Author: Kerry Baysinger

Who was Norman Geisler? Norman Geisler (1932-2019) was an influential American Christian systematic theologian, philosopher, and apologist. He was a prolific author, writing over 90 books defending orthodox Christian beliefs and doctrines. Some key facts about Geisler’s life and ministry: – Born in 1932 in Michigan, Geisler committed his life to Christ as a teenager. He felt called to defend the Bible and historic Christian faith against skepticism and false teachings. – Earned a Ph.D. in philosophy from Loyola University in 1970, after studying at Wheaton College and Wayne State University. His doctoral dissertation was on the topic of ethics.…

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The topic of surrogacy is not directly addressed in the Bible. However, there are some principles from Scripture that can provide wisdom for Christians considering surrogacy arrangements. Here is an overview of 9000 words on what the Bible teaches related to being or using a surrogate mother: God is the Author of Life The Bible teaches that God is the author and sustainer of all human life. Human beings are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). As the creator of life, God cares deeply about how children come into this world and how they are treated. Any decisions…

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Ecclesiastes 10:19 states, “A feast is made for laughter, and wine makes merry; but money answers everything.” This verse has led some to conclude that the Bible teaches “money is the answer for everything.” However, a close examination of the verse in context shows this interpretation is misguided. Here is an in-depth look at what Ecclesiastes 10:19 really means. 1. The Book of Ecclesiastes First, some background about Ecclesiastes is helpful. This Old Testament book was likely written by King Solomon late in his life. Solomon recounts his lifelong pursuit of meaning through worldly pleasure, wealth, power, and wisdom. His…

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Delighting in God’s law is a key characteristic of the blessed person described in Psalm 1. At first glance, “delighting” in rules and regulations may not sound appealing. Yet this psalm shows that God’s law is life-giving and brings deep joy when embraced wholeheartedly. What does it mean to “delight” in God’s law? The Hebrew word used here conveys enjoyment, fondness, and pleasure. The blessed person treasures God’s instructions, finds satisfaction in following them, and is not merely outwardly obedient but inwardly delighted. Why delight in God’s law? 1. God’s law shows us how to live in line with his…

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Violence is unfortunately a common occurrence in our fallen world. From domestic abuse to terrorism to war between nations, acts of violence fill the daily news headlines. As Christians, how should we understand these acts from a biblical perspective? What does God say about violence? The Bible speaks extensively on the topic of violence. While the Bible does not gloss over the reality of violence in a sinful world, it clearly reveals God’s perspective on violence and how His people should respond. Violence Is a Result of Sin Genesis portrays the original created world as a place of peace and…

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The Hebrew word toledot (תולדות) is an important term that appears throughout the Old Testament. It is translated into English as “generations” or “account of” or “history of.” The toledots serve an important structural purpose in the Book of Genesis by introducing new sections and marking off narrative units. Understanding the toledots provides insight into the composition and purpose of Genesis. The Occurrences of Toledot in Genesis The word toledot occurs 11 times in Genesis, introducing sections as follows: Genesis 2:4 – “This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created” Genesis 5:1 – “This…

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How should Christians discipline their children? Disciplining children is an important part of parenting that all Christian parents must think carefully about. The Bible provides guidance on how to properly and lovingly discipline children in a way that honors God. Here are some key principles from Scripture on how Christians should approach disciplining their kids: Focus on the heart first. Discipline should aim to address the deeper heart issues behind a child’s behavior, not just outward actions. Proverbs 20:11 says “Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right.” Pay attention to both…

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Jesus Christ is referred to as a “rock of offense” in 1 Peter 2:8. This phrase means that Jesus and his message can be offensive or cause people to stumble. However, this rock imagery also conveys Jesus’ firmness, reliability and unchanging nature. Here is an explanation of the key aspects of how and why Jesus is a “rock of offense”: 1. Jesus’ Claims of Divinity and Authority Offended People During his earthly ministry, Jesus made bold claims that he was the divine Son of God and Messiah that the Old Testament prophets foretold (Matthew 16:16-17, Mark 14:61-64, John 8:58). Jesus…

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According to the Bible, God designed marriage and family with specific roles and responsibilities for both the husband and the wife. Here is an overview of the key biblical principles regarding the distinct yet complementary roles of husbands and wives. The Husband’s Role The Bible teaches that the husband is called to loving, humble headship and servant leadership in the home (Ephesians 5:23). This means he is to humbly lead by putting his wife and family’s needs above his own, and by sacrificially serving them as Christ served the church. Key aspects of the husband’s biblical role include: Spiritual leadership…

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The Bible has a great deal to say about the important role fathers play in the family and society. Here is an overview of the Bible’s key teachings on Christian fathers: Fathers Should Lead Their Families Spiritually The Bible repeatedly emphasizes that fathers have a duty to provide spiritual leadership for their families. They are called to teach their children about God and model a life of faith and godliness before them. For example, Ephesians 6:4 says, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” Fathers should take…

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