Author: Erin Weitzman

The question of whether Jesus could have sinned while on earth is an important one, with implications for Christology and soteriology. The traditional Christian view is that Jesus was impeccable – that is, incapable of sinning – during his earthly life. This doctrine has been the predominant position in church history and is held by the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and most Protestant traditions. However, some theologians have argued that Jesus was capable of sinning (peccable) but did not actually commit any sins. This article will examine the biblical evidence and theological reasoning surrounding this debate. The doctrine of impeccability…

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Hagiography is the study of the lives of saints and other holy people. The term comes from the Greek words hagios, meaning “holy”, and graphos, meaning “writing”. Hagiography refers specifically to the biographies of saints and ecclesiastical leaders. These works typically praise the example set by eminent Christians and describe their journeys of faith. The origins of Christian hagiography lie in the veneration of martyrs beginning in the early church. Accounts of the martyrdom of apostles and other Christians were recorded and circulated among believers. These stories emphasized the courage and conviction displayed by martyrs in the face of persecution…

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This is a common criticism made against the Bible – that it borrowed or copied stories from other ancient religions and mythologies. However, when examined more closely, these claims do not hold up to scrutiny. Here is an in-depth look at this issue: Alleged Parallels Between Biblical Accounts and Other Ancient Myths Some of the main parallels often pointed out between biblical accounts and ancient myths include: The Genesis creation account and other ancient creation myths like the Babylonian Enuma Elish. Noah’s flood and the Epic of Gilgamesh flood account. Biblical characters like Adam, Eve, Moses being similar to mythical…

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The Bible does not directly address the concept of “marrying the wrong person.” However, it provides guidance that can help Christians make wise decisions about whom to marry. Here is an overview of some key biblical principles on this topic: 1. Seek God’s wisdom when choosing a spouse The Bible encourages believers to seek God’s wisdom and discernment when making important life decisions, including whom to marry (Proverbs 3:5-6; James 1:5). We should pray for His guidance and listen for His leading when considering potential spouses. Marrying someone without carefully seeking God’s will first increases the risk of marrying an…

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Formal equivalence is a translation philosophy that prioritizes accuracy and faithfulness to the original language and text structure of the Bible over readability and naturalness in the target language. The goal of formal equivalence is to preserve as much of the original form, meaning, and content as possible while still producing an understandable translation. Some key characteristics of formal equivalent Bible translations include: Word-for-word: Translating the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek words and phrases as literally as possible into the receptor language. Preserving original word order and grammar: Following the word order and grammatical structures of the original languages as…

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The Bible does not directly address pansexuality or omnisexuality, as these are relatively modern terms referring to sexual or romantic attraction not limited by biological sex, gender, or gender identity. However, the Bible has relevant principles regarding human sexuality and relationships that can inform a Christian perspective on these topics. Biblical Principles on Sexuality and Relationships Here are some key biblical principles regarding sexuality and relationships: God created sex and designed it for marriage between a man and a woman (Genesis 1:27-28, 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6). Any sexual relations outside of this context are considered sinful. Lustful desires and sexual immorality…

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Juneteenth, also known as Juneteenth Independence Day or Freedom Day, commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. On June 19, 1865, Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation and free the remaining enslaved people. Although the Emancipation Proclamation was issued on January 1, 1863, many slave owners continued to hold their slaves captive after that date. Juneteenth marks the day when the last enslaved people in the Confederate South finally received news that they were free. For Christians, Juneteenth provides an opportunity to reflect on the evils of slavery, celebrate freedom, and continue working…

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The Haystack Prayer Meeting was an important event that took place in 1806 and led to the formation of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM), the first American organization focused on sending missionaries overseas. Here is a detailed overview of this historic gathering and its significance in 9,000 words: In 1806, five students at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts came together for an afternoon of prayer in a grove of trees. The exact date is unknown, but it was likely in late July or early August. The students were Samuel John Mills Jr., James Richards, Francis L.…

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The question of whether Jesus is God is one of the most fundamental and important questions in Christianity. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, one with God the Father and yet distinct in personhood. The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus is divine, but it also portrays Jesus as subordinate to and sent by the Father. Resolving this tension has been a major topic of discussion and debate throughout church history. In exploring whether Jesus is God, we will look at a variety of biblical evidence. We will examine key titles used for Jesus, specific claims Jesus made…

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The desire to be rich and famous is common in our culture today. Social media influencers, reality TV stars, and entrepreneurs often portray luxurious lifestyles and popularity as the pinnacle of success. For Christians, the temptation can be strong to make attaining wealth and fame primary goals as well. However, Scripture provides wisdom on the topics of money, possessions, humility, and living for God’s glory versus self-glorification. While being rich or famous is not inherently sinful, making these things our highest aims can lead us astray spiritually. Christians should carefully examine their motivations and align their priorities with biblical values…

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