necessary part of Jesus’ earthly ministry. Fulfilling All Righteousness In Matthew 3:15, when Jesus comes to John to be baptized, He says, “Let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” This indicates that every part of Jesus’ life and ministry on earth was to perfectly fulfill the righteous requirements of God. Being led by the…

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Easter is the most important holiday on the Christian calendar. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, proving He was who He claimed to be – the Son of God. This miraculous event is the cornerstone of the Christian faith, giving believers hope in their own future resurrection. As Easter approaches, it’s a perfect time to dedicate focused study to this pinnacle moment. Here’s a suggested Bible reading plan for the 25 days leading up to Resurrection Sunday: Day 1 – Mark 11:1-11 On this first day of readings, we’ll look at Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem…

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As we continue through the Easter season, reflecting on Christ’s death and resurrection, today’s reading focuses on the theme of renewal and restoration. Just as Easter marks the renewal of life and hope, our readings today point to spiritual renewal, restoration of relationships, and God’s desire to make all things new. We start in the book of Isaiah, where the prophet foretells of Israel’s future restoration and renewal. After a time of exile and punishment for their sins, God promises to bring his people back to their homeland and make them prosper again. “For behold, I create new heavens and…

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The Easter season is a time of renewal, hope, and celebration of Christ’s resurrection. As we continue our Easter reading plan, day 16 focuses on some key passages in the Gospels and Acts that highlight the meaning and significance of this important event. Luke 24:1-12 – The Empty Tomb On the first day of the week after Jesus’ crucifixion, some of his female followers went to his tomb to anoint his body with spices. When they arrived, they were astonished to find the stone rolled away and the tomb empty. Two men in dazzling white suddenly appeared and told the…

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Easter is the most important holiday on the Christian calendar. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, proving that He was truly the Son of God. As we approach Easter, it’s valuable to spend time reflecting on the events leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection, as told in the Gospels. Here is a suggested reading plan to help you prepare your heart for Easter. Day 7 Reading On the seventh day of the Easter reading plan, we’ll focus on John 18-19. This passage covers Jesus’ arrest, trial, crucifixion, and burial. It provides important details that the…

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The Easter season is a time of reflection, renewal, and rejoicing as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. As part of an Easter reading plan, the 5th day offers rich biblical truths to meditate on. Here are some key passages and themes to reflect on for day 5 of an Easter reading plan: The Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) This poignant story depicts two disciples walking along the road to Emmaus shortly after Jesus’ crucifixion. As they are walking, Jesus joins them but they do not recognize him initially. Jesus walks with them, listening to their confusion and hopelessness…

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The story of Jesus healing the paralyzed man at the Pool of Bethesda is found in John 5:1-15. In this passage, Jesus encounters a man who had been paralyzed for 38 years and asks him, “Do you want to be made well?” This may seem like an obvious question – of course the man wanted to be healed! However, Jesus had a deeper purpose behind asking it. Here are some key reasons why Jesus asked this question: 1. To reveal the man’s true heart condition On the surface, it may appear this man wanted to be healed. He was lying…

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