Author: Erin Weitzman

The parable of the vineyard in Isaiah 5:1-7 offers profound insights into God’s expectations for His people and the consequences when those expectations are not met. At the heart of this parable is the imagery of a vineyard that, instead of producing good grapes, produced “wild grapes” or worthless fruit (Isaiah 5:2,4). What can we learn from these wild grapes in God’s disappointing vineyard? 1. God expects fruit from those He plants and tends In the parable, God plants a vineyard, equipping it with everything needed to be fruitful – fertile ground, choice vines, a watchtower, a winepress (Isaiah 5:1-2).…

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The form of Jesus’ execution device is a topic that biblical scholars and historians have debated for centuries. The Greek word used in the New Testament for Jesus’ execution device is “stauros.” This word has been traditionally translated as “cross” in most English Bible translations. However, some argue that “stauros” could refer to a single stake or pole, rather than a traditional cross shape. So what does the Bible actually say about the shape of Jesus’ execution device? Let’s explore the biblical evidence. The Meaning of “Stauros” As mentioned, the Greek word “stauros” is used in the New Testament to…

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Valentine’s Day is a widely celebrated holiday on February 14th each year. It is a day associated with expressing love and affection, often through giving cards, flowers, chocolates, or other gifts to one’s spouse or sweetheart. However, many Christians wonder about the origins of this holiday and whether it is appropriate for believers to participate in its customary traditions. Examining the history and meanings behind Valentine’s Day can help Christians make an informed decision about their involvement. The Origins of Valentine’s Day There are differing accounts of the exact origins of Valentine’s Day. Some connect it to a Christian saint…

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The Bible has a lot to say about hope. Hope is defined in the Bible as an expectation, desire, or longing for something good in the future. It is one of the three theological virtues, along with faith and love. Hope is rooted in faith in God’s promises and salvation through Jesus Christ. Here is an overview of some of the key things the Bible says about hope: Hope comes from God The Bible teaches that true hope comes from God. God gives us hope through His Word and His promises: “May the God of hope fill you with all…

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The question of whether God is an egomaniac is an important one that deserves careful biblical examination. At first glance, some of God’s actions and demands may seem self-centered or egotistical. However, when we look at the full picture presented in Scripture, we see a more nuanced perspective on God’s motivations and character. In considering this question, it’s important to first define what we mean by “egomaniac.” An egomaniac is someone who is obsessively self-centered or egotistical. They have an excessive sense of self-importance and are often driven by a desire for power, praise, and status. Based on this definition,…

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The Bible is the most popular and influential book in human history, read by billions across the world for thousands of years. However, many common ideas people assume are biblical have no scriptural basis at all. This 9000+ word article will examine popular misconceptions about what the Bible says and explain what it actually teaches on these topics. 1. Guardian Angels Many think every person has a guardian angel assigned to protect them, but the Bible never mentions individual guardian angels. Angels in Scripture primarily deliver God’s messages, assist believers, and praise God (Psalm 103:20-21, Luke 1:19, Hebrews 1:14). Nowhere…

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This is a complex theological question that requires delving deep into Scripture to understand. At its core, it relates to concepts of corporate responsibility, representation, federal headship, and imputation of sin and guilt in the Bible. The key biblical passages that speak to this topic are Leviticus 4, Leviticus 16, and parts of Exodus and Numbers. In these texts, we see laws and examples of sin offerings made on behalf of the entire nation of Israel for the sins of individuals, especially priests. The high priest in particular made atonement for the whole nation, not just for himself. There are…

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What was the sanctuary shekel? The sanctuary shekel was a unit of weight and currency used in the Tabernacle and Temple periods in ancient Israel. The Bible provides some key details about the sanctuary shekel: It was based on the standard shekel weight used at the time – likely around 11 grams (Exodus 30:13). It served as the currency to pay the temple tax and purchase sacrifices and offerings (Exodus 30:13-16). The sanctuary shekel was considered sacred and could not be used for ordinary commerce (Leviticus 27:25). It was tied to the shekel of the king and did not fluctuate…

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The Hospitaller Knights, also known as the Knights of Saint John, the Knights Hospitaller, the Knights of Rhodes, the Knights of Malta, and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, were a Catholic military order that traces its origins back to an 11th century hospital in Jerusalem dedicated to caring for sick, poor and injured pilgrims to the Holy Land. The order played an important role in the Crusades and eventually established themselves on Rhodes and later Malta, controlling the Mediterranean maritime trade routes. Here is an in-depth look at the history and legacy of this famous Catholic military order. Origins…

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Throughout history, solar and lunar eclipses have often been viewed as omens or harbingers of doom. Many cultures have associated eclipses with the endings of regimes, dynasties or entire civilizations. Therefore, it’s not surprising that many people wonder if eclipses, especially when they occur in clusters, could signify the approaching end of the world as we know it. The Bible features many examples of astronomical signs being used by God to communicate with humanity. As such, it’s only natural for believers to ponder whether an eclipse could have symbolic or prophetic significance concerning the end times. While the Bible does…

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