Author: Kerry Baysinger

Anger is a complex emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. The Bible has a lot to say about anger, providing wisdom and insights into how to deal with it in a godly way. The Bible makes it clear that anger in and of itself is not sinful (Eph 4:26). Jesus himself expressed anger at times, like when he drove the money changers out of the temple (John 2:13-17). There are even examples of God’s anger in the Old Testament, often directed at sin and rebellion against Him (Ex 32:10-11). However, the Bible repeatedly warns about the dangers of…

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The Bible does not explicitly prohibit or condemn hunting animals for sport. However, there are some principles and passages that can provide wisdom and guidance for Christians on this issue. Stewardship and Dominion Over Animals In Genesis 1:26, God gives humans dominion over the fish, birds, and animals. This implies a level of stewardship and responsibility in how we treat animals. Sport hunting for mere recreation or thrill-seeking would not align with the role of a steward who is tasked with caring for creation. “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them…

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The book of Proverbs in the Bible contains many wise sayings and practical advice for living a godly life. Proverbs 27:2 states, “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.” This verse encourages humility and warns against self-promotion and arrogance. Here are some key points about the value of letting another praise you instead of praising yourself: It demonstrates humility. When you allow others to compliment you instead of touting your own horn, it shows humility and an attitude of service. Pride and self-promotion are displeasing to God (Proverbs 16:5, 18). It…

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The Geneva Bible is an English translation of the Bible that was produced by Protestant reformers in Geneva, Switzerland in the 16th century. It was the primary Bible used by English Protestants during the Elizabethan era and into the reign of King James I. Here is a detailed overview of the Geneva Bible: History and Origins The Geneva Bible was first published in 1560 by Protestant exiles who had fled persecution under Queen Mary I and taken refuge in Geneva. Among the translators were William Whittingham, Miles Coverdale, Christopher Goodman, Anthony Gilby, Thomas Sampson and William Cole. This team of…

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The verse Isaiah 54:17 says, “no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper.” This is a powerful promise that God makes to His people. But what exactly does it mean? Let’s explore this verse in context to better understand the meaning and application for believers today. The Context of Isaiah 54:17 Isaiah 54 falls within a section of the book of Isaiah often called the “Servant songs.” These refer to the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. The previous chapter, Isaiah 53, describes the suffering and crucifixion of Christ as a sacrifice for sins. Isaiah 54 then shifts to describe the…

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Judgment Day, also known as the Final Judgment, refers to the day of God’s final judgment of all humanity as described in the Bible. It is the day when Jesus Christ will return to earth and judge everyone who has ever lived. Here is an overview of what the Bible says about Judgment Day: It Will Happen at the End of the Age The Bible indicates that Judgment Day will take place after certain end time events occur. Jesus said “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,…

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Awana is a non-denominational, Bible-based organization focused on providing Bible-based evangelism and discipleship solutions for ages 2 through 18. The name Awana is derived from the first letters of “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed” from 2 Timothy 2:15 (ESV): “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” Awana clubs and programs offer a bible memorization program to help children, youth and teens learn and recite bible verses. The goal is to help young people develop a lifelong faith in Christ and knowledge…

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The Bible has a lot to say about giving to the poor and needy. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, God commands His people to care for the less fortunate and marginalized members of society. Here is an overview of some of the key biblical principles about giving to the poor: 1. Caring for the poor is commanded by God Numerous verses establish caring for the poor as a divine mandate, not merely a suggestion. For example, Proverbs 14:31 states, “Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him.” Similarly, Proverbs…

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The statement that “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” comes from Revelation 19:10, where an angel tells the apostle John, “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” This simple phrase is packed with deep meaning that sheds light on the nature and purpose of biblical prophecy. To understand what this verse means, we first need to understand what “the testimony of Jesus” is. The testimony of Jesus refers to everything Jesus did and taught during His earthly ministry as recorded in the Gospels. It encompasses His life, death, resurrection, teaching, miracles, character, and purpose.…

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The phrase “baptism of/by/with fire” appears several times in the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments. At its core, it refers to God’s act of purification, testing, and judgment. Fire is often used in the Bible as a metaphor for God’s presence, God’s approval, testing and refinement. Let’s explore the key passages that mention this concept and understand it’s meaning more fully: John the Baptist Foretells Jesus’ Baptism of Fire The first explicit mention of a “baptism with fire” is by John the Baptist in Matthew 3:11-12: “I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is…

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