Author: Kerry Baysinger

The phrase “spare the rod, spoil the child” refers to the biblical concept of corporal punishment and discipline for children. It comes from Proverbs 13:24, which says “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.” The basic meaning is that if parents refrain from disciplining their children, it will lead to the children becoming spoiled, foolish, rebellious, and immoral. The “rod” refers to corporal punishment, like spanking. So sparing or avoiding the use of corporal punishment is seen as indulgent and irresponsible parenting that fails to correct a child’s…

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Mount Horeb, also known as Mount Sinai, is a mountain in the Sinai Peninsula that has great significance in the Bible. It is mentioned over 60 times in the Old Testament alone and is the location where some of the most monumental events in biblical history took place. Here are some of the key events and meanings associated with Mount Horeb in the Bible: The Giving of the Ten Commandments One of the most well-known events connected to Mount Horeb is God giving Moses the Ten Commandments. After freeing the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, God led them to Mount…

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The question of whether we should stand when the Bible is read during church services is one that Christians have differing opinions on. The Bible itself does not give a definitive command on this practice, so there is room for disagreement among believers. Looking at the relevant biblical passages and principles can help shine light on this issue. Those who argue in favor of standing for the reading of Scripture point to verses that speak of standing in reverence before God and His Word. Passages like Nehemiah 8:5-6 describe the people standing as the Book of the Law was read.…

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Long-distance relationships can be challenging for any couple, but Christians have biblical principles to guide them. Though physically apart, couples can still nurture their bond through prayer, communication and planning visits. With God at the center and a commitment to each other, relationships can still grow despite the miles. First, the Bible encourages believers to wait for God’s best in a spouse. While attraction and emotions often fuel new relationships, Christians should focus on character and commitment. As Proverbs 31:30 states, “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” This…

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Recognizing the guidance of the Holy Spirit is vital for every Christian. As Jesus told His disciples, the Holy Spirit would come to be their Counselor and Guide after He returned to the Father (John 14:15-17, 25-26). The Spirit reveals God’s truth to us, convicts us of sin, teaches us, and guides us into righteousness (John 16:7-15). Yet sometimes it can be difficult to discern whether we are being led by the Spirit, our own desires, or even deceiving spirits. So how can we recognize the Spirit’s leading in our lives? The Holy Spirit’s guidance will line up with Scripture…

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Hudson Taylor was a British Protestant Christian missionary to China who was instrumental in founding the China Inland Mission (CIM), an interdenominational Protestant Christian missionary society to undertake inland missionary work throughout China. During his 51 years of service in China, Taylor played a major role in bringing Christianity to the Chinese people. Some key facts about Hudson Taylor’s life and ministry include: Born in 1832 in Barnsley, England. His parents were devout Christians who raised him in the Methodist tradition. Felt called to missionary work in China from an early age. Studied to become a physician and surgeon to…

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Jeremiah 17:9 states, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (ESV). This verse is often quoted to emphasize the sinful, fallen nature of humanity. But what exactly does it mean that the human heart is “desperately wicked”? Examining the verse in context and understanding the original Hebrew terms provides insight into this profound biblical truth. The Context of Jeremiah 17:9 The book of Jeremiah records the prophecies given by the prophet Jeremiah leading up to and during the Babylonian exile of Judah. Jeremiah condemned the rampant idolatry of the people and foretold the…

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The American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA) is one of the largest Baptist denominations in the United States, with churches located across the country. The ABCUSA traces its history back to early English Baptists in the early 17th century. Here is an overview of the key beliefs, practices, history, and structure of the American Baptist Church: Beliefs and Practices American Baptists adhere to basic evangelical Christian beliefs, including: The Bible as the inspired and authoritative Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16) Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9) The Trinity – God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…

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Sanctifying grace is the grace that God gives to humans to sanctify and purify their souls, make them holy, and enable them to perform good works meritorious unto salvation. It is a habitual gift infused by God into the soul that makes the soul intrinsically righteous, beautiful, holy, and worthy of eternal life with God in heaven. Sanctifying grace is a free, unmerited gift from God and is entirely supernatural in its origin and operations. We cannot obtain it by our natural abilities alone, but only through faith and the sacraments instituted by Christ. It perfects the soul by making…

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Marriage is a sacred institution ordained by God, and Christian marriages should reflect the love, commitment, and values that God intends for the union between a man and woman. Here are some key ways that Christian marriages should be set apart: Centered on God A Christian marriage should have God at the center. The couple should share a common faith and commitment to following Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 6:14). They should make decisions prayerfully and seek to honor God with their relationship. Their ultimate purpose is to glorify God together (1 Corinthians 10:31). Roles and Responsibilities The Bible gives guidance…

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