Author: Kerry Baysinger

Christian nationalism is the belief that the American nation is defined by Christianity and that the government should take active steps to keep it that way. This ideology asserts that America has always been and must remain a Christian nation founded on biblical principles. Adherents of Christian nationalism want policies that favor Christianity and its values in the public sphere. The Bible does not explicitly mention nations founded on the Christian faith. However, it does provide principles for how believers should relate to governing authorities and how nations should act morally. The New Testament calls Christians to submit to governing…

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The book of Proverbs in the Bible contains many wise sayings and practical advice for living a godly life. Proverbs 23:10 specifically advises us not to move ancient landmarks or encroach on the fields of orphans. In ancient Israel, property boundaries were often marked by stone pillars or other markers called “landmarks.” Moving these was akin to stealing land from your neighbor. God warned the Israelites against this in Deuteronomy 19:14, which says, “You shall not move your neighbor’s landmark, which the men of old have set.” By referencing “ancient” landmarks, Proverbs 23:10 is emphasizing long-established property lines that have…

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The question of whether Jesus is our brother is an important one for Christians to consider. The Bible has much to say about Jesus’ relationship to humanity that can help us understand this issue more fully. In one sense, Jesus is not our literal biological brother. He is the eternal Son of God who took on human flesh and was born of the virgin Mary (John 1:1-14). His Father is God the Father, not a human father. So biologically speaking, Jesus does not share the same earthly father or mother as the rest of humanity. He is unique in His…

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The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is the Word of God and that the Bible itself is also the Word of God. This seems confusing at first, but when properly understood, shows the beauty and power of God’s revelation to mankind. Jesus Christ as the Word of God refers to Jesus being the perfect revelation of God’s nature and truth to humanity (John 1:1, 14). Jesus came to perfectly reveal the Father, to speak the very words of God, and to manifest God’s glory on earth (John 14:9; John 7:16; John 1:14). Jesus as the incarnate Word demonstrates God’s love,…

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Praying for the peace of Jerusalem is an important topic for Christians. The Bible encourages believers to pray for the city’s wellbeing and prosperity. There are several key reasons why Christians should make Jerusalem a focus of their prayers. Jerusalem Has Spiritual Significance Jerusalem is a city of great spiritual importance. It is considered a holy city by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. For Christians specifically, Jerusalem is significant because of its connection to Jesus Christ and events in the New Testament. Jesus wept over the city (Luke 19:41) and prophesied its destruction (Matthew 24:2). After his resurrection, Jesus appeared…

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Progressive creationism is the belief that God created the universe and life on Earth over an extended period of time, through a series of creative acts. This view stands in contrast to young earth creationism, which holds that God created the universe and life on Earth in six literal 24-hour days a few thousand years ago. Progressive creationism accepts mainstream scientific estimates of the age of the universe and Earth of billions of years but holds that God intervened at key points over these vast timescales to create new forms of life. Some of the key aspects of progressive creationism…

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The Investiture Controversy was a significant conflict between church and state in medieval Europe that lasted from the 11th to 12th centuries. At its core, it involved the question of who had the authority to appoint (invest) bishops and abbots – secular rulers or the Pope and the church hierarchy. This seemingly small matter of investiture had huge ramifications for the balance of power between kings and the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. In the centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire, secular kings and nobles had gained considerable control over the appointment of church officials in their…

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How old is God? The age of God is a complex theological question that the Bible does not directly answer with a specific number or timeframe. However, through careful study of Scripture, we can glean some insights into God’s eternal nature and existence outside of human constraints like time. In the Bible, God is described as eternal, having no beginning or end (Psalm 90:2). He is the “Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end” who is, who was, and who is to come (Revelation 1:8). These verses indicate that God exists beyond the bounds of time as we know…

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# What is pharmakeia in the Bible? Pharmakeia is a Greek word that appears several times in the New Testament, often translated as “sorcery” or “witchcraft” in English translations. The root meaning of pharmakeia relates to the use of drugs, potions, spells, and magical arts. Understanding the meaning and uses of pharmakeia in the Bible can shed light on biblical views towards the occult, drug use, and illicit activities. ## Occurrences of pharmakeia in the New Testament The word pharmakeia appears three times in the New Testament: – Galatians 5:20 – It is listed among the “works of the flesh”…

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The question of whether it is appropriate for a woman to propose to a man is an interesting one that deserves careful consideration in light of biblical principles. There are good arguments on both sides of this issue, and sincere Christians can reasonably disagree. On the one hand, some argue that the Bible establishes a pattern of men taking spiritual leadership and initiative in relationships. For example, Adam was created first and then Eve was created as a helper for him (Genesis 2:18). Throughout Scripture, God often refers to Israel as his bride and pictures himself as the initiator who…

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