Author: Kerry Baysinger

Rahab is a prominent figure in the Bible, first mentioned in the book of Joshua. She was a Canaanite prostitute living in Jericho at the time when the Israelites were preparing to enter and conquer the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua. Some key facts about Rahab from the Bible include: Rahab hid the Israelite spies When Joshua sent two spies to the city of Jericho to scout the land, Rahab took them in and hid them from the king of Jericho, who was looking to capture them. Rahab lived in a house that was built into the city…

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This is a common question many Christians struggle with at some point in their walk with God. When we are facing trials and difficulties, it is natural to cry out to God for help and relief. Yet sometimes it can feel like our prayers are going unanswered and God is silent. This can lead to disappointment, confusion, and even anger towards God. However, there are several important biblical truths to keep in mind when pondering why God may seem unresponsive to our cries for help. God may be using the trial to grow our faith One of the primary reasons…

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The Bible has a lot to say about fools. Throughout Scripture, fools are portrayed as those who lack wisdom and discernment. They reject God and His ways, instead living according to their own flawed thinking and desires. The book of Proverbs especially focuses on the characteristics of fools and how to avoid foolish behavior. Here is an overview of some key Bible passages that discuss fools: Proverbs on Fools Proverbs contains many verses warning against foolishness and describing the traits of a fool. For example: “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man…

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Evangelism is the act of sharing the gospel and good news of Jesus Christ with others. It is a key part of the Christian faith, as Jesus commanded his disciples to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). Here are some key Bible verses about evangelism: The Great Commission As mentioned above, Matthew 28:19-20 contains Jesus’ commandment to his followers to spread the gospel worldwide. This passage is often referred to…

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Waiting can be one of the most difficult things for Christians. We live in an instant gratification society and having patience to wait on the Lord’s timing can be a real challenge. However, the Bible has a lot to say about waiting and why it’s important for our growth and character development as followers of Jesus. Waiting Tests and Develops Our Faith One of the key reasons God calls us to seasons of waiting is that it tests and grows our faith. Waiting on the Lord requires trusting in His perfect timing and believing that He is good even when…

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The marital status of the apostle Paul is a topic that generates much interest and debate among Bible scholars. While the Bible does not explicitly state whether Paul was ever married, there are clues in his writings and inferences from historical context that can shed light on this question. Here is an overview of the key evidence regarding Paul’s potential marriage: Paul’s writings In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul gives advice about marriage and singleness. He writes in verse 8, “To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single, as I am.” This…

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Spiritual death refers to separation from God. When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, humanity became spiritually dead and separated from God (Genesis 3). Since that time, every person has been born spiritually dead, inheriting the sin nature from Adam (Romans 5:12). Spiritual death means being alienated from the life of God (Ephesians 4:18). It is a state of being unable to respond to God, being insensitive to spiritual things, and being incapable of fellowship with Him. Spiritual death has several key characteristics according to the Bible: 1. Spiritual Blindness Spiritually dead people are blind to spiritual…

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The Bible does not directly address whether Christians should engage in pranking others. However, there are some biblical principles that can provide guidance on this issue. What is a Prank? A “prank” can be defined as a mischievous trick or practical joke. The intention is typically to surprise or confuse the “victim” in a humorous way, without causing real harm. Examples may include jumping out to startle someone, putting fake insects in their food, or other silly tricks meant in fun. Be Considerate of Others The Bible encourages Christians to be considerate of others and not cause them unnecessary distress.…

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The antichrist is an important eschatological figure that appears in various books of the Bible, most prominently in 1 and 2 John. Here are some key Bible verses about the antichrist: 1 John 2:18-22 “Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all…

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Cush is an important figure and place mentioned in the Bible. Here is a detailed look at the significance of Cush in 9000 words: Who was Cush in the Bible? Cush was the eldest son of Ham, who was one of the three sons of Noah (Genesis 10:6). After the great Flood, the descendants of Noah’s three sons – Shem, Ham, and Japheth – repopulated the earth. As Ham’s firstborn, Cush became the progenitor of several ancient tribes and kingdoms in the ancient Near East and Africa. There are two key individuals named Cush in the Bible: Cush the person…

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