Author: Kerry Baysinger

Adoration in the Bible refers to the act of worshipping, praising, and glorifying God. It involves an attitude of awe, reverence, and exaltation towards God’s supreme majesty, greatness, and holiness. The Bible exhorts believers to adore God for who He is and what He has done. The Nature of Adoration Adoration is more than just praise. It is a deep sense of wonder and fascination at the attributes and works of God. Adoration recognizes God’s infinite worth and surpassing glory. It is both an internal disposition and external expression of the soul towards God (Psalm 103:1). Adoration is giving God…

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Biblical archaeology has uncovered many fascinating discoveries that give us insights into the ancient world of the Bible. Here are some of the most exciting finds: The Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered in the 1940s and 50s in caves near the Dead Sea, the Dead Sea Scrolls represent the oldest known biblical manuscripts dating back over 2,000 years. They include fragments of every Old Testament book except Esther. Significant finds include the Isaiah Scroll containing the complete book of Isaiah, and fragments from commentaries, prayer books, and other texts from the Second Temple Period. These discoveries shed light on the transmission…

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The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, also known as the Church of the Resurrection, is a historic Christian church located within the Christian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. It is believed by many Christians to stand on the site of Jesus’ crucifixion and burial. The Church is sacred to both the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic branches of Christianity, as well as to the Oriental Orthodox, the Assyrian Church of the East, and the Ancient Church of the East. Various Christian denominations share governance of the site via arrangements known as the “status quo”. According to the New Testament,…

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The Bible has a lot to say about truth. At its core, truth refers to that which aligns with reality, is genuine, actual, and factual. It is the opposite of falsehood and error. In the Bible, truth is often used to describe the nature and words of God, who is the ultimate source of truth. Here’s an overview of some of the key biblical teachings on truth: God’s Nature is Truth God is repeatedly described as being true, faithful, and reliable. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). The entirety of God’s nature…

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Friendship evangelism refers to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with unbelievers through developing personal relationships and friendships. The goal is to build trust and rapport so that unbelievers can see the love of Christ demonstrated through the friendship before directly hearing the gospel message. This approach follows Jesus’ model of investing in people’s lives and meeting felt needs before asking them to follow Him. Some key principles of friendship evangelism include: – Developing authentic, caring friendships without an agenda. Friendship should not be pursued merely as a means to evangelize. – Listening well and asking good questions to understand…

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Studying the Bible is an important part of the Christian faith. There are many different methods and approaches to Bible study that allow people to dive deep into God’s word and apply it to their lives. Here are some of the main methods of Bible study: Book Studies Studying an entire book of the Bible from start to finish is a great way to understand the overall message and theme of the book. It allows you to see how the book fits into the larger story of the Bible. Some things to focus on in a book study include the…

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Y-Chromosomal Adam and Mitochondrial Eve are biblical concepts relating to the origins of humanity. Here is a 9000 word explanation of what the Bible teaches about these topics: Y-Chromosomal Adam The term “Y-Chromosomal Adam” refers to the most recent common ancestor from whom all living human males are descended patrilineally (tracing back only along male lines). This means that Y-Chromosomal Adam passed his Y chromosome onto his male offspring, who then passed it onto their male offspring, and so on over thousands of generations to living males today. The Y chromosome is passed from father to son relatively unchanged, allowing…

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Trajectory hermeneutics is an approach to biblical interpretation that considers the overall direction or trajectory of thought within the Bible on a particular issue. The basic premise is that while the Bible was written over many centuries by different authors in different cultural contexts, there is an overarching message and unfolding purpose in Scripture. As God progressively revealed His plan of salvation, certain practices and perspectives were challenged and reformed to align more fully with God’s ideals. Trajectory hermeneutics examines this redemptive trajectory within the Bible and seeks to apply its principles to ethical issues today. This method stands in…

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What does the Bible have to say to victims of human trafficking? Human trafficking is a horrific injustice that affects millions of people around the world. It is a form of modern-day slavery where victims are exploited for labor or commercial sex through force, fraud, or coercion. As Christians, we must understand what the Bible says about human trafficking in order to properly care for victims and work against this evil. First, the Bible makes it clear that human trafficking is a grievous sin. Exodus 21:16 says, “Whoever steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of…

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Group Bible study can be an incredibly valuable experience for Christians. Studying the Bible in community provides opportunities for learning, spiritual growth, fellowship, encouragement, and outreach that individual study alone cannot offer. Here are some of the key benefits of studying the Bible together in a group: Deepened Understanding of God’s Word When Christians gather together to study the Bible, they can pool their insights and discoveries in order to gain a fuller understanding of Scripture. As Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Listening to different perspectives on a passage and hashing out any…

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