Author: Kerry Baysinger

Biblical exegesis is the critical interpretation of the text of the Bible. It comes from the Greek word ἐξήγησις which means “explanation” or “interpretation”. Good biblical exegesis involves carefully examining the original languages, historical and cultural contexts, literary genres, and theology of Scripture to rightly understand and apply God’s Word. Here are 9 key principles for doing good biblical exegesis: 1. Prayerfully rely on the Holy Spirit Since the Bible is God’s Word, we need the illumination of the Holy Spirit to rightly interpret it (1 Corinthians 2:14-16). Pray for wisdom and understanding before studying a passage. Ask God to…

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What does it mean to love like Jesus? In order to understand what it means to love like Jesus, we must first look to the Bible to see how Jesus himself loved people. Jesus’ love was sacrificial, gracious, humble, compassionate, unconditional, merciful, patient, kind, gentle, welcoming, and transformative. Sacrificial Love: Jesus willingly left his heavenly throne to take on human flesh and ultimately give his life for us on the cross (Philippians 2:5-8). His great love led him to make the ultimate sacrifice for our salvation. We too are called to sacrifice our time, energy, desires, and resources to love…

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Progressive Christianity is a loosely defined movement within Christianity that seeks to reform or reinterpret traditional Christian beliefs and practices in light of modern circumstances and sensitivities. Some of the key characteristics of Progressive Christianity include: A focus on social justice issues like poverty, racism, sexism, etc. Progressives believe the church should be actively engaged in promoting social justice. Acceptance of LGBTQ identities and relationships. Progressives support full inclusion and affirmation of LGBTQ people in the church. Support for female leadership in the church. Progressives support gender equality and women in leadership positions in the church. A non-literal, critical approach…

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This is a complex question that does not have a simple yes or no answer. The Bible does not explicitly state whether a child conceived out of wedlock can be saved, but examining relevant biblical principles can provide insight. First, it is important to note that salvation is available to all people through faith in Jesus Christ. When Jesus died on the cross, he paid the penalty for the sins of all humanity (John 3:16). God desires for all to come to repentance and receive eternal life (2 Peter 3:9). This offer of salvation is open to all who believe,…

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The question of why God allows suffering is one that has perplexed believers and nonbelievers alike. If God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving, why does He allow pain, tragedy, and injustice in the world? The Bible provides some insights into this difficult issue. God Did Not Originally Create a World with Suffering According to the Bible, when God first created the world, there was no suffering or death. The book of Genesis describes the original creation as “very good” (Genesis 1:31). Humanity lived in a paradise called the Garden of Eden, in perfect relationship with God and one another. There…

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Change can be difficult. When faced with change, it’s normal to experience some resistance or reluctance. This resistance often stems from fear of the unknown, comfort with the status quo, or a lack of understanding about why the change is needed. Thankfully, the Bible offers wisdom and encouragement on how to embrace change rather than resist it. First, we must recognize that change is inevitable. Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us there is a season for everything under heaven – a time for every purpose under heaven. Change is woven into the fabric of life. We see this in the natural world…

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The New Testament addresses the topic of homosexuality in several passages, offering insights into how the early church understood and responded to same-sex relations in the context of their time. Here is an overview of the key New Testament texts that mention homosexuality and what we can learn from them: Romans 1:26-27 In Romans 1, Paul describes the sinful behavior of pagan Gentiles who rejected God and engaged in idolatry. As a result of their rebellion against God, He gave them over to impurity and degrading passions. This included homosexual behavior: For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable…

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The topic of whether Mary had other children besides Jesus is one that has been debated for centuries among Christians. The Bible does not explicitly state whether Mary had other biological children, so interpretations vary. There are a few key biblical passages that are often looked to when considering this question. Matthew 13:55-56 In Matthew 13:55-56, Jesus is teaching in the synagogue in Nazareth, and people are astonished at his wisdom and miracles. They say, “Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? And…

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The Bible does not explicitly prohibit or condone child marriage, as our modern understanding of children’s rights and appropriate ages for marriage differed greatly from ancient cultures. However, there are principles and examples in Scripture that can inform a biblical perspective on child marriage today. Cultural Context of Ancient Israel In ancient Israelite society, the age of betrothal and marriage for girls was generally young, sometimes as early as 12-14 years old. This was common practice in many ancient near eastern cultures and was not seen as improper at the time. However, just because something was culturally accepted does not…

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The Bible teaches that Christians have a responsibility to be mindful of how their actions and choices may impact others, especially fellow believers. This concept is sometimes summarized as “not causing others to stumble.” There are several passages in Scripture that address this idea. One of the clearest is Romans 14:13, which says “Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother.” (ESV) In this verse, Paul urges the Roman Christians to be sensitive to others’ weaknesses and susceptibilities. He warns…

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