Author: Kerry Baysinger

Paul, originally named Saul, was one of the most influential early Christian missionaries and leaders of the first century. He is credited with writing nearly half of the books of the New Testament and for spreading the gospel to the Gentiles (non-Jews). Here is an overview of Paul’s life and ministry according to the Bible: Paul’s Background Paul was born in the city of Tarsus, located in modern day Turkey (Acts 22:3). He came from a devout Jewish family of the tribe of Benjamin (Philippians 3:5) and was raised as a Pharisee, adhering strictly to the Law of Moses and…

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The Bible does not directly address whether it is morally wrong to kill spiders, insects, or other small creatures. However, there are some biblical principles that can provide guidance on this issue. Human dominion over animals In Genesis 1:26, God gives humans dominion over the fish, birds, livestock and all the creatures that move along the ground. This dominion means that humans have been granted a level of authority and stewardship over the animal kingdom. With this authority comes responsibility. Humans are called to exercise wise stewardship over creation, not exploit it carelessly (Genesis 2:15). So while humans have been…

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The celebration of Christmas is a long-held tradition for many Christians around the world. However, some believers question whether observing Christmas is appropriate or even biblical. What does the Bible say about celebrating Christmas? Here is an in-depth look at the arguments for and against Christians celebrating Christmas. The Origin of Christmas When evaluating Christmas, it is important to understand its origins. Christmas traditions include decorating Christmas trees, gift giving, Christmas carols, and the Santa Claus figure. However, none of these practices have their source in the Bible. In fact, many Christmas customs were adopted from pagan winter solstice celebrations.…

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A sluggard is a lazy, slothful person who procrastinates and wastes time rather than being diligent and hardworking. The Bible has a lot to say about sluggards and repeatedly warns against the dangers of slothfulness and laziness. Here is an in-depth look at what the Bible teaches about sluggards: The Book of Proverbs contains many verses condemning and warning against laziness and slothfulness. Proverbs 6:6-11 urges the sluggard to “go to the ant” and consider its ways. Ants work diligently and provide for themselves without having bosses or overseers. Yet sluggards will stay in bed and refuse to work despite…

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Experiencing abuse can make you feel confused, overwhelmed, and guilty. Even though you did nothing wrong, abuse has a way of distorting your perceptions and sense of self. The guilt you feel likely stems from the lies and manipulation of your abuser. Let’s explore what the Bible says about guilt, shame, and finding freedom in Christ. The Tactics of Abusers Breed False Guilt Abusers often blame their victims and make them feel responsible for the abuse. This implants a sense of guilt and shame even though the victim is not at fault. Abusers may say things like “You made me…

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The commandment “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor” is one of the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. It is found in Exodus 20:16 and Deuteronomy 5:20. This commandment prohibits lying or bearing false witness, especially in a court of law where someone’s life or livelihood is at stake. But it applies to all situations where false statements can harm others. There are several reasons why this commandment against false testimony is included in the Ten Commandments: 1. God values truth and honesty God is a God of truth who desires his people…

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The question of whether we will sleep in heaven is an interesting one that many Christians ponder. The Bible does not provide a definitive yes or no answer, but it does offer some clues that can help us think through this question. First, it is important to understand that heaven is a place of perfect rest and peace. After death, believers go to be with Christ, which is far better than anything we experience on earth (Philippians 1:23). There will be no more pain, suffering, sorrow or weariness in heaven (Revelation 21:4). Many Bible scholars believe this suggests that those…

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Paul’s third missionary journey was the most extensive of his journeys and took place between approximately 53-58 AD. After staying in Antioch for some time, Paul traveled through Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening the believers (Acts 18:23). He then came to Ephesus, where he stayed for almost three years. During his time in Ephesus, Paul taught regularly in the lecture hall of Tyrannus (Acts 19:9). As a result, the gospel spread rapidly throughout the province of Asia. God also did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their…

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The idea that everything is meaningless or without purpose is a common feeling that many people struggle with today. This concept is often associated with nihilism or existentialism – the belief that life has no inherent meaning or purpose. Where does this idea come from and what does the Bible have to say about it? The “everything is meaningless” perspective stems from a purely naturalistic worldview that sees human life as entirely accidental with no higher purpose. If we are just products of evolutionary forces and there is no God or spiritual reality, then it logically follows that our lives…

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Paul’s exhortation to “rejoice always” in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 is a call for Christians to cultivate an attitude of joy that transcends our circumstances. Though we will all face trials and hardship in this life, we can rejoice in the eternal hope we have through faith in Christ. Rejoicing always is rooted in gratitude for God’s grace and trust in His sovereign plan. The Context of 1 Thessalonians 5:16 Paul’s statement to “rejoice always” comes within his closing commands to the Thessalonian church. 1 Thessalonians was one of Paul’s earliest letters, written after he had preached the gospel in Thessalonica…

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