Author: Erin Weitzman

The Bible has a lot to say about beauty, both inner and outer. Here is an overview of some of the key biblical teachings on beauty: God is the source of all beauty As the Creator of the universe, God is the ultimate source of all beauty (Genesis 1:31). Everything God makes reflects His glory and splendor (Psalm 19:1). True beauty originates from God and is a reflection of His divine nature. Outer beauty is fleeting The Bible warns that physical or outer beauty is fleeting and does not last (Proverbs 31:30). Charm can be deceptive, and beauty fades with…

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The verse James 4:6 states, “But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.'” This verse packs a powerful truth that has implications for how we should live as followers of Christ. To properly understand this verse, we first need to examine the broader context of the passage it comes from. James 4 opens with a rebuke from James against the quarrels and conflicts between Christians. He chastises them for seeking after worldly pleasures that lead to fighting and warns that friendship with the world equates to “enmity with God” (James…

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The word “church” originates from the Greek word “kyriakon” meaning “belonging to the Lord.” It refers to the gathering of believers in Christ for worship and fellowship. Here is a detailed 9000 word article exploring the meaning and origins of the word “church” according to the Bible: The concept of the church is central in Christianity. Jesus said “I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18). The book of Acts describes the early beginnings of the Christian church. The New Testament epistles contain instructions for church conduct and organization. So understanding what the Bible teaches about the meaning of church is…

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The saying “man’s inhumanity to man” refers to cruel, brutal, and harmful acts that human beings inflict upon one another. It speaks to the capacity for evil that exists within mankind when we fail to follow God’s laws and morality. The Bible has much to say about why humans harm each other and how we ought to treat our fellow man. At the root of cruelty toward others is sin – the fundamental human problem. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3), sin entered the world and corrupted human nature. We lost the original…

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Being a godly wife begins with understanding God’s purpose and design for marriage. According to Scripture, marriage is a sacred covenant between a man and a woman modeled after Christ’s relationship with the church (Ephesians 5:22-33). As a wife, your calling is to respect, submit to, and serve your husband – not as a slave or doormat – but as a willing helper and companion. Your marriage is meant to be a living portrait of the gospel through which God’s glory is displayed. Practically speaking, being a godly wife involves cultivating a gentle and quiet spirit (1 Peter 3:4), being…

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The Ordo Salutis, also known as the Order of Salvation, refers to the logical order of events in the application of salvation to the life of a believer. It seeks to explain how God’s grace flows to the elect in a logical and systematic progression. The doctrine emerged during the Protestant Reformation as theologians like John Calvin sought to explain the order and relationship between the various aspects of salvation. While there is general agreement among Protestants on the major events in the Ordo Salutis, the exact order has been debated throughout church history. There are essentially two main Protestant…

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The verse “Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit” comes from Zechariah 4:6 in the Bible. This verse provides insight into how God accomplishes His work in the world. Let’s take a closer look at the meaning and significance of this verse. The Context of Zechariah 4:6 The book of Zechariah contains prophetic visions and messages given to the prophet Zechariah to encourage the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile. Zechariah 4 records a vision of a gold lampstand and two olive trees. In this vision, the lampstand represents the temple, while the…

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The Bible does not directly mention Stonehenge or reveal its original purpose. However, based on archaeological evidence and biblical principles, some plausible theories can be explored from a biblical perspective. Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England, consisting of a ring of standing stones surrounded by earthworks. Radiocarbon dating indicates construction began around 3100 BC and continued in phases over many centuries. The standing stones range from 13 to 30 feet tall and weigh up to 45 tons each. They were precisely arranged based on astronomical alignments. Many theories have been proposed for Stonehenge’s purpose, including as a…

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What are the consequences of nations turning away from God? The Bible has a lot to say about what happens when nations and individuals turn away from God. Though every situation is unique, there are some clear patterns we see repeated throughout Scripture that serve as warnings to us today. Idolatry and False Gods One of the most common symptoms of a nation drifting from the true God is the proliferation of idols and false gods. When a nation’s heart grows distant from God, the people will start looking for meaning and fulfillment in created things rather than the Creator.…

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The concept of an “unmoved mover” originates from Aristotle’s metaphysics. Aristotle reasoned that motion must have been caused by something, and that whatever caused that motion must itself have been caused by something else, and so on. This chain of causation cannot regress infinitely, so Aristotle posited that there must be a first cause – something that caused motion without itself being moved. This unmoved mover was equated to God by some later philosophers and theologians. The Bible does not explicitly endorse or refer to Aristotle’s metaphysics. However, there are passages in the Bible that resonate with the concept of…

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