Author: Kerry Baysinger

Caring for others, especially the sick, weak, and vulnerable, is a central theme throughout the Bible. Scripture makes it clear that serving and supporting those in need is an important way for Christians to live out their faith and honor God. Here are some of the key biblical principles about caregiving: 1. Caring for others is a form of serving God Jesus taught that caring for those in need is tantamount to caring for Him: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger…

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John Milton’s epic poem “Paradise Lost” tells the biblical story of the fall of man in expansive detail. The poem draws heavily from the book of Genesis in the Bible, expanding upon and imagining unseen details while remaining relatively faithful to the biblical text. Here is an overview of how “Paradise Lost” engages with biblical themes and stories: The Creation The poem opens with Satan and the other fallen angels in Hell after their rebellion against God. It then flashes back to tell the story of the creation of the world and of Adam and Eve in the Garden of…

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The title “King of kings and Lord of lords” is used to describe Jesus Christ several times in Scripture. This title signifies His supreme authority and sovereignty over all other rulers and authorities, both earthly and spiritual. Let’s explore the meaning and significance of this title in more detail: 1. It highlights Christ’s reign over all earthly authorities In calling Jesus the “King of kings,” Scripture acknowledges that there are other kings and rulers on earth. However, Jesus surpasses them all and reigns supreme over every earthly authority. As Revelation 19:16 declares, “On his robe and on his thigh he…

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Natural revelation refers to God revealing Himself through nature. The Bible teaches that God’s existence, power, and divine nature can be clearly seen through observing the natural world He created (Psalm 19:1-4; Romans 1:19-20). This is sometimes called “general revelation” since it is available to all people universally. Special revelation refers to God revealing Himself through direct means such as miracles, visions, dreams, prophets, Scripture, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no…

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The question of who was the first Jew is an interesting one that the Bible provides some insight into. Based on the Biblical accounts, most scholars believe the first Jew was likely Abraham, the patriarch of the Jewish people. However, there are also arguments that the first Jew may have been earlier biblical figures such as Noah or even Adam. The Case for Abraham as the First Jew The strongest case can be made for Abraham being the first Jew. Abraham is considered the father of the Jewish nation because it was with him that God made his covenant (Genesis…

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The phrase “root of Jesse” is mentioned a few times in the Bible, specifically in Isaiah 11:1 and 10. Jesse was the father of King David, so the “root of Jesse” refers to the messianic lineage of Jesus Christ tracing back to David. Here is a detailed explanation of the meaning and significance of the “root of Jesse” in the Bible: Literal Meaning The most literal meaning of the “root of Jesse” is the ancestral line or family tree of Jesse, who was the father of King David. We first learn about Jesse in 1 Samuel 16 when Samuel goes…

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Prevenient grace is a theological concept in Christian soteriology (study of salvation) that describes the grace given by God that precedes human decision. It is a doctrine affirmed by Arminian Christians who hold to a synergistic view of salvation, wherein God’s grace works together with human freedom to bring individuals to salvation. The doctrine of prevenient grace teaches that God’s grace comes before and enables the human will to choose to respond in faith to God’s offer of salvation in Jesus Christ. The term “prevenient” comes from the Latin word “praevenire” meaning “to come before” or “to precede.” Hence, prevenient…

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Jezebel was an infamous queen mentioned in the Bible, primarily in 1 and 2 Kings. She was a Phoenician princess who married King Ahab of Israel and became the queen of the northern kingdom of Israel during the 9th century BC. Jezebel’s story begins when she marries Ahab. Ahab was an evil king who did more to provoke the anger of God than any of the kings before him (1 Kings 16:33). Soon after their marriage, Jezebel begins promoting the worship of Baal and Asherah in Israel. These were Canaanite gods that Jezebel likely worshipped back in her home country…

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How can I find my spiritual calling? Discovering your spiritual calling is an important part of the Christian life. Here is a 9000 word guide on how to find your spiritual calling according to the Bible. What is a Spiritual Calling? A spiritual calling refers to a person’s unique purpose and mission in life as designed by God. It is the work or role that God has specifically prepared for each believer to carry out in service to Him. Scripture teaches that God has carefully crafted each person and gifted them accordingly to fulfill this calling. Ephesians 2:10 says “For…

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The Bible often uses the metaphor of vapor or mist to describe the brevity and fleeting nature of human life. This concept is found in several passages: James 4:14 “Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.” James compares our life to a mist that only appears for a short time and then quickly disappears. Life is incredibly brief when compared to the eternity of God. Our lives are just a vapor or wisp that is here one moment and gone…

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