Author: Kerry Baysinger

Evangelism, or sharing one’s faith with the goal of convincing others to become Christians, is an important calling for many believers. However, evangelizing atheists can be particularly challenging. Atheists often have firm reasons for their non-belief and may be resistant to religious arguments. Some Christians wonder if they should even try to convert avowed atheists. What does the Bible say on this matter? There are several biblical principles that provide guidance on this issue: 1. Christians are called to share the gospel with all people Jesus commands his followers in Matthew 28:19-20 to “go and make disciples of all nations,…

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The phrase “synagogue of Satan” is found in two passages in the book of Revelation (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9). In both passages, Jesus is speaking to the churches in Smyrna and Philadelphia and refers to Jewish opponents as belonging to the “synagogue of Satan.” To understand this phrase, we first need to understand the context. In the first century AD, Christianity emerged from Judaism as a new religious movement. The first Christians were Jews who believed Jesus was the promised Messiah. As Christianity spread, tensions grew between Christian and non-Christian Jews. By the end of the first century, Christians and…

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Manasseh was an important biblical figure who was one of the kings of Judah. He was the son of Hezekiah and his reign is described in 2 Kings 21 and 2 Chronicles 33. Here is a overview of the key things to know about Manasseh from the Bible: Manasseh’s Reign as King Manasseh began to reign as king of Judah when he was only 12 years old, and he reigned for 55 years, making his reign one of the longest in Judah’s history (2 Kings 21:1). He ascended the throne after the death of his father Hezekiah around 698-697 BC.…

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The cross is one of the most widely recognized symbols in the world, but what does it really mean? In Christianity, the cross represents the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and the salvation that His death brings to those who believe in Him. Here is an in-depth look at the biblical meaning and significance of the cross. The Cross in Biblical History Well before the time of Christ, crosses were used as instruments of cruel execution in the ancient world. Crucifixion was practiced by the Persians, Egyptians, Carthaginians, and Romans as a particularly painful and humiliating way to die. The…

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The story of the widow’s mite is found in Mark 12:41-44 and Luke 21:1-4. In this passage, Jesus observes a poor widow putting two small copper coins into the temple treasury. He then tells his disciples that this widow has put in more than all those who were contributing out of their wealth, because while they gave out of their abundance, she gave out of her poverty everything she had to live on. There are several important lessons we can learn from Jesus’ words about the widow’s offering: Giving sacrificially Jesus commends the widow for giving not just a portion…

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The Book of Revelation in the Bible contains prophecies about the end times. In chapters 8-9, the apostle John describes three specific woes that will come upon the earth during this future period of tribulation: The First Woe: Locusts from the Abyss The first woe is described in Revelation 9:1-12. An angel blows a trumpet and a star falls from heaven to earth. This star is given the key to the bottomless pit, also called the Abyss. When the pit is opened, smoke arises followed by locusts that are given power to torment people for five months. These are not…

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The Bible does not explicitly mention libel, which is the publication of a false statement that damages someone’s reputation. However, the Bible has much to say about truthfulness, honesty, integrity, and protecting one’s good name. Here is an overview of some relevant biblical principles regarding libel: The importance of truthfulness and honesty The Bible emphasizes the importance of speaking the truth and avoiding falsehood. “Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.” (Ephesians 4:25) “You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join…

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The Bible has a lot to say about revenge and how believers should respond when wronged. Overall, the Scriptures strongly discourage taking personal revenge and instead point us to trust God to resolve injustices in His timing. However, the Bible also prescribes appropriate God-honoring behavior for confronting harm and sins committed against us. Here is an in-depth look at 9000 words on what the Bible teaches about revenge: One of the most direct teachings on revenge comes from Romans 12:17-21 which says, “Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of…

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The Apostle Paul was undoubtedly a Jew. Though he was born in the city of Tarsus, located in modern day Turkey, Paul tells us himself that he was “circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews” (Philippians 3:5). This firmly establishes his Jewish lineage. As a devout Jew, Paul would have been raised with a thorough knowledge of the Hebrew scriptures and zeal for following the Mosaic law. Before becoming a follower of Jesus, Paul was a Pharisee and persecuted the early Christian church. His background as a Jew…

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The verse “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God'” first appears in Psalm 14:1 and is repeated in Psalm 53:1. This verse has profound meaning and application. At its core, it reveals the foolishness and dangerous implications of denying God’s existence. The Identity of the Fool First, we must identify who is being referred to as a “fool” in this verse. In the Bible, the word “fool” does not necessarily mean a silly or stupid person. Rather, it refers to someone who is morally deficient – someone who lacks godly wisdom and lives apart from God. As…

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