Author: Kerry Baysinger

The book of Philippians is one of the Apostle Paul’s prison epistles, written around AD 60-62 while Paul was imprisoned in Rome. The church at Philippi was one of Paul’s most beloved churches that he helped establish during his second missionary journey (Acts 16:11-40). Paul wrote this letter to thank the Philippian church for their love, kindness and financial support. He also wanted to encourage them to live in unity and joy, and to warn them about false teachers who were promoting the need for Christians to be circumcised and follow the Law of Moses. Here is a brief summary…

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The Church of God in Christ (COGIC) is a Pentecostal-Holiness Christian denomination that was founded in 1897 in Lexington, Mississippi by Bishop Charles Harrison Mason. With over 6 million members in the United States and several million more worldwide, it is one of the largest Pentecostal denominations in the world. When evaluating any church or denomination, the key question that must be asked is – does it align with what the Bible teaches? There are several key areas we can analyze to determine if the COGIC’s doctrine and practices match up with Scripture. Doctrine of Salvation The COGIC teaches that…

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The verse in 2 Thessalonians 3:10 states “For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: ‘The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.'” This is a controversial verse that has led to much debate among Christians about what it means for work and provision. In this approximately 9000 word article, we will dive deep into the context, interpretation, and application of this verse to understand what the Bible teaches regarding the principle that those unwilling to work should not eat. To start, we must understand the context in which Paul wrote this statement to…

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I am a Mormon. Why should I consider becoming a Christian? As a Mormon, you likely have a strong faith in God and Jesus Christ. However, there are some key differences between Mormonism and Christianity that are worth considering. Here are some biblical reasons you may want to look further into Christianity: 1. The Bible is considered the sole, authoritative word of God in Christianity, not one of many sacred texts. Christians believe the Bible contains God’s complete revelation to mankind and is the sole source of divine authority (2 Timothy 3:16-17). While Mormons also value the Bible, they believe…

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A wave offering in the Bible refers to a specific type of offering or sacrifice mandated by God for the Israelites to perform. It was a ritual during which the worshiper would present an offering to God by waving it before the altar. The purpose and meaning behind the wave offering are deeply rooted in God’s instructions to Moses regarding the sacrificial system He was establishing for the Israelites. By looking closely at the biblical texts where wave offerings are mentioned, we can gain insight into the significance and symbolism of this unique act of worship. Instituting the Wave Offering…

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Religion is a major theme throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. The Bible provides insight into the purpose and problems of religion, true and false religion, and following God wholeheartedly versus just going through empty religious rituals. Overall, the Bible promotes having a personal, dynamic relationship with God rather than just adhering to a strict religious system. The purpose of religion According to the Bible, the purpose of religion is to connect people to God. Humans were created for relationship with God (Genesis 1:26-27), but sin separates people from God (Isaiah 59:2). Religion and religious rituals were instituted by…

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The term “Queen of Heaven” appears only twice in the Bible, both times in the book of Jeremiah. The context shows that this refers to a pagan goddess named Astarte who was worshipped by some of the people of Judah during the prophet Jeremiah’s time. Jeremiah warned the people against worshipping this false goddess and called them to repent and turn back to the true God of Israel. The first mention is in Jeremiah 7:18, where Jeremiah condemns the people for making offerings and pouring out drink offerings to other gods. He specifically mentions the Queen of Heaven as one…

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Eternal death refers to the final spiritual death and eternal separation from God that unrepentant sinners will experience after the final judgment. The Bible teaches that those who reject Christ’s sacrifice for their sins and do not trust in Him for salvation will face eternal punishment and destruction. While the concepts of hell and the lake of fire are sometimes used interchangeably, eternal death refers specifically to being cut off from God’s presence and the loss of eternal life. The Reality of Eternal Death The Bible makes it clear that eternal death and separation from God is a very real…

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Queen Mary I of England, the eldest daughter of King Henry VIII and his first wife Catherine of Aragon, is known to history as “Bloody Mary” due to the hundreds of Protestants who were executed during her reign in an attempt to restore Roman Catholicism in England. Mary’s harsh methods and fixated resolve earned her this notorious nickname, which has endured for centuries. When Henry VIII broke with Rome in the 1530s, England was transformed into a Protestant nation. Henry dissolved the monasteries, confiscated church lands, and made himself head of the new Church of England. After Henry’s death in…

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The statement “Let the dead bury the dead” is found in Luke 9:60. Jesus says this in response to a man who wants to follow Him but asks to go back and bury his father first. At first glance, Jesus’ reply seems harsh and uncaring. However, when we examine the context and meaning behind His words, we see that Jesus is making an important point about what it means to follow Him. The Context of Luke 9:60 In Luke 9, we find Jesus preparing to send out the twelve disciples to preach, teach, and heal throughout the region (Luke 9:1-6).…

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