Author: Kerry Baysinger

The question of whether God hates may seem surprising to some. After all, the Bible tells us repeatedly that “God is love” (1 John 4:8). However, there are also passages in Scripture that speak of God hating certain things and even certain people. What are we to make of this? Does a God of love also have the capacity to hate? To properly understand this issue, we must first recognize that because God is love, He loves what is good, right, pure, and holy. Therefore, He must by nature hate what is evil, wicked, impure, and unholy. God loves righteousness…

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Christians are called to serve others in many ways, not just within the walls of a church building. Here are some of the key opportunities for Christian service outside of the church: Serving in the Community There are countless ways for Christians to serve their local communities outside of the church. Some ideas include: Volunteering at homeless shelters or soup kitchens (Matthew 25:35) Tutoring underprivileged children or teaching English as a second language (James 1:27) Helping at food banks or meal distribution centers (Isaiah 58:10) Visiting the elderly in nursing homes (James 1:27) Mentoring troubled teens or those in prison…

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The phrase “unsearchable riches of Christ” is found in Ephesians 3:8, which says “To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ.” This verse provides insight into the incredible blessings and benefits that come from knowing Jesus Christ. The word “unsearchable” means that Christ’s riches are so vast that they cannot be fully explored or understood. His blessings and spiritual wealth have no limit and surpass human comprehension. Though we can experience and grasp some of it, we will never plumb the depths…

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Simulation theory is the idea that the universe we live in could be an advanced computer simulation created by a more technologically advanced civilization. This theory proposes that reality as we know it is not “base reality” but rather a highly complex and sophisticated simulation program designed to simulate life and consciousness. The theory questions our assumptions about the nature of existence and reality. The simulation hypothesis gained popularity following philosopher Nick Bostrom’s 2003 paper “Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?” Bostrom argued that at least one of the following propositions is likely true: Human civilization goes extinct before…

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The problem of evil is one of the most significant theological and philosophical challenges to Christian belief. Simply stated, the problem is that the existence of evil seems inconsistent with the existence of the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good God of the Bible. If God is all-powerful, He should be able to prevent evil. If God is all-knowing, He should foresee evil. If God is perfectly good, He should want to prevent evil. Yet evil exists. How can this be reconciled with belief in God? In the late 20th century, Christian philosopher Alvin Plantinga formulated an influential response known as the free…

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Being married to someone struggling with drug addiction can be incredibly difficult and painful. As their spouse, you likely feel a mix of anger, sadness, confusion, and helplessness. You want to help them but don’t know where to start. Rest assured, there is hope and healing available through Jesus Christ. The Bible does not specifically address being married to an addict, but it does provide guidance that can help. Here are some biblical principles to keep in mind: 1. Pray for your spouse consistently and specifically. Bring your spouse before God daily, asking for healing, deliverance, and restoration in their…

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The old adage “idle hands are the devil’s workshop” is a common phrase in modern culture that essentially means if you don’t have anything productive to do, you’re more likely to get into trouble. While this exact wording does not appear verbatim in the Bible, there are several passages that convey a similar sentiment. In this in-depth article, we will explore what the Bible does – and does not – say about the dangers of idleness and the value of keeping occupied. The Bible warns against laziness and slothfulness One of the closest biblical concepts to “idle hands are the…

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Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Day or Pancake Tuesday, is the day preceding Ash Wednesday, which marks the start of Lent in Western Christian churches. The word “shrove” comes from the Old English word “shriven,” which means to confess and receive absolution for sins. Here is an overview of the history, traditions, and significance of Shrove Tuesday according to the Bible: History of Shrove Tuesday The tradition of Shrove Tuesday dates back many centuries. In the Middle Ages, Lent was a time of fasting and repentance, so Shrove Tuesday became a last chance to use up eggs, fats, and…

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Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder, is a mental health condition where a person has two or more distinct personality states called alters. The Bible does not directly mention DID, but it does contain principles that can help us understand and respond to this condition with wisdom and compassion. 1. Human beings are created as whole persons Genesis 1:27 states that God created human beings, both male and female, in His own image. Being made in the image of God implies that we reflect His attributes in our design. This includes having an integrated personality that…

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The story of Job in the Bible deals with deep philosophical and theological questions surrounding suffering, the sovereignty of God, and the nature of righteousness. Central to the narrative are Job’s three friends – Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar – who come to comfort him in his affliction but end up engaging in a heated debate about the cause and meaning of Job’s suffering. Job’s friends make several key arguments attempting to explain Job’s downfall that end up being incorrect or incomplete. At the same time, amidst their faulty reasoning are kernels of truth about God’s character and wisdom that align…

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