Author: Kerry Baysinger

Shem was one of the three sons of Noah, along with Japheth and Ham, who were born before the Flood and survived the Flood with their father on the ark (Genesis 5:32, 6:10). Shem was the middle son, with Japheth being the oldest and Ham being the youngest (Genesis 9:24). The Bible first introduces Shem, along with his brothers, in Genesis 5:32: “After Noah was 500 years old, he became the father of Shem, Ham and Japheth.” We are not told anything else about Shem’s birth or early life. The next time we read about Shem is right before the…

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The question of how Moses could have written the book of Deuteronomy, which records his own death, is an interesting one. Here is a 9000 word examination of what the Bible tells us about this topic: The book of Deuteronomy consists mainly of three lengthy speeches or sermons given by Moses to the Israelites before they entered the Promised Land. The first speech reviews the 40 years of wilderness wanderings. The second speech reiterates the Ten Commandments and presents the core laws of the covenant. The third speech warns the people to remain faithful to God. The setting is on…

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Is it a Sin to be Rich? The Bible has a lot to say about money and riches. There are verses warning about the dangers of wealth, but also verses showing that wealth in itself is not sinful. This article will attempt to offer a balanced biblical perspective on whether it is a sin to be rich. To start, we should clarify that the Bible does not condemn merely being wealthy. Abraham, Job, Joseph, David, Solomon, and others were very rich, yet also godly men. The Bible affirms that God can bless people with prosperity (Deuteronomy 8:18, 28:11-12). Financial success…

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Genetic engineering is the direct manipulation of an organism’s genome using biotechnology. This involves modifying the genetic makeup of cells to produce improved or novel organisms. Some examples of genetic engineering include gene therapy to treat genetic diseases, creating transgenic crops that are resistant to pests and disease, and cloning animals. As genetic engineering technologies continue to advance rapidly, questions arise regarding how Christians should view these developments from a biblical perspective. When approaching emerging technologies like genetic engineering, the Bible provides principles that Christians can apply. However, the Bible does not directly address many modern scientific advances since these…

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Marriage is a sacred covenant between a man and woman instituted by God (Genesis 2:24). However, many married couples struggle with unhappiness at times for various reasons. The Bible offers guidance on how to navigate difficulties in marriage with faith, hope, and love. God designed marriage and takes it seriously God created marriage and cares deeply about its wellbeing. Genesis 2:18 says, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Marriage was part of God’s perfect design from the beginning. Jesus reiterates God’s intent for marital permanence in Matthew 19:4-6,…

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Social ethics refers to the moral principles and standards that guide behavior in the context of society. It encompasses ideas about right and wrong, good and bad, virtues and vices when interacting with others. The Bible provides foundational teachings on social ethics that remain highly relevant today. At the heart of biblical social ethics is the call to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:39). This means caring for others and actively seeking their good. It requires looking beyond our own interests to consider how our actions impact those around us. The Bible condemns selfishness and promotes sacrificial love that…

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Money is a significant topic in marriage that can lead to conflict if not handled biblically. The Bible provides principles and practical guidance for married couples on managing finances together in a God-honoring way. Acknowledge that God Owns Everything The starting point is recognizing that God owns everything we have. King David prayed, “Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all…For all things come from you, and of your own have we given you” (1 Chronicles 29:12,14). As stewards, we are to use what God entrusts to us for His purposes and glory. Be Open and…

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The question of why God will not share His glory with another is an important theological issue that is directly addressed in Isaiah 42:8, which states: “I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.” This verse succinctly captures a fundamental truth about God’s nature – He alone is worthy of glory, praise and worship. As the one true God, the creator and sustainer of all things, He will not allow the worship and adoration due to Him to be given to false gods or idols. Unpacking this…

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Deontological ethics, also known as deontology, is an approach to ethics that focuses on the inherent rightness or wrongness of actions themselves, as opposed to the consequences of those actions. The word “deontology” comes from the Greek words for “duty” (deon) and “science” (logos). According to deontological ethics, certain actions are right or wrong in themselves, regardless of their consequences. For example, deontologists believe that keeping promises and telling the truth are morally obligatory regardless of the outcomes. The most well-known version of deontological ethics comes from the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, who argued that the supreme principle of morality…

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The question of whether God killing people makes Him a murderer is a complex theological issue that has been debated for centuries. There are several key considerations when examining this topic from a biblical perspective: God is the author and giver of life The Bible teaches that God is the creator and sustainer of all life (Genesis 1:27, Acts 17:28). As the author of life, God has the right to give and take it away according to His purposes and plans. Humans only have life because God grants it to them out of His grace and mercy (Psalm 104:29-30, Job…

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