Author: Kerry Baysinger

The fear of the Lord is a concept that appears numerous times throughout the Bible. It refers to having reverence, awe, and respect for God. The book of Proverbs especially emphasizes that the fear of the Lord is the beginning or foundation of wisdom. But what exactly does this mean and why is it so important? To truly understand the fear of the Lord, we must first recognize who God is. God is the eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing Creator of the universe. He is perfectly holy, righteous, and just. As Psalm 147:5 says, “Great is our Lord, and abundant in power;…

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The Haggadah (Hebrew: הַגָּדָה‎, “telling”) and Aggadah (Aramaic: אַגָּדָה‎) refer to non-legalistic interpretations and stories concerning the Hebrew Bible in Rabbinic Judaism. They offer explanations and expansions on the biblical narrative to provide inspiration, moral lessons, and insights into history and human nature. The Haggadah specifically refers to the text recited at the Passover Seder which recounts the story of the Exodus from Egypt. The term can also refer more broadly to the entire ritual of the Passover Seder night. The Haggadah contains the core narrative elements of the Exodus story, prayers, blessings, and ritual instructions for the Seder. It…

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The use of drums in church worship services is a topic that Christians have differing opinions about. Some believe drums should not be used at all in church, while others see no issue with incorporating drums into worship music. What does the Bible say about this topic? A thorough examination of Scripture reveals some helpful principles to consider. The Regulative Principle Some Christians hold to what is called the “regulative principle of worship.” This principle states that corporate worship services in the church should include only elements that are expressly authorized or commanded in Scripture. Those who hold to this…

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Baptism is an important step of obedience for every Christian. Jesus himself was baptized, even though he was without sin (Matthew 3:13-17). When we are baptized, we follow Christ’s example of obedience to God. Baptism is a public declaration of faith in Jesus Christ. It symbolizes the spiritual cleansing through the blood of Christ and the death of the old life without Christ and the beginning of a new life as a Christian (2 Corinthians 5:17). During baptism, a believer is immersed in water to identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:12). Baptism does not…

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The indwelling of the Holy Spirit refers to the Holy Spirit’s presence within believers in Jesus Christ. When a person puts their faith in Christ for salvation, the Holy Spirit comes to reside within that person (Romans 8:9). This indwelling is a key part of the Christian life and experience. There are several key things the Bible teaches about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit indwells all believers The Bible makes it clear that every person who has trusted in Jesus Christ for salvation has the Holy Spirit dwelling within them. Romans 8:9 says “You, however, are…

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The question of whether baptism is necessary for salvation is an important one that Christians have wrestled with throughout church history. There are differing views on this issue, with some believing baptism is absolutely essential for salvation, while others see it as an important act of obedience for believers but not a prerequisite for salvation itself. When examining what the Bible teaches on this topic, there are a few key points to consider: 1. The purpose and meaning of baptism In the New Testament, baptism is closely tied to conversion, repentance, and the beginning of the Christian life. Jesus Himself…

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The Bible speaks of different types of love, each with their own importance and significance. Here are some of the major kinds of love found in Scripture: 1. Eros – Romantic/Sexual Love The Greek word “eros” refers to passionate, intimate, romantic love between husband and wife. Song of Solomon beautifully portrays the physical and emotional intimacy in marriage. Verses like “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine” (Song 1:2) demonstrate eros. While society often twists eros into lust, God designed it as a sacred expression of love between spouses. 2.…

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Short-term missions trips have become increasingly popular in recent decades as a way for Christians to serve God and share their faith in another cultural context for a short period of time. Typically lasting anywhere from one week to a few months, short-term missions offer opportunities for hands-on service, cross-cultural experiences, and spreading the gospel message. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages to short-term missions that should be carefully considered. Potential Pros of Short-Term Missions There are many potential benefits that can come from participating in a short-term missions trip. Here are some of the main pros that advocates…

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The Romans Road to salvation is a set of Bible verses from the book of Romans that present the plan of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. This simple yet powerful method of explaining the gospel has been used for decades to explain to people how they can be saved according to the Bible. The core of the Romans Road outlines the key truths of the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ and is an easy way to remember the important doctrines of the Christian faith. Let’s take a look at the main verses in Romans used in the…

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God’s provision for His people is a central theme throughout the Bible. From the very beginning, we see God providing for the needs of His creation. In Genesis 1, God created the heavens, the earth, and everything in them to provide for man. He created plants, animals, and natural resources to sustain human life. Even in the Garden of Eden, before sin entered the world, God provided food, work, companionship, and everything else Adam and Eve needed. After the fall, provision became more difficult due to the curse on creation, but God continued to provide. He clothed Adam and Eve…

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