Author: Erin Weitzman

The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis is the fourth book in The Chronicles of Narnia series. As with the other books in this beloved children’s fantasy series, The Silver Chair explores several Christian themes and concepts. Here are some of the key biblical messages found in The Silver Chair: 1. Temptation and Sin One of the central themes in The Silver Chair is temptation and sin. The main characters, Jill and Eustace, face temptation from the Lady of the Green Kirtle who seeks to lead them astray from their mission to find the lost Prince Rilian. She tempts them with…

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Heterodoxy refers to beliefs or opinions that go against established or orthodox doctrines and teachings, especially in religion. In Christianity, heterodoxy represents viewpoints that diverge from mainstream orthodox Christian theology and teachings based on the Bible. At its core, heterodoxy signifies unorthodoxy and contrasting viewpoints that challenge accepted norms and standards within the Christian faith. The concept of heterodoxy implies a presence of orthodoxy – a set of established doctrines and teachings that are considered authoritative and normative by the majority within a religion. Orthodoxy represents the prevailing and accepted theological perspectives within Christianity. It upholds certain core doctrines and…

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The phrase “the two shall become one flesh” first appears in Genesis 2:24, which states: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” This verse describes God’s original intention for marriage – that a husband and wife would unite in a profound and intimate way. There are several important implications of this verse: 1. Marriage unites two people in a unique relationship The language of “becoming one flesh” indicates a joining together that goes beyond a merely physical or casual relationship. God designed marriage to be…

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The Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis contains many allegorical and symbolic references to Christian themes and beliefs. This is especially evident in the third book, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Here are some of the main Christian themes and symbols found in this novel: Christ Figure Aslan, the great lion and ruler of Narnia, is a Christ-like figure who represents Jesus Christ. Like Christ, Aslan is sacrificed and rises again. He guides the characters, especially Edmund and Lucy, on their spiritual journey. When Lucy and Edmund meet Aslan in his country at the end of the world,…

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The Levites were one of the twelve tribes of Israel and they had a special role and purpose among God’s chosen people. They were set apart to serve in the tabernacle and later in the temple, assisting the priests with various duties and responsibilities. As a reward for their service, God decreed that the Levites would not receive a specific territorial inheritance like the other Israelite tribes. Instead, God declared that He Himself would be their inheritance. This unique arrangement is first described in the book of Numbers. After commanding that the Levites receive no inheritance of land along with…

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Unanswered prayer is a common struggle for many believers. We pray earnestly for healing, provision, reconciliation, or guidance, but God seems silent. What should we make of this? How should we respond when God doesn’t answer as we hoped? First, we need to understand that God always answers prayer. His answer isn’t always what we want or expect, but He does respond (Isaiah 65:24). Sometimes God says “yes” and grants our request. Other times He says “no” because it would not be good for us. And sometimes He says “wait” and allows a delay for His divine purposes (Luke 18:7-8).…

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The phrase “Let Us make man in Our image” appears in Genesis 1:26 and has significant implications for understanding the nature of God and humanity. This verse raises key questions – Who is God speaking to when He says “Us”? And what does it mean for humans to be made in the image and likeness of God? This article will explore the meaning behind this intriguing verse in depth. Who is God Speaking to When He Says “Let Us”? When God says “Let Us make man in Our image,” the question arises – who is He speaking to? There are…

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Evolutionism is the belief that life on earth arose from natural processes and developed over time through random mutation and natural selection without any divine intervention. It stands in contrast to creationism, which asserts that God created the universe and life according to supernatural means. Evolutionism is based on the theory of biological evolution, which seeks to explain how living things change over generations and develop new and differing characteristics. The theory posits that species change through a process called natural selection, whereby organisms with traits best suited to their environment are more likely to survive, reproduce, and pass on…

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The eagle is referenced numerous times throughout the Bible, both literally and symbolically. Here is an overview of some of the key things the Bible says about eagles: Eagles as symbols of strength and speed The eagle is described as a strong and swift bird of prey. Passages that highlight the eagle’s speed and strength include: – “Saul and Jonathan, beloved and lovely! In life and in death they were not divided; they were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions.” (2 Samuel 1:23) – “The Lord satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed…

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What is the Love of Christ? The love of Christ is a central theme throughout the Bible. It refers to the selfless, sacrificial love that Jesus Christ demonstrated through his life, death on the cross, and resurrection. Here is an overview of what the Bible says about the love of Christ: Christ’s Love in Coming to Earth The very act of Jesus coming to earth as a human displayed God’s deep love for humanity. As Philippians 2:5-8 (ESV) describes, Jesus emptied himself by taking on the form of a servant and humbled himself even to the point of death on…

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