Author: Kerry Baysinger

Atheism is the disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods. The Bible has a lot to say about atheism, as it affirms the existence of God and presents arguments against those who deny His existence. Here are some key Bible verses about atheism: Verses affirming God’s existence The Bible repeatedly affirms that God exists and that only a fool would say otherwise: “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God'” (Psalm 14:1, 53:1 ESV). This is one of the most well-known verses about atheism, stating that those who do not believe in God’s…

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A prayer vigil is a time set aside for extended, intentional prayer and intercession. The purpose of a prayer vigil is to unite believers in focused prayer for a specific need or cause. Prayer vigils can vary in length from an hour to days, depending on the purpose. They are often held in times of crisis or critical need. Origins of Prayer Vigils The concept of a prayer vigil has ancient roots in Judeo-Christian history. In the Old Testament, Nehemiah stood vigil in prayer over the broken walls of Jerusalem before undertaking the task of rebuilding them (Nehemiah 1:4). The…

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Aging is an inevitable part of the human experience. As people grow older, they face new challenges related to health, family, work, and spirituality. The Bible contains wisdom and encouragement for people navigating the later seasons of life. Here are some key Bible passages about aging: 1. Growing in wisdom and favor with God “And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.” (Luke 2:52 ESV) Even as a child, Jesus grew continually in wisdom. The process of maturing and gaining wisdom does not end in youth but continues throughout life. As we age,…

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The Old Testament is the first major division of the Christian Bible. It is the collection of scriptures that recount God’s interaction with humanity before the coming of Jesus Christ. Some theologians and biblical scholars have suggested that “Old Testament” may not be the best name for this collection of writings and that “First Testament” would more accurately convey its relationship to the New Testament. There are a few reasons why some argue that “First Testament” is a better title: The word “old” can carry negative connotations of being outdated, primitive, or superseded. Calling these scriptures the “First Testament” recognizes…

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The question of what happens to us after we die is one that has captivated humanity since the beginning of time. For those of faith, the prospect of becoming an angel in the afterlife is an alluring one. However, what does the Bible actually say about this idea? Let’s explore what scripture reveals about whether humans become angels after death. Angels are a Separate Creation from Humans First, it is important to understand that the Bible depicts angels and humans as distinct creations of God. Genesis 1-2 describes how God created the heavens, the earth, and everything in them in…

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A religious order is a community of people who have dedicated themselves to following a particular rule of religious life. Throughout history, various religious orders have been established within different Christian denominations and traditions. While there is diversity among religious orders, they generally share some common elements and characteristics: Vows Most religious orders involve members taking vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. By taking a vow of poverty, members renounce personal ownership and commit to living a simple life focused on God rather than material possessions. A vow of chastity involves abstaining from marriage and sexual relations. Through a vow…

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Determining the date of the Israelite exodus from Egypt is a complex and controversial issue among biblical scholars. The Bible itself does not provide an exact date for when the exodus occurred. However, through careful analysis of biblical chronology and Egyptian history, scholars have proposed possible date ranges for when the seminal event may have taken place. The Old Testament provides several details related to dating the exodus, though none offer definitive proof. Exodus 12:40-41 states that the Israelites lived in Egypt for 430 years before the exodus. First Kings 6:1 then dates the exodus 480 years before Solomon began…

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Christian catacombs are underground burial places used by early Christians to bury their dead. The first Christian catacombs appeared in the 2nd century AD, when Christianity was still illegal in the Roman Empire. As Christianity spread and gained more followers, Christians needed places to bury their dead without drawing the attention of Roman authorities. Catacombs offered a discreet solution. The catacombs are made up of underground galleries and chambers that have been hollowed out of soft rock like tufa. There are over 40 known catacomb systems under Rome alone, comprising hundreds of miles of tunnels. The largest and most famous…

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Infidelity, also known as adultery or cheating, refers to being unfaithful in marriage. It involves one spouse having an intimate relationship with someone other than their husband or wife. Infidelity is consistently condemned throughout Scripture. Here are some key Bible verses about infidelity: Exodus 20:14 – “You shall not commit adultery.” This commandment given to Moses on Mount Sinai clearly prohibits adultery. It is one of the Ten Commandments outlining God’s moral law for His people. Proverbs 6:32-33 – “He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself. He will get wounds and dishonor, and his disgrace…

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The National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. (NBCUSA) is the largest predominantly African American Christian denomination in the United States. It was founded in 1886 and currently has an estimated membership of 7.5 million people within its congregations. The NBCUSA is headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee. The NBCUSA traces its origins back to the Foreign Mission Baptist Convention that was formed in 1880. In 1886, several black Baptist churches united to organize a new National Baptist Convention, USA to support missionary work and education. One of the key leaders was Rev. Elias Camp Morris who served as the first president of the…

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