Author: Kerry Baysinger

Adultery is a grievous sin that deeply wounds a marriage and family. When an adulterous affair also results in a child, it further complicates an already devastating situation. As Christians, how should we respond in a godly manner? First and foremost, we must remember that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Though adultery is extremely hurtful, we are called to forgiveness just as we have been forgiven by Christ (Ephesians 4:32). The betrayed spouse will likely struggle with emotions of anger, betrayal and bitterness. They need support and wisdom from the church family…

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The Bible does not provide a detailed physical description of what Jesus looked like during his time on earth. However, based on biblical references and historical context, we can piece together a general idea of Jesus’ appearance and traits. Jesus Was a Jewish Man Living in 1st Century Palestine Since Jesus was a Jew living in 1st century Palestine, he likely looked like a typical Jewish man of his time and place. He was raised in Nazareth in Galilee, so he would have had features common among other Galilean Jews. In terms of ethnicity, Jesus was a Semite. The dominant…

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Collective salvation is the belief that salvation is gained corporately rather than individually. It emphasizes community redemption over personal redemption. This concept has roots in both the Old and New Testaments. In the Old Testament, God chose the nation of Israel to be His people and enter into a covenant relationship with them. Throughout the OT, Israel’s blessings and judgments were often corporate – the whole nation was punished or rewarded based on their obedience as a people (Deuteronomy 28-30). Even though individuals sinned, God still dealt with Israel as a collective group. The New Testament continues this corporate theme.…

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The topic of whether Jesus prays for us is an important one for Christians to understand. The Bible provides insight into this question, revealing that Jesus does indeed pray for believers. By exploring what the Bible says about Jesus as our intercessor and high priest, we can grasp the comfort and hope that comes from knowing Christ prays for us. Jesus Prays for His Followers In John 17, we find one of the most direct examples of Jesus praying for his followers. This passage records Jesus’ prayer the night before His crucifixion. In it, He specifically prays for protection, unity,…

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The Bible teaches that one of the primary roles of the Holy Spirit is to convict people in the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. This is described by Jesus in John 16:8, where He says, “And when he [the Holy Spirit] comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.” So what exactly does this mean? Let’s explore each aspect of the Spirit’s convicting work: Convicting of Sin First, the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin. To “convict” means to show someone that they are guilty of something. When the Spirit convicts of sin, it…

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This is a complex question that does not have a simple “yes” or “no” answer according to the Bible. There are various factors to consider when a married couple is deciding whether to attend the same church or separate churches. On one hand, the Bible emphasizes unity within marriage and within the body of Christ. Attending the same church can promote closeness and shared spiritual growth between spouses. However, the Bible does not expressly command husbands and wives to attend the same church. There can be legitimate reasons for attending separate churches, such as differences in denominational beliefs, worship style…

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Sharing the gospel with others can seem daunting, but it is an important calling for all Christians. When sharing the gospel, it is important to rely on God’s wisdom and guidance through prayer, focus on developing relationships, and share the message of Christ with gentleness and respect. Here are some tips for effectively sharing the gospel with different groups of people: Sharing the Gospel with Family Members For many believers, sharing the gospel with family members can be intimidating. Pray and ask God to give you wisdom about when and how to share your faith. Look for opportunities to bring…

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The books of Ezra and Nehemiah present some numerical differences that have puzzled Bible scholars for centuries. These differences mainly relate to the counts of returnees from the Babylonian exile and amounts of offerings given for the rebuilding of the temple. Let’s take a close look at the key numbers and explore some possible explanations for the discrepancies. The Number of Returning Exiles Ezra 2 provides a detailed registry of the exiles who returned from Babylon to Jerusalem under the leadership of Zerubbabel. This list includes totals of 42,360 people (Ezra 2:64), not including their servants and maids of whom…

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Fasting is a spiritual discipline that involves voluntarily abstaining from food for a period of time. It’s mentioned numerous times throughout the Bible, especially in relation to prayer and seeking God. Here’s an overview of what the Bible says about fasting: Types of Fasting There are several kinds of fasts described in the Bible: Normal fast – Abstaining from all food, but not water (Matthew 4:2, Luke 4:2) Partial fast – Restricting diet but not abstaining completely (Daniel 10:3) Juice fast – Only drinking fruit or vegetable juices (Esther 4:16) Sexual fast – Abstaining from sexual relations (1 Corinthians 7:5)…

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Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that was developed over 200 years ago. It is based on the beliefs that “like cures like” – meaning a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat similar symptoms in an ill person – and that extremely diluted preparations of these substances can retain their healing properties. Homeopathy has garnered both skepticism and advocacy over the years. As Christians seek to understand homeopathy and make wise healthcare choices, the Bible provides helpful principles even if it does not directly address this specific practice. First, the Bible encourages…

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